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Tópico: Still no response on the crashes. - Page: 1

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This is what kills me, even after the existance of the phantom crashes were proven by awesome, no response from the developers. Those crashes really hinder my performances. I paid to use all the features in the program, not wish they were working.

Mensajes Thu 17 Mar 05 @ 7:22 pm
Hey blackgold9. I wouldn't expect to see any response from support regarding the crashes. In fact, I don't even post about them anymore. I think I've proven my point, especially with all the other users who've backed me up on it. I think the only response you will see will be in the way of a program update, which I am personally looking very forward to.

I agree, I know that there are those that would think that the developers would read and respond on the forum. Now, they might read it, but I am sure that the only responses they will provide is through *chough* e-service *choke/cough*. Now I am not suggesting flooding of e-service and don't even recommend doing so, however; you should make your problem known. And, being that it has been awhile since the last update, I can only conclude they are having as much trouble isolating the problem as we have in recreating the problem.


The problem is known i assure you!

Matter of fact, I would probably recommend that we stop talking about crashes in the forums. It certainly can't be making atomix happy, and it scares new users when they come in and read about people experiencing crashes. I think scaring users into not using VDJ can't be good, especially when odds say they probably will never see a crash anyway. Remember, the more people who buy the program, the more money atomix has to develop and enhance (bugfix) it.

Thats true in the spirit of his message...


No, seriously- the only reason I'd ever stick with a DJ program that has a random tendency to crash, and only costs about 100 bucks, really, is because it's SO damn good.

I must admit it is quite disappointing to find that a software that I've been saving for doesn't work properly. There is no doubt in my mind that virtual dj is the best live performing dj software ex the crashing.

I havnt been able to reciprocate a crash when I try but funnily enough it crashes when you least expect it to.

I certainly hope this problem will be fixed in my lifetime.

"Matter of fact, I would probably recommend that we stop talking about crashes in the forums."

I couldn't disagree more. If 10,000 people buy this program tomorrow assuming it to be clean and bug free, and 1,000 of them have the mysterious crash and start talking about it, this program will never become mainstream. It will die as they spread their discontent around their own real life DJ circles and internet forums.

However, if only 100 of those 10,000 decide to take a chance after reading these forums with full disclosure to the ugly side of the software, that is much more beneficial to Atomix. Those 100 can at least tell their friends and DJ contacts about what VDJ *could be* in the future when a few key bugs are cleaned up. They certainly won't be as harsh in their evaluation as they would be after being blindsided by the bugs after reading a forum full of fanboys.

Besides, they already have our money. Our discontent is only as valid as the amount of money it costs them by means of bad publicity. There's really no other incentive for a for-profit company to cater to its current users. It doesn't cost Atomix a dime if you or I decide to switch to Final Scratch tomorrow (believe me, I'm not endorsing FS!!).

That being said, I DO love this program. I use it probably 10-15 hours every single week. It just drives me absolutely mad to see them so close to greatness, but seemingly unwilling to pull the final few things together to put themselves over the top. If Atomix wants to put a pretty picture on these bugs, they can do so by showing their prospective customers that they are aware, and actively pursuing these problems, or talk about future features, etc. Burying your head in the sand has never, ever, helped a company grow into a long term success.


"...I wouldn't expect to see any response from support regarding the crashes..."

come on!!! you know the developers will do all they can, to make sure any crash will not happen...

But as you might know, the PC platform have a LOT of different hardware, drivers etc, so there might be issues to be ironed out yet... And the Dev Team works hard to do just that!

I can tell you, cross my heart, that I have never had such crashes....
I use VDJ live at gigs 3 times a week! :)

I can assure you all that Dev Team is the #1 development team when it comes to DJ software, and all that have been here a while, knows thats a fact :) look how far virtualdj have gone in just about one year... you can imagine the future ;)

I can assure you all that Dev Team are doing all it can to look into preventing ANY crash from happening, and they have done a GREAT job so far... as thousands of users have same experience as me, NEVER any crash..

but still, those few still having problems, will be fixed!! :)

Don't get me wrong, I understand the magnitude of aproject such as vdj. I'm a programmer myself. What bugs me most is not that they HAVE the problem (which can be worked around if you walk on eggshells), but rather, its the fact that I havent gotten a real response on it. There hasnt been a single word in MONTHS About a new patch. THATS the disappointing part. I LOVE Vdj, it enables me to do some amazing things. Im fairly sure we'd all be a lot happier if the devs were just a little more interactive.

about updates/patches, give them the time they need.
Other companies update their software once in a year, why you expect from Atomix to update every month ? They are really flexible and fast on this compared to others.
I really trust and support them, even if at the same time i prepare to post a bug about the bad scratching sound i hear with my TCV's.
That's the way it works.

And yes, no crasches for me and i use it 6 times a week, 6 hours sets : 6x6 =36 hours a week.


Other companies that release updates once a year have mature, STABLE products, like say... Office.
In its current form, virtual dj is not stable for me or for a number of other dj's. Stability is CRITICAL in a live environment.
What you're saying is because it dosent crash for YOU, we should relax and be patient?
I love atomix, I love vdj, but ignoring major issues just because I like the guys that made it? Not happening.

This is not new. I reported the crashes 8 months ago and the board members all told me it was my memory. so I went out and bought 512MB of RAM. it helped but did not cure the problem

Exactly my point. Eight months ago. I reported to e-service 9 months ago.

I reported my crashing problem to e-service on Feb. 5th 2005. I was very detailed in my explanation, as you all know I can be long-winded. A few days later I updated my e-service request with a video of the crash happening. I have not heard a single word in response in over a month. And really, I don't care if I do or not. I just want the problem to go away.

I can assure you dev team is working in it ;) they are for sure not just sleeping... lol :)

new patches and updates will come, soon... and the software will continue to develop for sure :)


and also.... updates and patches so far have all been free :) show the dedication of the dev team to make all customers happy! they dont charge anything for updates and even upgrades...

one of you mentioned Office.. or you can also mention other dj soft... it costs money for all customers when new version is around...

VDJ havent costed a thing for any paying customer so far, for the reason of making most possible customers happy, and having a great working dj app with no bugs...
so far thousands have no problems at all, and those who still have, be patient :) fixes will come and keep comming :)

believe it or not, a decent response from support is all i wanted.
Im actually much happier just being responded to.

ok well it wasnt 8 months ago but it was some time back. I would gladly kick in a few bucks to support the development of this product. But stabiluty should be FREE


true... :) agree with you wireless

and... "..decent response from support .."

We are trying as hard as we can ;) believe me....
Crash issues are very hard to answer... if it was easy, the problem would have been solved long time ago :) most users dont have any problems, like me... but we are all working hard to make it work best possible for anybody, under any pc hardware or driver settings... :)

If you feel a lack of response from Support or E-service, I'll be the fist to say I'm sorry...
But its not always easy to answer such issues, as the problem is not a clear one, and dev team is working on ironing out any case of such problems..

But again, if you did not get any reply, sorry :)
