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Tema: New Skin VMS4PRO - Page: 8

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Another Tip..

About the Touch Strip Sliders.. you can map them as FX sliders, or Songpos, or anything you like.

Dont try to assign using the KeyLearn, you will get another Midi. Chose from the DropDown List the TOUCHSLIDER and assign.

effect slider 1
or..anything else.

Mensajes Thu 11 Nov 10 @ 7:04 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005

Mensajes Sat 20 Nov 10 @ 8:53 pm
Help why doesnt it download and how can I download it I have the VMS4 but not this awesome skin.

Mensajes Tue 23 Nov 10 @ 5:45 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Please register your VMS4 LE VirtualdJ in your profile.

You can also upgrade to Pro Version in order to be able to download all the skins, plugins etc from the web site.

Mensajes Tue 23 Nov 10 @ 5:48 am
djranesPRO InfinityMember since 2007

I love the VMS4 2.1 skin.
It seems the skin doesn't have focus (highlighted color) on the waveform when selecting a default deck.
For example: Deck1 is on play while Deck2 is on CUE, Deck2 waveform color should be more brighter than the Deck1.
Or did I miss something.

Mensajes Wed 24 Nov 10 @ 5:25 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
You re right. I will fix this in next update. I will wait until 7.1 (whenever it comes) in case something changes in the new rhtyhmzone or else i will go back to old display way which helps viewing especially in overlapping

Mensajes Wed 24 Nov 10 @ 8:18 am
johansPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Hi DJdad,

Love the VMS4 2.1 skin, very good job specially with your mapper.
Now we can use all the power of the VMS4.

I have a request: Would it be possible to make the skin in 1920x1080 resolution.
Just ordered a new monitor and that is his native resolution, it would be great to have a VMS skin with the correct size.

Many thanks.


Mensajes Thu 25 Nov 10 @ 3:42 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
I'm afraid i am not allowed to upload a 4th resolution. You can use the Skin Resizer Tool.
In case the results are not acceptable (bugs, graphics, etc) you can send me by email the Skin Resizer Tool Results, and i make sure you get 100% working skin + HD bmp file.
I hope that helps.


Mensajes Thu 25 Nov 10 @ 6:26 pm
johansPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Ok Thanks, I will use the resizer tool and check the results (Will be next week as the new monitor is arriving next Tuesday)
I'll contact you in case of problems.

Mensajes Fri 26 Nov 10 @ 5:28 am
johansPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Proart, thanks for uploading the VMS4 skin in 1920x1080 resolution. works great. Ofcourse thanks also to DJDad who took the initiative for the initial creation.
I'm trying to make some changes on it and realize now how much effort it takes to build this.


Mensajes Thu 02 Dec 10 @ 1:21 pm
Thanks a lot for that great work and support djdad!

This skin is very appreciated! :)


Mensajes Thu 02 Dec 10 @ 6:18 pm
djdad wrote :
You re right. I will fix this in next update. I will wait until 7.1 (whenever it comes) in case something changes in the new rhtyhmzone or else i will go back to old display way which helps viewing especially in overlapping

Hey my Friend. First: Wish a happy new Year!

Are there some News ´bout an update? You know where to find me if you still need help. But you´ve got the vms4 now?

Mensajes Tue 04 Jan 11 @ 8:36 am

Mensajes Wed 05 Jan 11 @ 7:26 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
I am about to update the skin soon.
So appart from the rhythm is there anything else that need to be fixed or changed?

After this update i am about to build a VMS4 minimal skin with no mixer, no fake commands, and the less necessery buttons. I thnk that after a while, VMS4 users need only the informations and not all the buttons on the screen. This of course will give more space for browser.

Mensajes Wed 05 Jan 11 @ 8:16 am
Thanks so much DJDad!

One really minor thing that's not that important but I may as well say. In the video mixing panel, some other skins show the video on the left of the crossfade and the right of the crossfade below, next to, or otherwise near where it shows the main resultant video feed, with the size smaller or much smaller than the main video.
In your skin, you make it efficiently easy to see the video on each of the 4 decks. But if you're using for the left the video for deck 3 & deck 3 is mostly hidden because it's showing deck 1, then you don't actually see in the video mixer what video is playing on the left of the crossfader.
Obviously, the big problem in doing this is space, for some of the skins that do show the left & right video feeds have less going on and so it's easier to put there. But maybe you can quickly think of whether there is a place on the video mixer panel to put small feeds of what's on the left & right of the video crossfade.

Thanks so much for all your fantastic & very useful work on this!
- Harpaul / Uri

Mensajes Wed 05 Jan 11 @ 11:52 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
There are 2 ways to view the video decks.

1st way, this one (center video panel) you may view just the master or all the deck+master.

djdad wrote :
In case you miss it..

In the video mixer (4 decks) click on the MASTER word to toggle between master and decks-master video view

2nd way is to view video deck instead of jogwheels using those small panels.

So yes you cant see deck 3 video with this way, but you dont mix with deck3. If you mix with deck 3 then by swapping the decks you will be able to view the video on the top deck.

So the only thing that i might change is the order of the video decks on the 1st way. That means that it would be more easy to understand the deck order if video deck 1 and video deck 3 were in the corect position when someone swaps the decks.
deck 1 as left then video deck 1 should be on the top left corner as it is now. Ok
deck 3 as left then the video deck 3 should be on the top left corner this time. (To be fixed ?)
This is doable.


Mensajes Wed 05 Jan 11 @ 12:02 pm
Oops! Sorry. Thanks. Yes, I had been using the 2nd option, but hadn't seen option 1 till you now showed it. Sorry to bug you about it! :)

Mensajes Wed 05 Jan 11 @ 12:12 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Another thing that i think that should be fixed is the Effects parametrs.
Since the SHIFT button doesnt send midi signals then VDJ cannot tell if you move parametr 1 or 2, so i think something like this

to view both parametrs without pressing any skin buttons.

Mensajes Wed 05 Jan 11 @ 12:38 pm
Hey again DJDad!
Thanks so much again!
I am trying to do the following, but it seems there are aspects of the skin that are preventing me, & I'm wondering if you can change those:
I want to load a bunch of looping videography videos on additional decks that I'm not using for music, and then switch between them at various points frequently during my set, because different videos fit different points of songs in ways that are common across songs, so the same videography can be used in corresponding parts of many songs.
Eg, I'll have video A playing on deck 5 (a video 20 seconds long that I want to keep repeating), video B playing on deck 6 (30 seconds long & constantly repeating), video C playing on deck 7 (again, looping), video D playing on deck 8 (also repeating), & video E playing on deck 9 (also repeating). One video might be good for breakdowns (say A), another for buildups (say B), another for climaxes (say C), another good for outros (say D), etc. Then, when a breakdown comes, I can issue a command to put video deck 5 on the left video deck & when an outro is about to start I can issue a command to put video deck 8 on the right video deck. (As it's repeating, I know it'll be playing, & I don't care where in the video it starts appearing on the screen.)
1. if I go to another skin, load a video on deck 6 of another skin, and then switch back to this skin, what’s going on on deck 6 gets canceled.
(& 2. From within the skin, I can’t load things onto additional, unseen decks. I have to switch to another skin to do so.)

Is there a way you can set up the skin so that even if it’s not showing additional decks, it allows videos (or other things) to run on additional decks so that a command can be issued to bring such a video onto a side of the video crossfader?

Thanks so much again!!

Mensajes Thu 06 Jan 11 @ 1:22 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
You can use clipbank. No sound from videos but you can view them in master ouput.

Open the xml file, at the first line you will notice... decks="4", make that 12 or whatever number you wish. Save and rezip.
Then create some keyboard shortcuts for decks 5,6,....12 like deck 6 play, or deck 12 pause.
You will not be able to view those decks but they will be there for you, in case you need them.

Mensajes Thu 06 Jan 11 @ 6:33 pm