
Forum: Old versions

Tópico: Mappers for PIONEER DDJ-T1, when? - Page: 5

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so when are vdj going to being the real mappers for ddj t1? it has been a long time now. the mappers what are up now are no good to use in a club.and i have pro vdj you keep telling people to buy vdj but u take so long for the mappers for people who have vdj

Which part of "it's done when it's done" you didn't understand? Seriously dude, you're starting to annoy me and the issue doesn't even directly concern me.

It's only been 3 days since they last stated on this thread it was being worked on. Have some patience.

thx team :) im waiting for a good mapper

waiting for a good mapper

stilll no news again about mappers?

Wow, its really taking them pretty long to take the mappers out. I know it might be complicated and we might be annoying but this is really being prolonged a lot :(

Cstroll, i really appreciate what you guys are doing, I really really do, and I know I'm annoying, but I'm really looking forward to see mappers for the DDJ-S1... Serato is complete crap and i do not want to use it, especially when i have such an amazing software at my disposal. Thank you to VDJ team for all their efforts. Tnx!!!

Please continue to be patient. The mappers will be made available when they are ready and an announcement will be made to let you know that they are.

im thinking of buying the pioneer ddj has anyone used with vdj pro & is there software ready for it?????

no software is not ready yet and i have been waiting for 5 months.

Well actually the units will run with VDJ. If you want a complete native mapping you will have to continue to wait still though. You have been told the mappings will be done but as is normal you've not been given a date as to when this will be. The team are still posting in this thread so it's obviously not been forgotten about.

Once again (IMHO) this comes down to buying an unsupported controller without the necessary skills to implement it yourself. That might be slightly blunt, but it's just my opinion as a fellow user.

Support staff wrote :
Please continue to be patient. The mappers will be made available when they are ready and an announcement will be made to let you know that they are.

Thank you for the ddj-s1 mappers it was worth the wait, i'll try them tonigth at the club [here in chicago] and let you know how it was thanks again.


Why on Leopard DDJ-s1 looks like "simple midi device" and not "ddj-s1"?

Check the Audio/MIDI Setup in OSX - if the device name is not "DDJ-S1 MIDI" then you need to rename the device to match.

so what about the mappers for the ddj t1?

Tnx a lot cstroll, for the DDJ-S1 mappings, i just tested them last night and they work fabulously! Keep up the excellent work.

i install the mapper but why i cant scratch well with the ddjs1

i have sound drops on virtual dj

Macbook pro I7 (2.7)
and no effects (all for best perfomance)

any solution ?

Running on windows 7

somebody have problem with the jog wheel scratch ? i cant scratch well with vdj and ddj-s1
