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Forum: Wishes and new features

Tema: Wave Form Display Direction - Page: 3.05

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Such a bitter man........... 😒

Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 3:07 pm
richmond wrote :
some people lack the ability to think originally. I'm beginning to think you may be the perfect example

groovindj wrote :
us dimwits who haven't worked it out yet due to lack of brain power.

richmond wrote :
Well... I hadn't thought about that aspect. Maybe you are on to something?

groovindj wrote :
Wow! You really are on a high horse up there, aren't you? What's it like up on that pedestal from which you choose to patronise the minions?

Painful... It's like sitting at a green light for minutes, that's about to turn red again. But you can't go anywhere because there are two women ahead oblivious to anything other than putting on their makeup and texting. To make matters worse, there's some dufus directly in front of you yelling to stop blowing your horn, because if it were really time to go, obviously everyone else would be going... Be really nice to have a helicopter sometimes...

groovindj wrote :
You keep going on about turntables/records/vinyl and how they rotate clockwise. So what? The rhythmwave is not a record. It does not rotate.

How very observant of you to notice that!

groovindj wrote :
Surely if you want VDJ to be as close to a turntable as possible, then there should be NO WAVEFORM - because turntables don't have waveforms.

Oh, but you're wrong, of course... The record is a waveform. No music without it...

groovindj wrote :
The bulk of DJs using VDJ do not use turntables and vinyl to control it. Of those who do, the majority clearly have no issue with the direction of the rhythmwave (if indeed their choice of skin even displays it) - otherwise there would have been far more complaints.

The consensus among all the DJs I have talked to, is that professional DJs don't use VDJ, period. It doesn't have to be that way though. And in spite of your distraction, I'm trying to do my part to help.


Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 3:11 pm
Oh dear. Haven't seen a thread go in this direction for a while.

After 30 years of working most weekends I'm obviously unprofessional then.

Don't get your own way then start having a stab at the integrity of VDJ. Wow!

Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 3:18 pm
Don't worry, Keith. richmond has also been licensed to be unprofessional since 2003.


Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 3:24 pm
kradcliffe wrote :
Oh dear. Haven't seen a thread go in this direction for a while.

After 30 years of working most weekends I'm obviously unprofessional then.

Don't get your own way then start having a stab at the integrity of VDJ. Wow!

It's not about me "getting my way". I'm just stating facts here. You have not been using VDJ for 30 years, nor are you adding to the discussion in any useful way.


Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 3:36 pm
locodog wrote :
I thought touch strips were more a position wave thing, but your problem is easy to resolve, whatever your touch strip script is amend it with param_invert & your script

No, locodog. Thanks for trying to assist, but that wouldn't help me at all. Read the post again, and you'll see that the controller is working fine. Novation got their part right. If you know someone that has one, check it out. They are a neat little controller. However, no amount of script changing on our end is going to change the direction of the "rhythm wave". It's VDJ that's backwards.

Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 3:54 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Well there you go What a prat. for want of a stronger word

Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 3:55 pm
richmond, if it's really that big a distraction to you, why not use a skin that doesn't have a rhythmwave?

You know, there are even skins that have pictures of turntables on them - and they rotate clockwise.

Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 4:01 pm
groovindj wrote :
richmond, if it's really that big a distraction to you, why not use a skin that doesn't have a rhythmwave?

There are even skins that have pictures of turntables on them - and they rotate clockwise.

GDJ, I've tried generously to accommodate you, however your arguments have increasingly become completely nonsensical, and extremely ad hominem. It appears that you have become so miffed at being 'dissed', that all semblance of logic has left your thinking. Further, you've been absolutely no help, at all. At least some people here are making the attempt.
Forgive me for doing so, but I think I'll just ignore you from now on, at least until you have something of worth to offer.

Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 4:52 pm
richmond wrote :
extremely ad hominem

....and your posts are not?

I mean, you're not exactly setting out to ingratiate yourself to the Atomix staff - or anyone else it seems.

If you're hoping to get the reverse wave reinstated, then implying that the staff are at the intellectual level of kindergarten kids is not the way to go about it.


Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 5:00 pm
groovindj wrote :
richmond wrote :
extremely ad hominem

....and your posts are not? I mean, you're not exactly setting out to ingratiate yourself to the Atomix staff - or anyone else it seems. If you're hoping to get the reverse wave reinstated, then implying that the staff are at the intellectual level of kindergarten kids is not the way to go about it.

Okay, I'll bite this time. Hey I call it like I see it. Dealing with these people is like trying to pick up a pin, with mittens on, just way too difficult and complicated. How could they ever be expected to get the job done right anyway, if they don't even know which way the track is laid out on a record? I don't care about your diploma or your ranking in in the company... Show me what you can do! Plus, this is just as much for their benefit, as mine.

In answer to your question. Yeah, I realize a lot of brown-nosing goes on here. It's pretty obvious ...actually a little nauseating at times. However if it's necessary to suck-up to that extent to get what you should already have anyway, thank you. I'll just do without, or get it another way. I'm pretty resourceful.

I tell it like it is, because playing games gets in the way of progress. I've been waiting twelve years for them to get this software right, and for a long time, it just got worse. That didn't make a good impression on me. You, or anyone else, can have my respect, but not without earning it.

Take our friend "Fruit", for instance... There is someone deserving. God only knows how many hours he has put into improving the VDJ GUI, without any compensation that I am aware of. And when you talk to the guy, he even understands logic (!), and which way the wave travels on a turntable, and on the GUI (amazing ...right?). And even though he's busy doing his own thing, he still takes time out to help others. Indeed, if he makes you a promise, he follows through with it. Yes.. people like that I revere, and when I am nice to them, it's not brown nosing's respect.

Mensajes Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 5:55 pm
It's a shame you don't know the history of some users. If you did know you would see that myself and Groovin have had many disagreements with the company over the years...... But are still here showing an interest in the software and helping forum members. I personally got to Senior Moderator level then resigned because of non-agreement with a senior member of staff.

That doesn't mean I am brown nosing.... I love the software and that's that.

Your argument is illogical and your attitude quite frankly stinks. So do your homework before throwing accusations around.


Mensajes Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 1:54 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
i think the thread is getting out of control in a way.
Point taken, request is a still a request, however Dev Team has stated that there is no plan on implementing this.
so unless you have something else to add here, please keep the thread on topic.

Mensajes Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 2:02 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
richmond wrote :
Sure. We can agree on that. But for my other answer, let's use my own slightly more realistic representation:

I surely hope you see that if you are standing where the dj is standing that red is left and green is right?

Mensajes Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 3:01 am
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
the problem is not there.

The problem is that on a console to reduce speed to stall, you must give a movement from right to left.

For the visual logic is good requires that the waveform moves from left to right

Mensajes Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 3:24 am
djdad wrote :
iDev Team has stated that there is no plan on implementing this.

Djdad, tell those autocratic 'geniuses' to watch this video: Afterwards, they may possibly be able to grasp the concept of the term "instinctive". Gotta have hope...

Too bad someone with real vision is not running your company. The only area I know of where VDJ can claim any superiority, is in it's user configurability. Take that away, and and what do you have to bargain with?

However, that is the number one thing that Serato users complain about the most regarding their software. That is your only ace! Can you see that? Why do you think I am back over here..? ONLY because I can't get the configuration that I want.

Atomix started out with a bright idea, the software was very advanced for it's time. For the first couple of years afterward, I thought it was going to be a great ride. But then I suppose their heads swelled because they really didn't have any competition to speak of, and from where I sit, from there on out, it's been in a variable state of dissonance with both it's market and it's existing customers. I wonder... is there anyone working there who's been observant enough to realize that VDJ is not #1 anymore..? Today, if you tell a group of club DJs that you use VDJ, they'll make you a laughing stock.

I'm here to help (although some people can't see that), but if your management intends to bury their head in the sand and maintain this same "we know best, so let them eat cake" attitude, Serato will utilize the considerable momentum they've already gained due to the incompetence of all their competition, to steamroll right over your company, and will put Atomix on the list of 'has beens' that (ironically?) includes some of the people that are now in your upper management. If you haven't noticed... they're coming on fast. And like everyone else, when push comes to shove, I'll go with the company that can best serve my needs.

Don't hate the messenger!

Mensajes Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 11:59 am
danydj wrote :

The problem is that on a console to reduce speed to stall, you must give a movement from right to left.

For the visual logic is good requires that the waveform moves from left to right


Mensajes Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 12:03 pm
Adion wrote :
I surely hope you see that if you are standing where the dj is standing that red is left and green is right?

Adion, no one likes to admit that they are wrong, especially in public. But this is bigger and more important than your ego. The record obviously turns to the right (left-to-right), and you know that. Just be a man, and own up to it.

Everyone else has missed this "oversight". If Atomix were savvy enough, they could implement this feature as the standard configuration (including the option to reverse, of course), and call it "groundbreaking". It might help the buyers think you were back on the "cutting edge". It doesn't take a whole lot to impress most people. Speaker manufacturers made very profitable use of such trivialities in their ad campaigns, for many years.

Mensajes Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 12:29 pm
All of this over a silly ass waveform, wonder how this would if went if it something of REAL importance 😳

Mensajes Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 12:35 pm
beatbreaker1 wrote :
All of this over a silly ass waveform, wonder how this would if went if it something of REAL importance 😳

It is important to me... Are you jealous, maybe?

Mensajes Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 12:52 pm