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Tópico: Milkdrop - Page: 6

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Is there a way to add Deck1 deck2 and master on the control gui like other built in vdj effects?

Well I just checked it all.after selecting in VDJ 7 and in config for audio only, transitions will not work when selecting milkdrop7.but will work with milkdrop 1.2.4, which I left there in the plugins folder.this might very well be the case if you want to run both vdj7 & 8.and you want to overlay the old milkdrop over a video for censorship a video,either way i've been seen the good in multiple dll' with SBDJ renaming and remaking a version 8 which obviously works only on vdj 8 which is the only version with the viz folder,this becomes even better with more I think replace the milkdrop 7 with the version previously,and use that (can be used on top as a temporary milkdrop max screen ) and the newest v8 so you can cover all bases ...and dont forget to reselect the new name (milkdrop8) in the options/audio only settings...SBDJ you're a Genious still need a sidekick ..:)

For those who refuse to read, try reading it again please,

SBDJ wrote :
OK, I've split this plugin into two versions:

Milkdrop7 is for versions up to v7.4.1. It is deliberately incompatible with v8. It will install in the VideoEffect folder (milkdrop7.dll)
Milkdrop8 is, you guess it, for v8 onwards. It is deliberately incompatible with anything prior to v8.0. It will install in the Visualisations folder (milkdrop8.dll)

As far as the video samples etc on top of milkdrop - this only works at present if the effect is on a deck. If you have two audio files loaded (or no files loaded!) then the effect is active on the master and VDJ will place it on top at present. If you have it set as the visualisation and have one audio and one video loaded, you'll notice the effect is actually active on the deck and the video samples are visible over the top.


escuse me Brian Scott..I know what ur gonna think first.."wha? he's knocking my milkdrop v.7 concept,but you're missing the point.that is whats even better is a master & slave effects concept,that is the milkdrop in the viz sector allways running in the background.. but just like other plugins we have to overlay once in a while (ie: showlogo,freeframes which tons of these are working thank God) we can use your last version of milkdrop,which as far as this it works on both vdj7 & vdj 8 as a "slave" to the other day I threw down this video and didnt know it was WAAAY naughty!..ha! was rushing to kill the image...this would be one way...

sorry huey. thats a very limited method...I just tried 3 theories on two versions of vdj....this whole thing its based on beta testing.if you want to limit yourself with just one milkflop on one software,so be it...

just checked both v1.2.4 and milkdrop 7.after activating the older 1.2.4 as a audio only then changing that to be milkdrop 7. the "crossing over" between a video deck & a mp3 deck worked.but at first activation its like the system did not recongnised it...only after I first used the older version 1.2.4 (yesterdays version,keep it! used! make love to it! it will be your slave :) did it kick the milk7 to this is working...but like I sayd the older version will OVERLAY on you have an "older & v7" milkdrop for vdj7....and a older & v8 milkdrop for VDJ8...go aheads and try it?...oh yes..older version goes in the oldest location=video plugins...enjoy

I read and understand what I read all I was asking was for there to be clarification when you click on either deck 1 milkdrop, deck 2 milkdrop or master milkdrop that it says so like other effects do.

and I was about to ride my chopper bike to wal-mart lol...huh.dont activate it at the decks,just assign it as audio only,but then you can open it at master,then open the Gui there,leave that open to control and close the master.the master and the viz is the same but opened at different points in the chain.yet very close...

Dude I know that, that is not what I am asking. Like I have said 3 times just want the GUI to show where it is whether 1 2 or master. Look at some other effects it shows that right after the name of the effect in the GUI. This may help people in the future which is why I brought it up..

I'm back and I gotcha I think...well are asking for a vdj makeover lol...I mean...

Tracker - take a seat. ;)

Brian - I think what Scott is saying is you don't need to assign it to a deck as such. But what he means is if you have two audio tacks playing then the audioOnlyVisual is pushed directly to the master. If you have a video on deck A the the audioVisual is pushed to deck B and vice versa.

So if both tracks are audio you can't use video sample on top of audioOnlyVisuals at the moment.

If however one deck is video then the video samples will overlay.

At least, that's how I read it anyway.
Hopefully this will be fixed soon- audioOnlyVisual needs to be first in line regardless of anything else. Likewise video samples should be in order that they were triggered, not in Pad# order.

Yesterday I tried the milkdropv8 plugin.
With two audio files and Milkdrop8 as visualization I indeed can not put a video sample on top of the milkdrop screen.

However, when I put video on deck 1 and audio on deck two...
I started with the video deck.. Video samples worked on top at that moment... Then I switched to the audio deck.. The milkdrop went black and away where my running video samples when the video file stopped as it was at the end of file...

So still not quite reliable in my opinion.

Another thing:
I work with 4 decks. (Pioneer DDJ SX controller) When I load audio tracks on deck 3 and 4 (with 1 and 2 already loaded).. Milkdrop doesn't work / activate on deck 3 and 4...
With Video files no problem. I can switch back and forth(?) between deck 1 and 3 and 2 and 4 and the video on screen switches over to that particular video.



djtouchdan wrote :
Tracker - take a seat. ;)

Brian - I think what Scott is saying is you don't need to assign it to a deck as such. But what he means is if you have two audio tacks playing then the audioOnlyVisual is pushed directly to the master. If you have a video on deck A the the audioVisual is pushed to deck B and vice versa.

So if both tracks are audio you can't use video sample on top of audioOnlyVisuals at the moment.

If however one deck is video then the video samples will overlay.

At least, that's how I read it anyway.
Hopefully this will be fixed soon- audioOnlyVisual needs to be first in line regardless of anything else. Likewise video samples should be in order that they were triggered, not in Pad# order.

what he sayd... :)

You would think it would be easier IF it was always on master AND was able to have video and other effects be able to be over top of it that way the controls DONT change ie. allowing you to simply have 1 GUI that you can keep open and control what the effect does. I understand how it works now just shooting ideas out there. In 7 Sonique was on master and no matter what you could control it and overlay anything over top of it. Thanks Dan

+1....there is a few things that dont make can we have our midi-out clock back,pleeez? with a setting in options maybe?....whew...

I have no control over the plugin location or the render order beyond what is already done in the plugin....

What about what it shows in the GUI as far as the name of the plugin and which deck it is on?? Is that something in the plugin or the software itself?

This is what I am talking about

Also you will notice that there is a mp3 loaded on 1 and a video loaded on 2. The milkdrop gui that is showing is from deck 1 and has no control over the effect ie. cant make changes.
