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Tema: NS7 III Compatibility? - Page: 6

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djdad wrote :
ok please look at the instructions above and provide the content of the Log Report.txt file.

Keep also in mind that you need to use the latest Early Access build 3268 of VirtualDJ 8.2

Where do I get the Early Access?

Mensajes Mon 20 Jun 16 @ 4:07 pm
newashington wrote :
djdad wrote :
ok please look at the instructions above and provide the content of the Log Report.txt file.

Keep also in mind that you need to use the latest Early Access build 3268 of VirtualDJ 8.2

Where do I get the Early Access?

-- 2016/06/20 - 10:36 (2844)
USB MIDI device: vid:0x0480 pid:0x0101 usbName:External USB 3.0 vendorName:TOSHIBA serialNumber:20150217012572F
USB MIDI device: vid:0x0409 pid:0x005A usbName: vendorName: serialNumber:
USB MIDI device: vid:0x15E4 pid:0x0037 usbName:NS7 III vendorName:Numark serialNumber:
USB MIDI device: vid:0x15E4 pid:0x0039 usbName:Dashboard Left vendorName:Numark serialNumber:
USB MIDI device: vid:0x15E4 pid:0x1039 usbName:Dashboard Right vendorName:Numark serialNumber:
Midi in device detected: \\?\usb#VID_15E4&PID_0037/337903616
Midi device: name:Dashboard Right manufacturer:Numark model:Dashboard Right
Midi device: name:Dashboard Right manufacturer:Numark model:Dashboard Right
Midi in device detected: Dashboard Right
Midi device: name:Dashboard Left manufacturer:Numark model:Dashboard Left
Midi device: name:Dashboard Left manufacturer:Numark model:Dashboard Left
Midi in device detected: Dashboard Left
Midi out device detected: Dashboard Left
Midi device: name:Dashboard Right manufacturer:Numark model:Dashboard Right
Midi device: name:Dashboard Right manufacturer:Numark model:Dashboard Right
Midi out device detected: Dashboard Left
Midi device: name:Dashboard Left manufacturer:Numark model:Dashboard Left
Midi device: name:Dashboard Left manufacturer:Numark model:Dashboard Left

Mensajes Mon 20 Jun 16 @ 4:08 pm
newashington wrote :
djdad wrote :
ok please look at the instructions above and provide the content of the Log Report.txt file.

Keep also in mind that you need to use the latest Early Access build 3268 of VirtualDJ 8.2

Where do I get the Early Access?

Ok got the early access

Mensajes Mon 20 Jun 16 @ 4:27 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Hmm seems that Numark has provided 2 kind of NS7 III then, with the screens having different PIDs. (probably the latest product range follows yours)

the original NS7III has for the attached screens
Left Screen PID : 0x1037
Right Screen PID : 0x3037

but the one you have carries the identifiers of the separately sold Dashboard (pid:0x0039 and pid:0x1039) which will not work as it has a new lock. So for your case and other units that carry this kind of screens, will have to wait for the Dashboard to be supported/unlocked.

Mensajes Mon 20 Jun 16 @ 5:15 pm
Hello, the plugin for NS7 3 was on the list. Why did you removed it?

Mensajes Fri 01 Jul 16 @ 3:41 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
NS7 III is now natively supported in version 8.2 and the default mapping offers Pads support as well.
Since the unit is now natively supported, the files installed from the Addon (in /Devices folder) are no longer necessary for the unit to work.

Also keep in mind that the new firmware from Numark breaks the screens, so it is strongly suggested not to update firmware until we resolve the issue.


Mensajes Fri 01 Jul 16 @ 4:21 am
djfrujPRO InfinityMember since 2013
Awww Man! I was Wondering Why My Screens Stopped Working After I updated the Firmware smh, Numark/Serato are wrong for that, why go thru all of that effort?, I Wish I wouldn't have Updated now.

Mensajes Fri 01 Jul 16 @ 5:11 pm
Is there a mapping file that works? none of the links work and cant find it on the add-on page. HELP!

Mensajes Sat 02 Jul 16 @ 3:26 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
you will need the latest version 8.2
So either you need to enable the "EarlyAccessUpdates" setting from VirtualDJ Options, relaunch and let the software automatically updated, or install directly from here..

Mensajes Sun 03 Jul 16 @ 12:34 am
Ive removed and reinstalled the latest version of VDJ and still cant get my effects buttons to work properly, the a and b select buttons for each deck channel 1 to 4 dont do anything or light up at all. Any help would be appreciated, I so dont want to return to serato as their video upgrade is desperate. I cant seem to get decks 3 or 4 to show on the screens either, Help !!!!!!

Mensajes Sun 14 Aug 16 @ 7:47 pm
I just purchased a NS7III during a labor day sale. In Virtual DJ 8 screens fail to display anything other than what is displayed upon startup of them

Longtime user of NS7FX with Virtual DJ 8 - worked perfectly on the same installation of Virtual DJ 8.
Drivers used for NS7FX were NOT removed from this PC.
Before opening Virtual DJ in preparation of the new controller I Installed the following from Numark ro support the controller:
InstallNumarkDashboardFirmwareUpdater1.0.5.exe (wihich updated the displays' to Firmware version 78822 aka v1.05)
Upon opening VirtualDJ for the first time, it detected the NS7III and asked if I wished to use its soundcard (I confirmed this with a button push).
Mapping for NS7III worked immediately
Screens never showed more than what they show upon turning them on ("Numark" (left screen), 45 adapter (middle screen), and "serato "(right screen))
Upon investigation found that upon startup VDJ was creating two custom mappings for each screen:
SIMPLE_MIDI_5604_4153 - custom mapping.xml for left screen (inside the file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mapper date="2016-09-07" version="802" device="SIMPLE_MIDI_5604_4153"/>
SIMPLE_MIDI_5604_57 - custom mapping.xml for right screen (inside the file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mapper date="2016-09-07" version="802" device="SIMPLE_MIDI_5604_57"/>)
Updated VirtualDJ to 3398 in hopes that would help, I deleted the automatically created custom mappings, and restarted VDJ, but the custom mappings came back.

Here is the Log Report.txt contents:
--- 2016/09/07 - 14:56 (3398)
Audio device found: name="Line 1/2 (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{121303d7-1231-4ce2-b3d4-e12638689092}"
Audio device found: name="Line 3/4 (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{227bf853-95ca-49ab-882e-c9258fe449b5}"
Audio device found: name="High Definition Audio Device" vid="0x111D" pid="0x76E0" hardwareID:"{}.{5a3815f5-d6e6-4f67-a1d9-34e29cc69878}"
Audio device found: name="Speakers (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{6d41d26b-b6e0-4bd2-ab90-f65cdb0dfb99}"
Audio device found: name="Intel(R) Display Audio" vid="0x8086" pid="0x2806" hardwareID:"{}.{bc5bc04d-73f1-4d3d-a8ef-77e73b6e8cd6}"
Audio device found: input name="Line 9/10 (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{1c5b1190-c5a7-43dc-ab0d-d5a3a585b668}"
Audio device found: input name="Line 3/4 (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{21bd9b03-7490-49c0-97f6-4d6d46eec08c}"
Audio device found: input name="Line 1/2 (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{23103684-54bc-40ed-9ddc-9a319ae44430}"
Audio device found: input name="Multichannel (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{2adbab59-57ed-4874-a4a9-34985199f62f}"
Audio device found: input name="High Definition Audio Device" vid="0x111D" pid="0x76E0" hardwareID:"{}.{84a9f90d-4c79-4667-bbdb-ced355f43197}"
Audio device found: input name="Line 7/8 (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{a9d58a06-3f68-4d6c-ab0d-d2864d9b9f1d}"
Audio device found: input name="Line 5/6 (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{f4f86598-adee-4ad2-8e30-ab87f5170a3f}"
Audio device found: input name="Line 9/10 (Numark NS7 III)" vid="0x15E4" pid="0x0037" hardwareID:"{}.{f6e0c452-e10d-465b-9f25-10f11a63e2f6}"
Audio device found: asio="NS7 USB Audio Device" hardwareID:"4D2C4A79-02B4-48A0-B62283453A345C38"
Audio device found: asio="Numark NS7 III ASIO" hardwareID:"9999DE78-D5E0-407F-BA3CF40A6550C7DE"
Midi out device detected, name:Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth mid:1 pid:27
MIDI Device Identifying: \\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_0037#6&8b5d7fc&0&4#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\numarkns7iii (in:0 out:1)
MIDI Device Identified by PID/VID: \\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_0037#6&8b5d7fc&0&4#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\numarkns7iii : Numark NS7III
Assigned Numark NS7III, type:0, index:1
MIDI Device Identifying: \\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_1039&mi_00#7&384f40ea&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global (in:1 out:2)
(trying to match sysex for \\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_1039&mi_00#7&384f40ea&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global : found F07E00060200013F39001908080202107F7F7F7F4E313135303731383639303032393500F7)
MIDI Device Identified by general midi: \\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_1039&mi_00#7&384f40ea&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global
MIDI Device Identifying: \\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_0039&mi_00#7&260bfbde&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global (in:2 out:3)
(trying to match sysex for \\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_0039&mi_00#7&260bfbde&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global : found F07E00060200013F39001908080202007F7F7F7F4E313135303731383639303032393500F7)
MIDI Device Identified by general midi: \\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_0039&mi_00#7&260bfbde&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global
MIDI Device Identifying: Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth (in:-1 out:0)
[14:22] Midi Out Closed (Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth)
MIDI Device Not Identified: Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
HID Device found: VID:0x046D PID:0xB319 path:\\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002046d_pid&b319&col03#9&2f247844&0&0002#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
HID Device found: VID:0x046D PID:0xB319 path:\\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002046d_pid&b319&col04#9&2f247844&0&0003#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
HID Device found: VID:0x046D PID:0xB319 path:\\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002046d_pid&b319&col05#9&2f247844&0&0004#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
HID Device found: VID:0x046D PID:0xB319 path:\\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002046d_pid&b319&col06#9&2f247844&0&0005#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
HID Device found: VID:0x046D PID:0xB319 path:\\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002046d_pid&b319&col07#9&2f247844&0&0006#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
HID Device found: VID:0x046D PID:0xB319 path:\\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002046d_pid&b319&col08#9&2f247844&0&0007#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
HID Device found: VID:0x046D PID:0xB319 path:\\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002046d_pid&b319&col02#9&2f247844&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Assigned Numark NS7III, type:0, index:1
[15:01] Midi In Closed (\\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_0037#6&8b5d7fc&0&4#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\numarkns7iii)
[15:06] Midi Out Closed (\\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_0037#6&8b5d7fc&0&4#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\numarkns7iii)
[15:01] Midi In Closed (\\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_1039&mi_00#7&384f40ea&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global)
[15:06] Midi Out Closed (\\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_1039&mi_00#7&384f40ea&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global)
[15:01] Midi In Closed (\\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_0039&mi_00#7&260bfbde&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global)
[15:06] Midi Out Closed (\\?\usb#vid_15e4&pid_0039&mi_00#7&260bfbde&0&0000#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global)

I'm taking a wild guess that the problem lies in the fact that I applied the firmware update to the screens (see detail above) , and that the core application is no longer recognizing them -- ooops! I saw the date on the firmware was from June 15, so I thought I was safe to do so... in hindsight, this wasn't the best plan...but my thought is that this firmware was to get the NS7III screens to have the same firmware features as the recently released NS7II screen (see: you'll notice it offers no such firmware update). Anyway....

I'm going to take the contents of the core application's mappings for Numark NS7III Display Right and Numark NS7III Display Left and put them into the automatically created mappings for the displays and hope for the best... I'll try to report back soon...

EDIT: I moved the content of the core application's mappings for Numark NS7III Display Right and Numark NS7III Display Left and put them into the automatically created mappings for the displays, no luck, they continue to taunt me with the what is on them during startup.

I'm now going to be forced to install Serato (YUCK!!!) to at least make sure they screens actually work... I'll report back when I find out more...

Thanks for reading!!!

Mensajes Thu 08 Sep 16 @ 12:20 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
djdad wrote :
NS7 III is now natively supported in version 8.2 and the default mapping offers Pads support as well.
Since the unit is now natively supported, the files installed from the Addon (in /Devices folder) are no longer necessary for the unit to work.

Also keep in mind that the new firmware from Numark breaks the screens, so it is strongly suggested not to update firmware until we resolve the issue.

As reported already, the latest firmware update breaks compatibility with VirtualDJ. Unfortunately Numark doesnt offer a way to revert to the old version, so i am afraid that the only thing you can do for now, is to wait for the new mapping files for the screens.
We are really close to that, and wont take long.


Mensajes Thu 08 Sep 16 @ 1:03 am
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
You are right, the firmware is the problem. Mine are dead too as well as others here. Mine only worked when the right display said Numark, not Serato

The bad news is Numark is saying that they don't support VDJ and there is no way to revert the firmware. I had actually read the release notes and no where in there does it say Locks down displays or makes them Serato exclusive. So basically, they hijacked working equipment.

VDJ is working on the new displays. The task at hand is not simple as I guess Numak locked them down. There is not ETA on compatibility. This has been going on for a bit now, I did see one post that says return them if you can.

So the next part is, complain to Numark. Everywhere you can find or think of. They should pay for intentionally locking us into 1 DJ software when it worked with VDJ at the time of purchase. Not specifying the lock down in release notes is where they did not allow us to make the choice for ourselves. Here is my thread:

Good luck, I need support. I am contemplating my next step due to their lack of support. This is my last Numark product ever by the way.

Edit: SWEET! Thanks for sharing the news DJdad! Still my last Numark product and no firmware updates ever again!

Mensajes Thu 08 Sep 16 @ 1:10 am
Well craaaaap I totally missed the post about NOT upgrading the firmware. This sucks.

BTW, I've made a comment in the Numark thread about this... If Guitar Center won't exchange it, I'll be returning the NS7III.

Unboxing my NS7 again for now until I take the NS7III in...

Mensajes Thu 08 Sep 16 @ 1:56 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Since its only the screens, why then use NS7 ??

FYI, we resolved the last issues, and Dashboard will be probably supported in next build. Will post here when available.

Mensajes Thu 08 Sep 16 @ 9:23 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
Personally, I think it is the principal. Numark will never really care which I get, but that was a bad move. I fully intend to rub it in their faces that it was only Serato exclusive for about 2 months, but I will never buy a product of theirs again. I do intend to impact their business. I will make sure that my experience is heard on social media or anyone who asks. Maybe some day when I just don't care I will send them a video of me destroying it and post it on their FB wall saying "you would not support VDJ so I will never support Numark again". I could make a Youtube video go viral doing that. But I don't have another right now and this one owes me some money.

I am a really nice guy until I get crossed like that. Then I get extremely vindictive. You may have noticed that by now though. I won't break rules or use foul language, but they need to learn a lesson that they can't just hijack working hardware and lock it down. Those kinds of deals should NEVER be made. Extremely poor taste on their part. Besides what about Numark Cue? Isn't it VDJ? Why would they just turn their back on it?

Mensajes Fri 09 Sep 16 @ 12:15 am
djdad wrote :
Since its only the screens, why then use NS7 ??

FYI, we resolved the last issues, and Dashboard will be probably supported in next build. Will post here when available.

All your hard work is very much appreciated - thank you ever so much!!!!! I'll be on the lookout for the message about the updated display support!!!

BTW I was only using the NS7 again during the interim of the NS7III being boxed up to swap it so I could have the old firmware for the display again --- the other updated one can go back to Numark since I reported it as defective.

I have the replacement one now for which I am glad anyway, as it turns out I think the one I had been in someone else's hands anyway... it was missing the 3 clear seals on the white box as well as the outer box. I now have an "untouched" one. I'm not sure I have the energy left to test it tonight...

I'll go back to the newer firmware only after those that are already stuck with the new firmware confirm it's working. And for here on out I'll be doubly sure to confirm VDJ support before ANY hardware updates!!!

Thanks again all for the info and this thread!!! Take care!!

Mensajes Fri 09 Sep 16 @ 4:16 am
I'm trying to decide if I should keep the recently purchased NS7iii... I still have until Thursday to decide to keep it before my time is up with Guitar Center....I'm also a video DJ and have been really happy with my original NS7, but wanted four channels so I upgraded...

I was wondering if any of you experienced any of the following issues:

1. Dead pixels on the NS7iii displays... I know I can just exchange the unit to fix this, but I've already exchanged once due to the newer firmware locking me out of VDJ features. I did this because I felt I really needed to try all out its features with VDJ to make a fair decision on this controller (I'm a VDJ user first...a controller must work with VDJ to suit my needs or it's simply not for me).

2. When playing the B-side decks, when switching A decks (pressing the deck 1 button or the deck 3 button), I can hear an audio anomaly (kind of a chirpy sound)'s not terribly noticeable until you switch A decks back and forth (pressing 1 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 3, etc.) -- then it's obvious. The same problem exists when playing A-side decks and pressing deck 2 and deck 4 buttons, but to a bit lesser degree. Also, when switching back and forth of the decks on either side, the motors have disengaged for that side (not consistently, but a few times).

3. This one might just be something a need to learn, but I cannot seem to set the loop rolls to have higher number of beats (they all seem to default to 4 beats at the highest), I was hoping to get the last two values to be 8 and 16 (so the last two pad buttons would use these values, and they would show those values on the displays).

4. When shutting down VDJ, most times the controller doesn't seem to disengage completely; I've seen various lights stay lit, stuff stay on the screens, and even a time where music continued to play while the platters kept turning... I've had to power cycle the NS7iii to get these things to clear.

Thanks for any thoughts on the above items... take care all! :D

Mensajes Sun 11 Sep 16 @ 7:38 am
Okay, I feel a bit silly now... for number 3, all I had to do was push the parameter right arrow a few times!!


Mensajes Sun 11 Sep 16 @ 3:10 pm
scruff wrote :
I'm trying to decide if I should keep the recently purchased NS7iii... I still have until Thursday to decide to keep it before my time is up with Guitar Center....I'm also a video DJ and have been really happy with my original NS7, but wanted four channels so I upgraded...

I was wondering if any of you experienced any of the following issues:

1. Dead pixels on the NS7iii displays... I know I can just exchange the unit to fix this, but I've already exchanged once due to the newer firmware locking me out of VDJ features. I did this because I felt I really needed to try all out its features with VDJ to make a fair decision on this controller (I'm a VDJ user first...a controller must work with VDJ to suit my needs or it's simply not for me).

2. When playing the B-side decks, when switching A decks (pressing the deck 1 button or the deck 3 button), I can hear an audio anomaly (kind of a chirpy sound)'s not terribly noticeable until you switch A decks back and forth (pressing 1 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 3, etc.) -- then it's obvious. The same problem exists when playing A-side decks and pressing deck 2 and deck 4 buttons, but to a bit lesser degree. Also, when switching back and forth of the decks on either side, the motors have disengaged for that side (not consistently, but a few times).


4. When shutting down VDJ, most times the controller doesn't seem to disengage completely; I've seen various lights stay lit, stuff stay on the screens, and even a time where music continued to play while the platters kept turning... I've had to power cycle the NS7iii to get these things to clear.

Thanks for any thoughts on the above items... take care all! :D

So I gotta say that I've noticed other things that are making me nervous about this controller with VDJ... when activating loops on the opposite deck I've also heard some other audio anomalies on the playing deck (e.g., chirps, full-on audio gaps), also when loading tracks onto decks I've had to switch between the decks on that side (1-3 and back to 1) to get response from the play button to get the track going...and my number 2 listed issue above was already a bit of a deal breaker for me as I cannot abide by audio glitches.

I tried Serato to see if there were issues with the controller itself and none of these issues manifested there...(boy Serato Video sucks!). I also thought I'd lighten the load on the machine by playing MP3s only (not MP4 videos), as well as disconnecting the displays, but all the control and audio anomalies in VDJ remained. I also tried reducing the ASIO buffer for giggles - no help there.

I gotta also point out my PC is no slouch, it's a Quad Core i7 with a 2 Gb Nvidia video card in it, the CPU generally runs 12%-20% during video DJing with Virtual DJ (it maxes at about 50% when analyzing). This is not a daily use PC, its only for DJing, and I'm not running anything additional on the PC (with the minor exceptions of Chrome and a temp gauge for hard drives), and I've got it optimized (e.g., CPU not stepping down, USB ports not allowed to sleep). However, I've not experienced any of these issues when using the NS7. I'm running the anniversary edition of Windows 10, but don't see how this could factor since Windows 10 is supposed to be supported. I also tried using another PC (also with anniversary edition of Windows 10), it is also an i7, but a dual core and newer, and only onboard Intel HD 5500 video and experienced the same issues... it also runs VDJ at low CPU utilization, but the video isn't near as buttery smooth as the laptop with the 2 Gb Nvidia.

Folks that are able to use the NS7iii with Virtual DJ without issue, are you using a Mac or a PC?

I wonder if I need to uninstall the NS7 drivers - could they somehow be causing a conflict with the NS7iii running? (Again, there were no issues with Serato). (BTW both PCs tested have the old NS7 drivers installed).

Time is running out, If I cannot solve these controller and audio glitches in the next day or so, I'll have no choice but to take the NS7iii back, as it doesn't seem like it's going to work out for me, and I just cannot afford to buy a controller and hope it will eventually be functional with Virtual DJ, it simply must work I cannot have glitches at any of my residencies. I'm truly bummed if that is how this ends as I really thought with its combination of features used with the 4 deck skin from DJ Dad it was all I would need from here on out, as it filled in all the gaps I felt like I was missing with the NS7.

Mensajes Mon 12 Sep 16 @ 4:27 am