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Forum: Addons

Tema: SilverSleek 3 - Page: 5
Hi Phantom,

a very good skin. Is it possible to add the "warning screen for DRM Files" if I record my mix?

I just asked the support if it's changed but they have it in the default skin.
There comes a warning that the recording will stop if I put a DRM file in the player and if I want to continue.

This message is missing in your skin.

Thanks for an answer.


Mensajes Sat 29 Dec 18 @ 10:18 pm
djfunkyflow wrote :
Hi Phantom,

a very good skin. Is it possible to add the "warning screen for DRM Files" if I record my mix?

I just asked the support if it's changed but they have it in the default skin.
There comes a warning that the recording will stop if I put a DRM file in the player and if I want to continue.

This message is missing in your skin.

Thanks for an answer.

Pretty sure no skin can do that .. the main program would need a update for that to happen.

Mensajes Sun 30 Dec 18 @ 1:14 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
V3.4 Out!

Hey how do you get it the skin to record I can't find any windows that pop open to set recording like other skins. Plese help me Rod DJ Daddy Mack E-

Mensajes Tue 29 Jan 19 @ 6:33 pm
djnet71PRO InfinityMember since 2007
Is there something i had to do to show the number (numeric) of the Cue (for example 1,2,..) on the wave form and not only the mark? (Mac Os Catalina)


Mensajes Sun 22 Dec 19 @ 9:20 pm
Would be great if this skin gets worked on, the counting bars at the top are missing.

Mensajes Tue 07 Jan 20 @ 10:11 am
Phantom Deejay question ? i just started using your skin and did some editing to the XML file to change a few things to my liking. so i kinda know my way around your XML file pretty good Except for i can't figure out how to "Uncheck" some of the info that's listed in the "Field" as you see in my picture with all the Fields 1,2,3,4 etc,etc filled up it just looks messy to me with all them fields filled up with all that extra info. so i want to "Hide" & or "Uncheck" some of the info in those Fields 1,2,3 and so on. can you let me know what line # in the XML to change and or how to uncheck certain Field options thanks

Mensajes Sat 11 Jul 20 @ 3:33 pm
You want to remove things from the skin menu, or from the deck screens ?
The skin menu starts at line #6948
The Deck info entries on the menu start at line #7020
There you can remove <submenu> entries.
However this will NOT change the info displayed on deck screens.
For this you must edit "everything" between lines #2694 and #2868

Mensajes Mon 13 Jul 20 @ 9:05 am
thanks phantom DJ for the info sir :-)

Mensajes Tue 14 Jul 20 @ 1:59 am
καλημέρα ! επειδή έψαξα μα δεν το βρήκα , πως μπορώ να προσθέσω το logo μου στα slipmats ?
Ευχαριστώ !!

Mensajes Thu 20 Jul 23 @ 7:28 am
You need to edit the skin's graphics file.
When you open the file you'll see a white square space that reads "Your Logo Here"
Replace that white area with the graphics of your logo, save the file and replace it inside the skin's zip file.
You should be done.

Mensajes Thu 20 Jul 23 @ 12:15 pm
Ευχαριστώ πολύ !!

Mensajes Fri 11 Aug 23 @ 10:36 am
dromo626PRO SubscriberMember since 2023
Thank you, works awesome with the Dj REV-1 controllers.

Mensajes Sun 21 Apr 24 @ 9:42 pm