after NEW up date ( 3440.1247 ) doing some mapping on the DDj-sx-2 after mapping and save SOUND cut off for about 2s & sound time after mapping the controller STOP working and a Buzzing sound is playing on beat if it was music.OSX 10.9.2 / 2.6Ghz i7/ 8Gb RAM
Mensajes Tue 11 Oct 16 @ 10:44 pm
First of all, honestly I can't understand what you're saying.
I guess you want to say that after editing your mapper while using build 3440 something went wrong and you had some noise.
When you edit/save a mapper VirtualDj re-initializes the device. Normally this doesn't affect the audio. VirtualDj just do a full refresh on all midi commands of the new mapper.
However, depending on what you did you may altered something accidentally on device <ONINIT> and <ONEXIT> keys.
Both these keys are used when you edit/save a new mapper.
Does your issue happens if you don't edit the mapper ?
I mean can you reproduce the issue by just starting VirtualDj with SX2 connected and playing music ?
If not, then check your old and new mapper.
If you have used any extra commands on INIT and EXIT keys (on both old & new mapper) please let us know...
I guess you want to say that after editing your mapper while using build 3440 something went wrong and you had some noise.
When you edit/save a mapper VirtualDj re-initializes the device. Normally this doesn't affect the audio. VirtualDj just do a full refresh on all midi commands of the new mapper.
However, depending on what you did you may altered something accidentally on device <ONINIT> and <ONEXIT> keys.
Both these keys are used when you edit/save a new mapper.
Does your issue happens if you don't edit the mapper ?
I mean can you reproduce the issue by just starting VirtualDj with SX2 connected and playing music ?
If not, then check your old and new mapper.
If you have used any extra commands on INIT and EXIT keys (on both old & new mapper) please let us know...
Mensajes Thu 13 Oct 16 @ 12:00 pm
Now after new update 11-24-16 when mapping on the DDJ-sx-2 unnecessary commands comes up like volume,filter,crossfaded,Etc and Im NOT touching nothing for them to change,
Mensajes Fri 25 Nov 16 @ 8:31 pm