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Tema: VDJ Not Playing Nice With NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M - Page: 1

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I have an Alienware 17 with dedicated NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M video card. Updated the drivers this week (Ver. and the laptop screen and videos on TVs became jerky, even freezing at times. I rolled back the driver (Ver. and everything worked fine again, until today. Jerky video once again.
It seems that if I restart my computer, VDJ 8.2 will not play well with either driver version unless I minimize the software screen and only leave the videos playing on my external TVs, or if I update the driver and then roll it back again. I am so confused. LOL.
I tried to tell VDJ to use my integrated video card for the software, and the external videos to use the Nvidia card, but it doesn't keep those settings.
Checked the Nvidia website and they reported some issues and posted a fix, but it didn't help.
I guess until someone (not sure if VDJ or Nvidia) can work on a fix, I'll have to update my driver and then roll it back before my gigs.
Open to any suggestions or input? Thanks.

Mensajes Thu 10 Nov 16 @ 9:41 pm
Same issue here, mines freezes, went into video card settings and changed vdj to use the integrated card by default.

Mensajes Thu 10 Nov 16 @ 10:17 pm
Yeah. Integrated card works fine, but I'm worried about performance. I'm thinking more that it is a Nvidia driver issue. It is just strange that I didn't have an issue with the old driver until after I tried to update, then rolled it back.

Mensajes Fri 11 Nov 16 @ 12:13 am
try setting DXVA opposite of what you have set now and see if that helps.

play with videomaxmemory settings (default to AUTO), start with 128, 256, 512, 1024 etc... and if any helps.

Mensajes Fri 11 Nov 16 @ 4:08 pm
Thanks I done more searches and found out that my driver was not up to date, thought it was automatically updated. Now VDJ has a microphone icon at the bottom right when using NVIDIA, you have that also?

Mensajes Fri 11 Nov 16 @ 11:05 pm
that mic icon is not from VDJ, it's from Nvidia. Check your settings for the Nvidia.

Mensajes Fri 11 Nov 16 @ 11:35 pm
Thanks for the input, Mike. I'll have to try changing some of the settings. Just finshed my work week and chillin out today. The other thing I'm going to look into is some system tweaks I did last week. I followed the tweaks from VDJ forums, but also from some other sites aimed at gamers. I figured they would help, but now I'm wondering about that.

Mensajes Sun 13 Nov 16 @ 10:29 pm
Thanks I'll check out the settings as suggested. I had issues with using my Nvidia card last night, videos was freezing alot. Had to switch over to my integrated card which i had no problem with.

Mensajes Sun 13 Nov 16 @ 11:01 pm
Okay... I got to playing around at home with my system.

The Nvidia website support forums has a driver update fix. It didn't work at first, so I thought it was a bust. Then looking through the thread, I found that you had to go to your Nvidia Control Panel ---> 3D Setting ---> Global Settings and change it to "High Performance". After trying that, it still didn't work... BUT... after I went back in and changed it back to "Auto Detect" everything cleared up. Even after several restarts, I didn't have the video glitches I had before and things seem to be resolved for me.
You who are having issues with the Nvidia card might want to try this and see if it works for you.

Here's the link to the GeForce driver hot fix.

Hope it works for you all too. Post your updates.

Mensajes Mon 14 Nov 16 @ 3:16 am
for a start you should be using the dedicated graphics card not the integrated graphics card for running VDJ and you cannot run 2 cards at one time, i.e you can't run one on VDJ and run one on your videos it doesn't make sense seen as your playing the videos through VDJ lol

you need to go to NVida control panel/manage 3D setting/program setting/ click add find VDJ and then click high performance then VDJ will use the High performance card and not the integrated card

Mensajes Sun 20 Nov 16 @ 7:48 pm
Hi guys, I was also getting this performance issue with my NVidia card (Desktop PC) when I get the freezes I also get like a capacitor discharge noise from the card !!!
Ive read everything above and added virtualdj to the applications list in 3d.. I'm getting slight improvement but now only seeing slight dropouts in virtualdj (The capacitor discharge sound now instead of lasing 1 to 3 seconds is more like a chirp)

I'll continue changing a setting at a time and add here what I find to cure these freezes..

[edit:] No, sorry guys no help here.
I ripped out my NVidia card and booted with the on-CPU intel graphics and with having the "VideoUseDXVA" to YES it still freezes (Though minus the capacitor noise as that was coming from the NVidia card)

So can I ask here please.. What is the DXVA setting for and if we disable it will things like Milkdrop and HD videos and such like still work just fine??

[edit2:] I put the card back in and changed the FXAA setting to yes. and use DXVA in virtualdj (restarting virtualdj everytime)
Now I get smooth video and only slight "ticking" from the capacitor on my card but I can live with that till I get a new card

Mensajes Wed 23 Nov 16 @ 12:31 am
might be cheaper if you just replace the BLOWN CAP ?

Mensajes Wed 23 Nov 16 @ 1:29 am
The Magic.DJ wrote :
might be cheaper if you just replace the BLOWN CAP ?

There are only 3 that I can see and theyre the new type (not the ones with a blue plastic jacket around them)

Mensajes Wed 23 Nov 16 @ 1:32 am
I only see these freezes if I'm editing video samples and I press play. the NVidia setting goes some way to improve the freezes but they still happen.
They happen wether I have the nvidea card in the system or not (ie. still happens using the on-CPU intel 4600 On the i5 4690K CPU)

The only way to stop this freeze is to disable DXVA so I'm gonna run for a few hours/days with it turned off.
Could anybody from DEVS team have a quick look into this please for us??

Mensajes Wed 23 Nov 16 @ 1:51 am
marksmolinski wrote :
I only see these freezes if I'm editing video samples and I press play in the sample editor. the NVidia setting goes some way to improve the freezes but they still happen.
They happen wether I have the nvidea card in the system or not (ie. still happens using the on-CPU intel 4600 On the i5 4690K CPU)

The only way to stop this freeze is to disable DXVA so I'm gonna run for a few hours/days with it turned off.
Could anybody from DEVS team have a quick look into this please for us??


Mensajes Wed 23 Nov 16 @ 1:57 am
i commented on this jumping the gun without reading all of your post i apologise, i am to having this problem same as you if i minimise VDJ the CPU will drop dramatically and play perfect video without problems if i maximise VDJ the CPU will run up and hang around to 40-45% CPU and i get jerky video and freezes bang same as you

Mensajes Wed 30 Nov 16 @ 7:11 pm

Mensajes Sat 03 Dec 16 @ 2:54 am
BraenzuPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2007
you have tested with "VideoForceFullscreen = 1" ?


Mensajes Sat 03 Dec 16 @ 10:49 am
uninstall everything to do with Nvidia, delete the NVidia folders in C: drive program files & program files (x86) then reboot then install latest version and everything should be fine

Mensajes Mon 05 Dec 16 @ 6:14 pm
I just disabled the Nvidia card all together! No More problems!

Mensajes Tue 03 Oct 17 @ 4:51 pm