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Tema: Becoming very bored DJing *Thoughts* - Page: 2

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Way past the point of no return.. I use to enjoy the djing. I also enjoyed the bimbetts that came with the job. Music is life to me. I seem to play a lot of the same things and then time took its tole on me. It got to a point where my promo tab was increasing but the pay checks were no longer relevant. Bar was packed to the top. Everyone paid cover no matter what and I was kicking it. I one day lost it. I decided to teach someone else how to dj. I was happy to be the main dj and host. I eventually quit as they wouldn't give me the raise I asked for. With in one day I was in a club in a different city making way more cash. It was a change of scenery and was needed. Soon the new place was insane and packed. It was still the same old thing day in and out . Finally I left the club to do other things. I walked away for 10 years. I still kept my record pool subscription and did new years and other gigs. Just recently I had a club owner talk to me . He found me as many of his clients are at the events Im doing. He asked me a price and I gave him the answer. I was more then the band! These cheap assholes are paying pocket lint for djs. I have never seen any dj go for cheap. The skills have been replaced by this and other software. The dj is using yesterdays play list as his todays list and changing not one song. I get why they are paying nothing. The room lacked energy and the skill the old crew had. I see it all the time. people being lazy using mouses to dj auto beat mix. So i decided to take a shot at this again. Just to prove a point . I was bored and we will see how long it takes to get back to boredom.

Mensajes Sat 11 Feb 17 @ 5:54 am
I will tell you, in the Northest of the US, Scranton area to be exact, at a club Ive never been paid more the $150 a night, even when 1000 comes through to door paying a cover charge. $150 max.. and I do video and visuals when I DJ... but never get paid more to do it. I took a small break from DJ the ended a few years ago and I know from the records I kept that I was paid more 15 years ago and smaller places then Im getting now... The pay for club gets and stuff is getting so low and hell, people get scared off from hiring for wedding when you quote them more the $400 around here..THIS IS NOT A JOKE... idk. its .....sad

Mensajes Mon 13 Feb 17 @ 8:29 am
for 135.oo you can book me to make balloon animals for a hour... lol. I know its hard when no one wants to flip the bill.. 900.00 a night is my cheapest for djing if i'm bringing gear.

Mensajes Tue 14 Feb 17 @ 6:46 am
So very True everything posted here. I went to providing videos and doing VJ visuals when I DJ just to keep booked and busy ahead of the game...but they pay for all the extra work, gear, and material hasn't gone anywhere.

Mensajes Tue 14 Feb 17 @ 9:54 pm
I've been dj'ing for 28 years & also got bored a couple of years ago. So I bought a Pioneer SX2 controller and an official version of Virtual DJ. Using a controller like it was a 12" record gave me much more enjoyment, I also play MP4's mixing videos is amazing.
I'm now loving the job again and feel lucky to have 3 residencies & be able to work 5 nights a week.
Hope this helps. Keep the faith, don't pack it in.

Mensajes Thu 16 Feb 17 @ 9:16 pm
bigron1 wrote :
Good pay for everyone is dependent on plenty of well paid manufacturing work for our peoples.

We now have to compete with 3rd world "slave" labour.
It's a race to the bottom.

I don't think Canada has been affected as badly as the USA by globalization.
Your turn to be dragged down is just around the corner.

I'd be surprised if a DJ could get paid at all in the city of the rusty factory..yep Detroit.

Yes, i too have noticed how the decline in general work has effected the DJ's wage.

Mensajes Fri 17 Feb 17 @ 8:57 am
I once went into a running club to see what the dj was doing . The place held 700 people and had 30. I walked into the dj booth up in the roof and here sat a dude with two disk man 's and a promo only disk set. The owners didn't know enough to understand good djs keep people and cheap djs are that way for a reason. In the end I took over the place and 9 months later made them 600 000.00 and they didnt loose there house's. Good djs are never cheap.. and cheap djs are never good.

Mensajes Sun 19 Feb 17 @ 9:33 pm
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Tycoon you "don't get it".
Where I live over the last 20 years we have lost more than half the local venues.
These lost venues included a large Labour club, a large church club, a community center, and 8 public houses.
What we have left is one church club, one community center, and 5 public houses.
People don't go out much.
Here there are few opportunities..

Mensajes Mon 20 Feb 17 @ 2:12 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
..I forgot that 20 years ago we also had a super large night club which attracted the top DJ's from a very famous city whose center is a 25 min. drive away.
That's long gone.

The young DJ's often get a start in the venues in the suburbs.
Here the competition is fierce.
How do the young get a chance to learn?

Mensajes Mon 20 Feb 17 @ 3:36 pm
Yeah a lot of places have closed. Music taste are in the toilet and smart phones, youtube and such has made people want their song and WANT IT NOW and its mostly radio stuff. venues here don't pay much at all and even if you are a great DJ, you still don't get paid. a good friend of mine is an amazing DJ and he went in once to negotiate a better pay, a fair pay*because we are only at $150 a night even when the crowd is wall to wall and always a cover charge* and the result of his discussion cost him his gig and even the owner banned him as a customer. I was a bit shocked. Its just the way it is. Want more money? Become more powerful. How? Make remixes. Keep a professional online appearances. Market yourself wisely.. and all of that gets you a following that clubs will pay for..... just getting to that point is tough

Mensajes Tue 21 Feb 17 @ 6:31 am
DJ Andrew Ryan wrote :
So, lately Ive been becoming very bored with DJing but I really do not think its with DJing itself. From the area I am at, and open format DJ is your best option. Also a college town. Now this should make for a pretty fun time, Right? I DJ in the areas 2 biggest night clubs so, I at first didn't know why I was becoming so bored with it. After a while I figured it out. Its the damn music for the most part. As an open format DJ, its like you are going no where as a DJ. You go out and play what all the kids want like you are their spotify account or youtube.. and its all hip hop which I have no care for absolutely at all... but I keep up with it to keep busy and keep being booked. The most fun Ive ever had in a club was at at gay clubs. The reason, the crowd will dance to ANYTHING.. at least thats how it was in this area but most of them closed up. Im close to NYC and Philly but damn its so hard to get a gig. Trying to find a booking agent or whatever.Also in this area a lot of places just don't promote. The put all the onto the DJs and bartenders shoulders to promote. The whole system here in broken and the crowds seen lame and if the song isn't on the radio EXACTLY AS THEY PLAY IT.... then you get no response as a DJ you want a style and such.. I'm bored because its so hard to develop yourself here. Anyone else feeling this? Its like you try and try and the crowd has no energy even when you try your hardest to pep them up.... and THIS IS A COLLEGE TOWN!! When I started DJing in 98, man it was so different... the last 5 years the whole thing has gone to shit and.... what Im doing just isn't fun anymore... I need to find my spot.. my thing..As I DJ I feel like Im spinning dailtones all night.. just not feeling it. Like Im not getting anything back out of it.. if you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong I love DJing but... maybe Im in the wrong area..

i can relate to this, and probably all DJs can on some level relate to it. I recently started doing some monthly events using all vinyl records, just playing the music i like and it has brought me a lot of satisfaction, even though the money is not the best, its very enjoyable and it is beginning to become popular as the word gets around. the thing is , DJing is a form of self expression, you are doing this to share with people, your own vision, and the sound that resonates with you personally. so its important to have at least, some outlet through which you can do that in order to be passionate about it.
since i started doing these gigs, not only do i feel renewed when doing my more commercial "sellout" gigs LOL, but i actually really enjoy them for what they are

so, what im saying, is rather than getting pissed off with your current gigs, you could try to add another outlet where you can do something which is more "you"

i dont know how that fist into your situation, given we are in very different geographical locations but hope that helps you a little :-)

Mensajes Thu 23 Feb 17 @ 11:02 pm

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