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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Tema: All Songs not moving from iTunes to Virtual DJ

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

I am using Mac OS. I have a Mac book pro in Sierra. I went through and changed the advanced setting in iTunes so that VDJ could see my files. However when I exited out and restarted all the programs. Two things happened. 1.) I can not see all the downloaded music in VDJ and additionally VDJ has two sets of title folders for every one folder. Has anyone else figured out why or how to get this to change?

Mensajes Fri 09 Mar 18 @ 8:51 pm
First thing - where is the downloaded music from? Did you buy it, or is it rented from Apple Music?

If it's from Apple Music then you won't be able to play it in VDJ. It's copy protected.

Mensajes Fri 09 Mar 18 @ 10:20 pm

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