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has_stems '2.0' is always true when RealtimeSeperation enabled.

I need a true when a prepared stem is saved.


Mensajes Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 2:11 pm
how to assign a button so that when it is activated, the filter works as filter_selectcolorfx 'pitch', but only for voice?

Mensajes Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 5:52 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
effect_stems 'vocal' on ? effect_stems 'vocal' off : effect_stems 'vocal' on & filter_selectcolorfx 'pitch'

something like that

Mensajes Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 6:34 pm
DennYo Beats wrote :
The second. Is there a way to visible "has prepared Stems" like Browser Color Rules, for the loaded Song?

If you are asking if it is possible to change/set a color for tracks, that have prepared stems?

This can be done with a color rule: Prepared Stems = 1

Mensajes Wed 07 Dec 22 @ 7:19 pm
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010
locodog wrote :
That would be a repeat_start script [a.k.a. rsi, repeat_start_instant]

button script
browser_scroll 'top' & repeat_start_instant scroller 25ms & browsed_song 'remix' `get_browsed_song 'comment'` & browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop scroller : browser_scroll +1 

either will take a little while, it processes about 2000 tracks a minute

Thanks for that. I figured to either us a filter or just smaller folders to make it easier, also going to disable automatic writing of mp3 tags before hand otherwise my backups will take forever.
I'm still trying to get my head around repeat from your previous lessons but this example seems really straight forward and easy to understand & edit if I needed something similar.

PS. also added ' browser_window "songs" & ' to the beginning of the script cause I will forget to click in the songs windows 1st due to being hopeless.


Mensajes Fri 09 Dec 22 @ 7:40 pm
We decided here whether the script can count the number of characters in the string.
It took me a while, but I understood him.

param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 1` ? SIZE OF 1 : 
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 2` ? SIZE OF 2 : ......

Can the script be modified to detect if the string is longer, shorter than 25 characters? Nothing comes to my mind.


Can't write in a shorter script?
set_var 'a' "12345678901234567890123456" &
(param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 1` ? set 'length' 1 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 2` ? set 'length' 2 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 3` ? set 'length' 3 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 4` ? set 'length' 4 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 5` ? set 'length' 5 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 6` ? set 'length' 6 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 7` ? set 'length' 7 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 8` ? set 'length' 8 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 9` ? set 'length' 9 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 10` ? set 'length' 10 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 11` ? set 'length' 11 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 12` ? set 'length' 12 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 13` ? set 'length' 13 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 14` ? set 'length' 14 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 15` ? set 'length' 15 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 16` ? set 'length' 16 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 17` ? set 'length' 17 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 18` ? set 'length' 18 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 19` ? set 'length' 19 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 20` ? set 'length' 20 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 21` ? set 'length' 21 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 22` ? set 'length' 22 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 23` ? set 'length' 23 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 24` ? set 'length' 24 :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 25` ? set 'length' 25 :
set 'length' 26) &
var_smaller 'length' 25 ? set_var 'copmp' "smaller" :
var_equal 'length' 25 ? set_var 'copmp' "equal" :
var_greater 'length' 25 ? set_var 'copmp' "greater"

Mensajes Fri 09 Dec 22 @ 10:47 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
start at 24 if thats all you need.

Mensajes Sat 10 Dec 22 @ 7:30 am
locodog wrote :
start at 24 if thats all you need.

Yes. You are right to use the property "24". Thanks

set_var 'a' "12345678901234567890123456" &
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 24` ? set_var 'comp' "smaller" :
param_equal `get_var a` `get_var a & param_cast 'text' 25` ? set_var 'comp' "equal" :
set_var 'comp' "greater"

Mensajes Sat 10 Dec 22 @ 11:50 am

Is there a script that would let me continue my track playing from the point that a loop started at when exiting, instead of continuing from the end of the loop. I would like to jump back to the point the loop started and go from there. why I hear you ask.

so if I have a track that has no decent intro to mix with, I could loop the first 1 or 2 bars and use stems to remove the vocals and melody, to get just a rhythm loop, and then exit the loop and re-enable the vocal and melody stems and jump back to the start point of the now exited loop and continue playing the track with the full vocal and melody.

hope that made sense.


Mensajes Thu 15 Dec 22 @ 11:27 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
reloop & loop off

Mensajes Thu 15 Dec 22 @ 11:35 am
so is there now a way of waiting till the end of the current loop before doing the reloop. for example if i press the button to do this and the current loop is on beat 3 for example, I dont want it to reloop immediately, but wait until it is at the end of the current loop and is about to restart the loop.

so far I have

var $intromode 1 ? reloop & only_stem "melody" & only_stem "vocal" & loop off & set $intromode 0 : loop 4 & mute_stem "Melody" & mute_stem "vocal" & set $intromode 1

Mensajes Thu 15 Dec 22 @ 2:05 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
if waiting for end of loop to reloop, just let it loop and not use reloop. Use a rsi to monitor and save inLoop position, if current is smaller than saved then the loop has just restarted and your switches can be reset.

Mensajes Thu 15 Dec 22 @ 3:53 pm
user22183247 wrote :
so if I have a track that has no decent intro to mix with, I could loop the first 1 or 2 bars and use stems to remove the vocals and melody, to get just a rhythm loop, and then exit the loop and re-enable the vocal and melody stems and jump back to the start point of the now exited loop and continue playing the track with the full vocal and melody.

Locodog.. wouldn't this be a great use for your RoutineSP addon?

Update: Opps.... I see needs vocal stems removed and added back. Then may not be best use

Or could use RoutineSP and only need to do the stems manipulation.

Mensajes Thu 15 Dec 22 @ 4:41 pm
I have a custom button that record a shader for 10 sec and after that it changes to the next shader and then wait 3 sec.
I want to repeat this until the button is pressed again. Is it possible?

record on & wait 10000ms & record off & effect_string ”audioonlyvisualation” 1 +1 & wait 3000ms

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 22 @ 12:00 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
deck master repeat_start_instant 'rsiShaderRecord' ? on & record off & deck master repeat_stop 'rsiShaderRecord' : off & record on & deck master repeat_start_instant 'rsiShaderRecord' 13000ms -1 & (  record ? : record on ) & wait 10000ms & record off & effect_string audioonlyvisualisation 1 +1

typo in your visualisation that copied thru but seems there's something in the previous script, it doesn't like to set up the recording for some reason.
use this instead, first shader might not record, but there after will

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 22 @ 3:34 pm
Ah, now it works. Thank you !!!

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 22 @ 4:29 pm
Hi! Tell me how to write the script correctly: (deck right filter_selectcolorfx 'noise' smart_pressed)
it should work like this: when you turn the filter knob and hold the button with this script, the noise effect sounds, if you release the button, the noise effect does not sound.

Mensajes Mon 02 Jan 23 @ 12:06 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Look at filter_activate

Mensajes Mon 02 Jan 23 @ 3:09 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Countdown script went live between xmas & nye, I didn't have time to explain then so I'll do it now, I don't think it needs much explanation, read & try the examples

examples of countdown as a string

repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown '2022/12/13 00:00' '%HH:%MM:%SS' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown '2022/12/13 00:00' '%HH:%MM' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown '2022/12/13 00:00' '%MM|%SS ----' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown '2022/12/13 00:00' '%full extra Words' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

querying countdown as an int
[note I have text effect profiles, called bignumber & message]
deck master repeat_start Count ? on & effect_active text off & repeat_stop Count : off & effect_active text on & repeat_start Count 50ms &
param_smaller `countdown '2022/12/09 13:59:00'` 10 ?
countdown '2022/12/09 13:59:00' %full & param_cast & effect_string 'text' 2 :
param_equal `countdown '2022/12/09 13:59:00' %SS` "00" !?
effect_string text 3 bigNumber & countdown '2022/12/09 13:59:00' %SS & param_cast & effect_string 'text' 2 :
effect_string text 3 messageBox & effect_string text 2 "it happened" & repeat_stop Count

set_var_dialog $date

fill it with this
2023/01/02 01:00

use a string variable as the date param
repeat_start 'count' ? repeat_stop 'count' : repeat_start 'count' 1000ms & countdown `get_var $date` '%full past' & param_cast & deck master effect_string 'text' 2

Mensajes Mon 02 Jan 23 @ 6:02 am
Tell me how to write the script correctly: (deck right filter_selectcolorfx 'noise' smart_pressed)
it should work like this: when you turn the filter knob and hold the button with this script, the noise effect sounds, if you release the button, the noise effect does not sound.

locodog wrote :
Look at filter_activate

with "filter_activate" works, but then all filter_selectcolorfx stop working.

in this pad, as in the photo, everything works, but I do not need all these functions, I only need "noise", and I want to assign NOISE to one pad to control this function in the "PUSH ON" mode.

Mensajes Mon 02 Jan 23 @ 10:36 am