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Tema: Editing the filter in VDJ

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Hey there. I would need a small help: before using VDJ i really like the Serato filter, which was different than VDJ, for example: when i put the filter all down in vdj, he cuts all the bass freqs, instead in Serato i still had bass freqs and it was more enjoyable. I don't know if i explained this well, but if you compare both are different, so how i can approximate the result of Serato to VDJ? Maybe if there's a config, or vdjscripts.
Thanks in advance!

Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 2:21 pm
xInfamouZ wrote :
when i put the filter all down in vdj, he cuts all the bass freqs

No, all the bass is not cut with the VDJ filter. What's probably happening is that your speakers cannot reproduce the low bass when the VDJ filter is all the way down, so you hear nothing. I can assure you that there are still bass frequencies there. I can hear it on my small Creative computer speakers.

Another possibility is that the tracks you're playing don't have bass as far down as the VDJ filter goes, so again you would hear nothing.


Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 2:38 pm
No the fact isn't this, because with the same track in Serato i can hear it, in VDJ not, so it's a filter thing

Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 3:03 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
So just turn the filter down a little less?

Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 3:04 pm
Yes, this is what i've done everytime but i was thinking.. there's a way to set the filter like this?

Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 3:05 pm
xInfamouZ wrote :
No the fact isn't this

Yes, the fact is this! I don't think you understood what I tried to explain.

The VDJ filter does not cut all the bass.

The low pass frequency in VDJ is probably set lower than the one in Serato DJ - for example Serato DJ may cut off bass down to 40Hz but VDJ may cut bass down to 20Hz

Therefore, in Serato DJ you will hear bass from 40Hz downwards, but in VDJ you will only hear bass below 20Hz - so if your speakers cannot reproduce bass as low as 20Hz, you will not hear it, and you will think there is no bass.


Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 3:44 pm
Ohhh Sorry, my bad! I probably didn't explain well:
I would have the same filter frequencies settings of Serato on VDJ
So it may be possible?

Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 5:10 pm
Yes, in VDJ there are a lot of changes you can make to the filter
Here are some of them:


Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 5:21 pm
You can change the range (width) of the filter by using VDJ Script...

So if you use param_multiply 0.8 & param_add 0.1 & filter instead of just filter then the filter will work between 196Hz and 7.2Khz instead of its full range. Maybe this will help you hear the bass.

Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 5:22 pm
Thank you.. so I've a Numark NV. Do I've to change code in the Filter knob in the map?
I've tons of strings written here and honestly I'm feeling confused, as you can see here:
Thank you in advance.

Mensajes Sat 04 Aug 18 @ 5:44 pm
Okay so I basically edited it, thank you
It's almost similar to Serato, but not 100% the same. But a good result too.

Mensajes Sun 05 Aug 18 @ 10:56 am

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