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Tema: Options explanation.

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Is there a more detailed explanation of the options menu than what is in the user manual?

Mensajes Sun 05 Aug 18 @ 11:05 pm
I don't think so. There is the help text in VDJ for each field but that is about the same.

But if you want to know more about some specific options I think people in this group will be able to help with it

Mensajes Sun 05 Aug 18 @ 11:11 pm
Yeah ok, I'd like to know more about "autoBPMmatch".
When and why would you use it?
What would be effect of using it verses not using it?
I had a quick play with it but couldn't see any change? Just feel I need a better understanding.

Mensajes Mon 06 Aug 18 @ 3:06 am

when you mouse over anything in Options you get a quicky definition of what it does at the bottom of the box.

autoBPMmatch is like an automated shortcut to get the two tracks mostly lined up instantly instead of doing mental math and adjusting the pitch slider till you think you have the corrent matching BPM. it gets you close and then you do the rest by nudging the tracks so you can get them in sync to get your mix right

when and why? - that depends on the user. personally leave it set to 'always' for two reasons.
1 - keeps me on my toes and awake so George Strait doesn't suddenly play at 148bpm for a ballad
2 - overall it saves me a ton of time when mixing the non-country and i can spend more time on the mix and not hunting a bpm match. yes, i could use sync the same way but when i drop a track in a deck and it's already there i can be pushing play or a hotcue then nudging so it sound smooth.

in an industry where those fraction of a second count and are the difference between missing a cue or having to do something that sounds like a trainwreck to transition count then it can be a big help.

Mensajes Mon 06 Aug 18 @ 5:00 am
when i open up VDJ8 the bpm of each song is displayed in the bottom right hand side, but as soon as i connect my DJ-ERGO to the laptop the bpm disappears, is this due to the license i have or is there somewhere within my settings i can turn it back on again?

thank you

Mensajes Wed 08 Aug 18 @ 4:58 am
Thar's a limitation of the LE license

Mensajes Wed 08 Aug 18 @ 5:49 am

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