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Forum: General Discussion

Tema: Anyone using a Reloop Touch? Your thoughts on it?

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Just curious if anyone is rocking a Reloop Touch and how it's been working out for you? I like many of it's features, but it looks a little flimsy. Just curious to hear a user perspective on it.

Mensajes Thu 16 May 19 @ 2:21 am
We had one in the club and it's terrible basically. Sound output is absolutely awful.

Mensajes Thu 16 May 19 @ 6:12 am
I did this video when I got mine:

Mensajes Thu 16 May 19 @ 10:10 am
Thanks guys. Klaus, I appreciate that video. It gives a good overview. I'm on W7 too so no ASIO is a no go for me.

Mensajes Thu 23 May 19 @ 1:30 pm

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