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Tema: UI a bit jumpy - maybe frame rate issue

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I noticed quite a while back that my waveform is a bit jumpy on the screen , as though it is freezing intermittently for very short periods of time
i would compare it to a frame rate mismatch where a 24 fps video was playing at 30fps and id needed to repeat a frame every so often.
at first i was alarmed by it, but i got used to it , it doesnt seem affect the performance of the software in any other way.

i noticed however that when i use tellyvisuals to display scrolling text on a TV i get some jumpiness aswell, barely notice it on a 22" monitor at home, but on a 40" in the bar i can see it.

just wondering if anyone knows whats going on here and if theres a way i might be able to correct it?

i can see in the options that the video FPS is set to 30 and the skin FPS is 30 aswell, but i hesitant to mess with these settings without talking to someone who knows more about it. the videos themselves seem to play back fine

Mensajes Thu 03 Oct 19 @ 1:46 pm
quick update

i switched it to 60fps and its very smooth now, no jumping
maybe the jumpiness is due to the speed of the waveform, might always look jumpy at this speed/frame rate, im not sure.
but i would have imagined that it would look smooth.

will see if this works ok in terms of CPU usage


Mensajes Thu 03 Oct 19 @ 2:11 pm
Yeah Matty... The thing is you need to match the Video FPS and Skin FPS to the refresh rate of your monitor which is typically 60hz... So the monitor can display 60 full frames per second in this case... For example, it cannot display 33 full frames per second exactly so something has to give. Frames will be dropped to make up the difference and so you can see choppy behavior. Also be sure to set the skin FPS to 60 as well because if there is a difference in Skin and Video FPS it can cause a problem as well. This assumes that you have a capable computer. Tearing also used to be horrible but that is largely a non-issue these days for most;

You won't see the behavior so much in videos because videos tend to have a lot going on and your eyes are distracted. You will see it most when scrolling horizontally.

If you are using Win7 then to see absolute smooth you will need to turn aero on.. Win 8 and above has the equivalent of aero on all the time so you don't have to worry about that. With Win 7 and aero off, you will see higher CPU usage, tearing, and choppy behavior. Again assuming you have a proper video DV computer.

If you want more in the way of technical details you can read this:

Note: FPS of 30 can work but it is very hard to do when using DX9 (VDJ32) in non hardware fullscreen mode... It is easy to do exact 30FPS in DX11 (VDJ 64) but VDJ would have to support that mode for it to work. Just choosing 30 FPS in VDJ is not going to cut it. Even when exact 30 FPS is available 60 is still better.

Mensajes Fri 04 Oct 19 @ 12:35 am
thanks for the inf Don

i would have thought that it would be reasonably smooth at 30fps, because it divides evenly into 60
but to me it looks like every other frame is being repeated, slightly jerky movement, thats what has me puzzled.

i think my computer can handle 60 though

Mensajes Fri 04 Oct 19 @ 11:05 am
It is the expectation that 30 would be fine since half would be ok but that is not how it goes. 30 would be fine if it was hitting 30 pretty close to right on the noise... But that does not happeni n VDJ. These special FPS rates such as monitor refresh rate uses special code to achieve that. Typically automatically for the GPU. For software control, it has some limited choices... For DX9, you can only set it to match the monitor refresh rate or what is called immediate mode when using DX9 in a window mode. What VDJ calls Fullscreen now is still a window. Immediate mode ignores sync with the refresh rate... You can time things to try and catch the refresh cycle but it is much harder and some generic FPS system does not work well. DX11 does offer the half modes when in windows mode but assume VDJ ignores it.

Bring up TV and turn on ShowFPS in options. Then set FPS to 30...Tell me what you see for FPS... Here if I set 30 FPS in VDJ, i see 32.5 to 33... and expect choppy behavior because it will be out of sync

You also have windows enforcing the refresh sync with aero on in Win 7. Win 8 and above have equivalent on all the time. Windows Display Manager helps greatly with another issue called tearing. Not so much of a concern these days.

A difference in Skin FPS and Video FPS in VDJ is not as bad as it used to be but may be system dependent.

Mensajes Sat 05 Oct 19 @ 3:56 am

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