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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Tópico: Crash (b5350) - Page: 1

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I discovered that VDJ (b5350) crashes while trying to download some cover or track informations with connected wifi which has bad internet connection.

But what's somehow even worse:
It happend during a gig, so I tried to download a previous build...
But the only thing I could download were Windows10 64-bit versions. But what if I haven't got Windows10?!
I think there should be both versions (32- & 64-bit) available, for people who need the 32-bit version.
Could you please be so kind and make this possible? So we can relate more on some solution to get VDJ working again.
Thankfully I had an older installer on my laptop to solve this.

(And YES, I tested the software before using it on a gig, in case of someone tells me to not run it blindly again... I spent the whole week with the program because I am developing a new definition for a mixer, so YES I spent a lot of time with the new build, but this wasn't expected.)

Mensajes Fri 18 Oct 19 @ 5:42 pm
andy-chiles wrote :
I think there should be both versions (32- & 64-bit) available, for people who need the 32-bit version.

Both versions are available.


groovindj wrote :
andy-chiles wrote :
I think there should be both versions (32- & 64-bit) available, for people who need the 32-bit version.

Both versions are available.

I haven't found ANY way to download previous builds from the 32-bit version.
Can you tell me where I can find it?


groovindj wrote :
On the download page...

Oh you want previous builds - why don't you keep previously downloaded versions on your computer, or at least make a backup?

Oh we are talking on this level... ok...
So you think that I download every build manually instead of just click "yes" on the update window? Congrats... no, I don't.

And I kept an old one because of such cases, but I don't download every single build cause once upon a time I could relate to the website.

Where in this world is the problem to list both versions?
And yes I know... we want to go with the time and don't want to stay on the same spot and all that... that's fine...
But listing both versions doesn't kill anyone, and since it is even developed in 32bit anyways, why don't make it available for the customers?
Isn't that what the previous builds area is meant for have the possibility to go back to a stable version?!
I guess due to this discussion this target got missed.
So please, re-think this.

There's already been a thread on this exact subject, requesting old 32 bit builds.

Of course no one expects you to keep every build on your computer - but surely it makes sense if your computer setup is "mission critical" to backup the existing version before installing an update?

We see so many messages posted here about how users have lost this, lost that, or want to go back to a previous version. It's worth repeating, to try and get it into people's routine, to backup important files.


Andy, the whole thing is completely stupid. The other thread answers nothing about downloading older 32 bit versions but you are told to go there and somehow the whole thing is your fault...

They only provide a list of older 64 it beta versions because decided not to include a list of older 32 bit builds.

for older 32 bit builds replace the XXXX in the following links with the build number you want if you know what it was. You might be able to use the list of builds provided for the 64 bit builds as a reference for your build number.

Don't forget to replace the XXXX with the build number in these links. If the links stop working it is not my fault :)

groovindj wrote :
There's already been a thread on this exact subject, requesting old 32 bit builds.

Of course no one expects you to keep every build on your computer - but surely it makes sense if your computer setup is "mission critical" to backup the existing version before installing an update?

We see so many messages posted here about how users have lost this, lost that, or want to go back to a previous version. It's worth repeating, to try and get it into people's routine, to backup important files.

I am totally with you if we talk about backups and stuff... But things like that CAN happen, since we are human in first place, but also if we don't expect things that always went well to suddenly go wrong even though everything seemed to be fine.
So blame me for being too careless if you want, but I think nevertheless it would be a brilliant service to provide both versions.
People surely have to manage this, but I don't get why the hell you won't understand that it is about the service(!), the customer-friendliness, or call it how you want...
But why'd you start arguing instead of simply do good for your customers?!
Do you think people love to get in such situations?!
And do you think after getting in such, they want to start discussions about?
People, or let's say - YOUR CUSTOMER'S - want a solution! Not a confrontation!
You already develop the program in 32bit...
Just simply publish the links to it?!
Where is the problem?!

And even in the post you are referring to, you even give superb ideas to get this problem fixed... but on the other hand you are starting arguments here.
The simplest why way is to just put the downloads on the side next to the 64-bit list...
And everything else can come later if it is possible... but create a 'first solution' to be safe till the developers implement such functions.

I can think of a time when the previous builds were 3w bit only... this isn't even long time ago.

Raniki wrote :
Hi andy-chiles,

Yes I had exactly the same problem locating a download for a previous version 32bit..... but someone found it for me over on the facebook group so here it is :-)

And this is the thread that GroovinDj is referring to:

Good Luck....

Thank you mate!
I already solved the problem and got back to the other build.
I'm glad for your advice, but I think searching for help in some external groups can't be a good solution for the future... sure it only was an example and good luck that someone found it... But I think you get what I mean... It's about solving such problems as fast as possible...
So thank you again!

Don Moir wrote :
Andy, the whole thing is completely stupid. The other thread answers nothing about downloading older 32 bit versions but you are told to go there and somehow the whole thing is your fault...

They only provide a list of older 64 it beta versions because some decided not to include a list of older 32 bit builds.

for older 32 bit builds replace the XXXX in the following links with the build number you want if you know what it was. You might be able to use the list of builds provided for the 64 bit builds as a reference for your build number.

Don't forget to replace the XXXX with the build number in these links. If the links stop working it is not my fault :)

Finally a person who understands me.
Thank you for that... And that is what I call a great tip!
Hopefully this works out a while...
But nevertheless a solution has to be found here...
If it's online or directly integrated, but it needs a solution.
As well as this endless discussions have to find an end. We could have programmed it faster into the website than this post took to get to this point.

So thank you Don Moir!
Great tip!

@andy-chiles, I'd love to be able to edit the web site and add all the links to the 32 bit versions into the "previous builds" page - but I'm not an Atomix employee, and I don't have the ability to modify pages on the forum.

It's Atomix you need to target, not another VDJ user.

FWIW I did try to figure out if the 32 bit builds could be downloaded by modifying the 64 bit links, but I couldn't figure out the file names, or I would have posted them.


Note that if you are on early access, you can just use the main download page to download the current public build

Where is the problem to add links to 32bit versions on the hp?
There are many user ask for this in the German forum too.

I am on Windows 8.1 and can't use the 64bit version.

Why don't Atomix understand not everyone has Windows 10.

Maybe Rune should spend more time working on the website instead of moderating and deleting people's posts.

Not a good vibe around here just now.

Just a thought...

Adion wrote :
Note that if you are on early access, you can just use the main download page to download the current public build

How to return from the 2020 Version 32 bit to the 2018 Version 32 bit???

Thank you for the 32 Bit download button 1***

I just got home from my weekend and planned to write my reply to this posts, but then I read the last comment and booooooooooooooooooooom!

Despite the discussions about whether or not... But you listened!
And THIS is how costumer-service / -support / -cooperation / -collaboration (however) should look like!
THIS is what I call a community! AND I F***** LOVE IT! (Hope this doesn't get rated as bad language ^^)

Great work!
I'm happy now! :D
And I guess it is not only me feeling like that.


It happened to me this weekend but it crashed me three times but not VDJ, but it was windows with BSoD.
I was also with poor connectivity, did the same thing happen to you or just crashed VDJ?

henu_45 wrote :
It happened to me this weekend but it crashed me three times but not VDJ, but it was windows with BSoD.
I was also with poor connectivity, did the same thing happen to you or just crashed VDJ?

No, I head no Blue Screen.
VDJ just closed and open up again by itself.
And it was ONLY as soon as the connectivity got bad and it tried to download something. ONLY with those two conditions together at the same time.
(Meaning: If the connection was good it all went ok. If the connection was poor and VDJ didn't try to download something everything went fine also. It only crashed when both conditions came up at the same time.)
