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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Tema: VDJ and iCloud Problems - also freeze issues..

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Dear Virtual DJ. I am having a few problems with you software. Little background - I am a resident DJ, using a MacBook Pro with Catalina. First BIG PROBLEM: What the heck is this issue with VDJ and iCloud? Before you ask, I do not log out of iCloud, but still, when I shut the VDJ program, and log back in, I loose ALL of my cue points. Now, your techs are saying it is a a Apple issue, I see this differently. Why not offer a means to save all information through VDJ, similar to a save button within VDJ of sorts. Your program is making my professional life difficult. Oh, by the way, when I asked your tech for a solution, he/she told me to look it up in GOOGLE! Great support. Please come up a fix. I am not the only one with this problem.

PROBLEM TWO: On MAC, VDJ program jumps around/jittery and freezes in the middle of sets! What the hell?! You all also know that this is a problem, but yet offer no tangible solution.

Yes, I am using the most updated version. Yes, I have to spoken several times with your online techs. Also, have all conversations saved in email if you need a copy of the chat.

Mensajes Sun 16 Feb 20 @ 7:57 am
Also answered in your other post

user20595301 wrote :
Why not offer a means to save all information through VDJ, similar to a save button within VDJ of sorts.

If you mean temp cue (just clicking the cue button), it's because it's temp

If you mean hot cues (and mix points, and colors and other track related info:
Because VDJ already does it automatically. You can't avoid it -VDJ always saves

Hotcues, bpms, and all other pr track information goes into/documents/virtualdj/database.xml file - if you are using an external drive it makes a database.xml file on the drive with the same purpose
The program settings goes into the /documents/virtualdj/settings.xml file

The only reason why it will not save is if it does't have the file rights to the files mentioned above - and those kind of file rights problems are indeed often seen on Apple/Macs. So the operating system is the place to fix it


Mensajes Sun 16 Feb 20 @ 8:24 am
klausmogensen wrote :
The only reason why it will not save is if it does't have the file rights to the files mentioned above - and those kind of file rights problems are indeed often seen on Apple/Macs. So the operating system is the place to fix it

The real problem is VDJ does not tell the user when there is a problem saving etc. which is very simple for a program to do.


Mensajes Sun 16 Feb 20 @ 10:57 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
It actually does show a warning if the database could not be opened for writing, or if the user did not give virtualdj permissions to read the documents folder on mac.

Mensajes Sun 16 Feb 20 @ 11:05 am
At least you added something but just says:

Problem opening database

database in C: could not be opened

Well database could be opened and read. It just can't be updated with deny write. With deny read doesn't say anything but not as likely as deny write and in this case it really can't open the database.

Also would be better if you displayed the path so user has a clue where to look.


Mensajes Sun 16 Feb 20 @ 11:36 am

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