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Tema: upload/review not working?

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Something change ?
Sorry, the link you have used is not valid anymore.
upload look like they are ok but no review since months...

Mic Aux Release Sampler FXs (MARS) Pad Page Pending
VDJPlugin Effect Pending (update pending review)
BalanceFader Effect Pending
VintageView Skin Pending
Resize Effect Pending
JukeBox_2020 Skin Pending (update pending review)
Ma Bibliotheque Other Pending

old approved uploads were not in VDJ until last month
now it is in VDJ counter seems to start to work again
French_Vdj_2020_b5308 Other Approved 1138 2232 0 0

By the same time, only new addons this year are from Staff, Senior staff, Art Director, Moderation Staff, Moderator, and updated ones. They appeared in some hours after upload (maybe they not need a review / are self reviewed)

Last time i saw this question on the forum the answer was "no upload found with your user name"
but page "uploaded ok" goes on showing pending reviews...
so that maybe a bug in review processus

By the way... Localized names give a laconic message "Invalid addon name" white page
"Ma Bibliotheque" was initially proposed as "Ma Bibliothèque" as it's the real typography

Mensajes Thu 28 May 20 @ 5:36 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
1st link is no longer working indeed (removed)

Reviewed and approved a few of your Addons.
What exactly is the "VDJPlugin" for ? I see you have uploaded as Audio FX ?

For the other 2, we will need you to upload some pics for the Web-view.

Mensajes Fri 29 May 20 @ 2:06 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
"VDJPlugin"... is not really a plugin "some calculate(math eval) and indirect calls to strings mainly for internal use"
It' a GUI addon
it needs to load some external Skin to bne used as external window
It currently allows to load many "skin" of any kind (even main skins) (many actually run.... some other having issues)
but initialy created to add tiny floating "skins" with specific functionalities to be used with any main skin

usefull to add/test extra functionality to any skin without having to edit all the existing skins
based on deck or dll name you can add many features (a pad with slider givern as example)

Maybe it would be better In OTHER / TOOL ; really didn't know where to load it
I uploaded as audio... because i use dsp8 SDK to use onStart() OnStop() on latest version in a way to enable GUI by activating plugin (more user friendly)


Mensajes Fri 29 May 20 @ 4:38 pm

(Los tópicos y foros antiguos son automáticamente cerrados)