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Forum: General Discussion

Tópico: Waveform - Page: 4

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Looks like devs are ignoring this thread now.

you put a lot of pressure on developers,
give it time, there's a lot more
more important to do.
nothing prevents you while waiting to return to the 2020 version
BUILD 5874 (2020-06-18)


They could at least reply to say it's being looked at.

exactly!!!! just an acknowledgement

Stephane Clavel wrote :
PressNPlayDJ wrote :
+1 on this one. I agree with OP. Waveform in 7.4.7 looks so much better.

So you seriously think that this:

looks better than this:

The reason we changed is because 100% of the people we tested this on (including everybody in the team), all thought the second is 10x better than the first.
I understand people don't like change. But in this case, you really ought to give it a day or two to get used, because once you understand the new wave, and how the dark blue parts show where vocals are coming and stopping, the regular blue if there's melody or not, and the white parts show each beats, it's so much better.

Adion wrote :
The rhythm waves were always supposed to show only beats, but the old algorithm was bleeding low frequencies a bit more compared to using the stems.

Dan (djtouchdan) wrote :
Dj Pari M wrote :
...we live in an evolutionary age my friend...use the technology to make things easier for us...and a well populated waveform is definitely helpful...I'm not love

I'm not bashing either. But the new shapes waveform in 2021 is far and away clearer and more advanced than anything we've had before.

Dan (djtouchdan) wrote :
Firstly, I'm not a developer - so it's not up to me what is, or isn't in the software.
Secondly, I've not said at any point that the 'old' view shouldn't come back. Would I use it? No. But that's my personal preference (I didn't use it before 2021).
Adion wrote :
The rhythm waves were always supposed to show only beats, but the old algorithm was bleeding low frequencies a bit more compared to using the stems.
It has already been pointed out that the old rhythm waves were always supposed to show this way, but the old algorithm didn't allow for it, the new one does.

[quote=Rune (dj-in-norway)]Would strongly suggest starting to use the new 3-band waveforms though...
The beat part of this waveform is much alike the old "spikes" waveform, but with crucial extra info such as instantly being able to spot vocal starts, breaks etc.
Its tons more useful ;-) Sometimes change is often met with resistance, naturally .. its human .. and all that "teach a pony new tricks" ..
But its often fruitful to try new things though, and in this case, I'm pretty confident that you'll prefer the new waveform after using it for a bit
(and while the spike one has changed to be much more clear beat only (and by that probably more useful), not sure introducing non-intended bleeding, and artifacts to "emulate" the old waveform is really the way forwards either. But in fairness, I havent used this rhythm waveform in the longest time... )


Irrespective of that, you can't just change something people have used for the past 12 years, right or wrong. If they want us to use shapes then just remove the old style wave form completely then.

Having a waveform just showing beats is useless.

Just as you don't like changes worth better than you stayed at version 2020 BUILD 5874.

Before everyone loved windows7 and have used it for years and now we are well into Windows 10.
Many people did not like windows10 they said you have to have a lot of memory, time to go by and now everyone likes and buys their pcs with Windows 10 built in.

Besides what's amazing you don't have much to comment on. I understand your frustrations.
Fortunately the updates are free.


I'm not adverse to advancement in any way, and the stems feature will be helpful, it's just not right having a waveform showing beats only. Seems even stranger that the proper waveform shows for a split second then gets taken away.

This must be a bug.

It's being looked at

Thank you!

Thanks Adion!

Thank you, Adion.

Waveform are jerky at Wavezoom 3 and moore if Deck1 and 2 are synced playing

Just loaded the latest version on my gig laptop and the issue is still there.

Are there any updates?

I did not see anything pertaining to this in the changelog either...

It's good that it has been officially acknowledged,
and possibly being worked on. Just give them some time.

If there was a way to create a poll in this Forum,
then we could see how much demand there is for this feature "enhancement".

We've been infected with the VDJ virus for many years,
but there's a different virus out there now, so let's just be patient with VDJ developers :-)

Any updates please?

Need to decide if I upgrade my gig machines with the new version and unreadable waveform or just stick with build 5874.


It hasn't been changed yet.
You can still upgrade but disable mathEngine if you need the old waveforms though.

Thanks Adion. Even just an option to keep the old one with math engine enabled.

You can see it is still drawn as it disappears after a split second.

The new bleed features doing nothing for me with non scratch waveforms...can others confirm?
