First post here.
I'm after a bit of help with some changes I'm making to the factory mapping for the Denon SC5000. What I trying to do is have the SC5000 behave exactly the same in controller mode as it does in standalone mode. Most of the mappings is spot on but one this that is different it the way the button on the browser encoder behaves.
In standalone mode when you press and hold the browser encoder button the SC5000 goes in into Grid Adjust mode. The browser encoder movers the grid in 1/4 note increments and the jog wheel moves the beat grid in much finer increments. Like the factory mapping, a double click clones the deck on to the other deck.
I've managed to emulate most of the behaviours of standalone mode but I'm stuck on one detail. Basically I can get the press and hold to work OR the double click to work but not both. I know it's bound to be something simple but as I'm new to VDJ and VDJ scripting I must be missing something.
Here is the script I'm using.
var 'denoneditbpm' ? set 'denoneditbpm' 0 : doubleclick ? clone_from_deck : holding ? toggle 'denoneditbpm' : show_keyboard off & var '@$denonbrowserswitch' 1 ? browser_enter : var 'denonbrowserview' 0 ? load_security_shown ? browser_enter : var 'denonbrowserview' 1 : browser_window 'folders' ? browser_enter : browser_enter & set 'denonbrowserview' 0
doubleclick ? clone_from_deck
is before
holding ? toggle 'denoneditbpm'
the double click works but the press and hold doesn't and vice versa. What am I missing?
First post here.
I'm after a bit of help with some changes I'm making to the factory mapping for the Denon SC5000. What I trying to do is have the SC5000 behave exactly the same in controller mode as it does in standalone mode. Most of the mappings is spot on but one this that is different it the way the button on the browser encoder behaves.
In standalone mode when you press and hold the browser encoder button the SC5000 goes in into Grid Adjust mode. The browser encoder movers the grid in 1/4 note increments and the jog wheel moves the beat grid in much finer increments. Like the factory mapping, a double click clones the deck on to the other deck.
I've managed to emulate most of the behaviours of standalone mode but I'm stuck on one detail. Basically I can get the press and hold to work OR the double click to work but not both. I know it's bound to be something simple but as I'm new to VDJ and VDJ scripting I must be missing something.
Here is the script I'm using.
var 'denoneditbpm' ? set 'denoneditbpm' 0 : doubleclick ? clone_from_deck : holding ? toggle 'denoneditbpm' : show_keyboard off & var '@$denonbrowserswitch' 1 ? browser_enter : var 'denonbrowserview' 0 ? load_security_shown ? browser_enter : var 'denonbrowserview' 1 : browser_window 'folders' ? browser_enter : browser_enter & set 'denonbrowserview' 0
doubleclick ? clone_from_deck
is before
holding ? toggle 'denoneditbpm'
the double click works but the press and hold doesn't and vice versa. What am I missing?
Mensajes Sun 17 Jan 21 @ 1:40 pm
You cant query double-click and holding in the same scrpt, so you need ti choose one behavior or the other
Mensajes Sun 17 Jan 21 @ 4:23 pm
OK, thanks for pointing that out. I’ll just have to accept that the mapping wont be the same as standalone mode.
Mensajes Sun 17 Jan 21 @ 6:12 pm
But you can simulate the action if needed
Mensajes Sun 17 Jan 21 @ 8:24 pm
Nicotux wrote :
But you can simulate the action if needed
Thanks for the tip Nicotux, your post in the linked thread solved the problem.
Here is the code for the BROWSER_PUSH
var 'denoneditbpm' ? set 'denoneditbpm' 0 : up ? repeat_start dblhld ? repeat_stop dblhld & clone_from_deck : var doubleclick ? nothing : set doubleclick 1 : repeat_start dblrep ? repeat_stop dblrep & set doubleclick 2 & repeat_start dblhld 250ms 1 & nothing : set doubleclick 0 & repeat_start dblrep 500ms 1 & var doubleclick ? show_keyboard off & var '@$denonbrowserswitch' 1 ? browser_enter : var 'denonbrowserview' 0 ? load_security_shown ? browser_enter : var 'denonbrowserview' 1 : browser_window 'folders' ? browser_enter : browser_enter & set 'denonbrowserview' 0 : toggle 'denoneditbpm'
Here is the for BROWSER_ENC
var 'denoneditbpm' ? param_bigger 0 ? adjust_cbg +1 : adjust_cbg -1 : var '@$denonbrowserswitch' 1 ? browser_scroll : var 'denonbrowserview' ? browser_scroll : set 'denonbrowserview' 1
Here is the for JOG
var 'denoneditbpm' ? param_bigger 0 ? adjust_cbg +0.001 : adjust_cbg -0.001 : touchwheel
And finally here is the code for JOG_TOUCH
var 'denoneditbpm' ? nothing : touchwheel_touch
I've got a spare "Press and Hold" in there that can be used for something in the future.
Mensajes Tue 19 Jan 21 @ 7:37 pm