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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Tema: Why my paid license does not support VDJ 7 free version

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Good day ..i know you do not support VDJ 7.4 anymore..however i am a licensed owner and i have q virtual dj 7 free version on .y machine that i want to use...however, it is only allowing me to use my controller for 30 seconds and then kick me off....please help me so that i can use my controller on the machine

Mensajes Mon 22 Mar 21 @ 2:20 pm
What type of license do you have, because your account is displayed as Home User (i.e. no license)?

Also if you have a purchased license, why are you using the "free version" of VDJ 7?

I can only assume that by "free version" you mean the LE version which was supplied with certain controllers. That version is locked to the controller it came with, so if the controller you have now is different, it won't work.

What controller do you have, and is it the same one that your "free" VDJ 7 came with?

Mensajes Mon 22 Mar 21 @ 2:26 pm
user23039222 wrote :
..however i am a licensed owner

Licensed owner of a controller I guess you meant? Not sure what you meant by "my paid license"

There is no software license at your account, so if you do have a VirtualDJ license, you might have logged into wrong account perhaps. And if you do not already have a license, using a controller for extended time require a software license. Either Home Plus for home use (single controller) or Pro license ( unlimited use)

To get a license:


Mensajes Mon 22 Mar 21 @ 2:31 pm

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