How does one query which deck is the lower deck, with a 4 deck skin?
want logic:
deck 4 lower deck ? actionA : deck 2 lower deck ? actionB : nothing
have tried:
parm_equal `get_rightdeck` 2 ? actionA : parm_equal `get_rightdeck` 4 ? actionB : nothing
have tried 4 possible combos of quotes, (may not have tired all combos) and its is not working, and don't know if its the wrong way to query, the lower deck, or there are non-conforming quotes (quoting can be baffling)
want logic:
deck 4 lower deck ? actionA : deck 2 lower deck ? actionB : nothing
have tried:
parm_equal `get_rightdeck` 2 ? actionA : parm_equal `get_rightdeck` 4 ? actionB : nothing
have tried 4 possible combos of quotes, (may not have tired all combos) and its is not working, and don't know if its the wrong way to query, the lower deck, or there are non-conforming quotes (quoting can be baffling)
Mensajes Sun 10 Oct 21 @ 7:45 pm
checks out here, your A B actions are switched to your desired logic
param_equal `get_rightdeck` 4 ? deck 4 play : deck 2 play
could also
deck 2 rightdeck ? on : off
param_equal `get_rightdeck` 4 ? deck 4 play : deck 2 play
could also
deck 2 rightdeck ? on : off
Mensajes Sun 10 Oct 21 @ 7:50 pm
what you initialy tried was OK
Only actions have to apply to correct deck
you tried 4 possible combos of quotes, the simplest here is none, but any other will work too :
param_equal get_rightdeck 4 ? deck 2 actionA : deck 4 action B
finally : locodog's version is the shortest one :
deck 4 rightdeck ? deck 2 actionA : action B
no need to repeat "deck 4" here, it is already selected by first query
Only actions have to apply to correct deck
you tried 4 possible combos of quotes, the simplest here is none, but any other will work too :
param_equal get_rightdeck 4 ? deck 2 actionA : deck 4 action B
finally : locodog's version is the shortest one :
deck 4 rightdeck ? deck 2 actionA : action B
no need to repeat "deck 4" here, it is already selected by first query
Mensajes Sun 10 Oct 21 @ 8:50 pm
Thank you Locodog and Nicotux for quick and helpful simplifications and testing...
And do not understand why it was not working before.. now all combinations of quotes work perfectly also. (and before I kept adding more quotes, when it did not work before)
Maybe VDJ needed to be restarted ?
Love the much simpler scripts, again many thanks :)
Maybe I did not explain well, that I wanted to have the actionA and actionB to occur to the lower deck.
And do not understand why it was not working before.. now all combinations of quotes work perfectly also. (and before I kept adding more quotes, when it did not work before)
Maybe VDJ needed to be restarted ?
Love the much simpler scripts, again many thanks :)
locodog wrote :
checks out here, your A B actions are switched to your desired logic
Maybe I did not explain well, that I wanted to have the actionA and actionB to occur to the lower deck.
Mensajes Sun 10 Oct 21 @ 9:17 pm
curious now what are your actions?
Mensajes Sun 10 Oct 21 @ 10:01 pm
what can sometimes occur with quoted command is spurious control char in name (specially using wizard and copy/paste)
it looks visually correct but the name is in fact wrong
often things like "action\r" wich visually "action" (not sure for the cr itself, some other) but won't exec
it looks visually correct but the name is in fact wrong
often things like "action\r" wich visually "action" (not sure for the cr itself, some other) but won't exec
Mensajes Sun 10 Oct 21 @ 10:01 pm
Thank you Nicotux... . I will be more aware of that in the future, and yes I was doing a lot of copy and pasting so that could easily have been the case.. since it did not execute before.
this was the action required for this skin mod. to unload lower deck
Thanks all, for the everything .. working perfectly now :)
locodog wrote :
curious now what are your actions?
this was the action required for this skin mod. to unload lower deck
Thanks all, for the everything .. working perfectly now :)
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 8:20 am
invert_deck & unload & invert_deck
try that instead
try that instead
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 8:38 am
Thanks Locodog
Such a clever way to accomplish the same thing !
Such a clever way to accomplish the same thing !
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 9:24 am
by the way using "invert_deck" makes the script universal (independent from the mix order)
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 9:38 am
locodog wrote :
invert_deck & unload & invert_deck
try that instead
try that instead
That sounded so much better that I attempted to use it.. seems there may be more required
My results of what works (all tests start with tracks loaded, on deck 2 upper deck and deck 4 lower deck)
unloads upper deck
swaps upper and lower decks
now when put together
invert_deck & unload
unloads current upper deck (say deck 2) and makes deck 4 the upper deck
this is NOT what one was expecting. Was expecting it to, INVERT FIRST, making deck 4 the upper deck and unload deck 4
invert_deck & unload & invert_deck
does the same as above script (invert_deck & unload )
which is, unloads current upper deck (say deck 2) and makes deck 4 the upper deck
the intent of this script was to unload the lower deck, and (invert_deck & unload & invert_deck ) unloads upper deck and then swaps positions. So deck 2 becomes lower deck, unloaded and deck 4 is upper deck with track loaded. (all tests start with tracks loaded, on deck 2 upper deck and deck 4 lower deck)
attempted to add repeat_start into the mix .. with no additional luck
Any thoughts as to what is wrong and/or can you reproduce this..
I ask in the spirit of learning .. since I have a working script by calling decks directly
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 12:30 pm
must be losing focus with the swap, this works
deck left invert_deck & unload & deck left invert_deck
deck left invert_deck & unload & deck left invert_deck
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 12:39 pm
thank you that works as expected . when I change deck left to deck right , since all testing was done on right deck
ie deck right invert_deck & unload & deck right invert_deck works perfectly as expected
locodog wrote :
deck left invert_deck & unload & deck left invert_deck
deck left invert_deck & unload & deck left invert_deck
thank you that works as expected . when I change deck left to deck right , since all testing was done on right deck
ie deck right invert_deck & unload & deck right invert_deck works perfectly as expected
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 12:45 pm
Just tested, for me it works OK
just to keep the deck selected
invert_deck & unload & invert_deck & select
just to keep the deck selected
invert_deck & unload & invert_deck & select
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 12:46 pm
thank you Nicotux
invert_deck & unload & invert_deck & select
produces the same action as
invert_deck & unload & invert_deck
which leaves deck 2 the lower deck and unloaded and deck 4 is upper deck with track loaded
seems maybe one needs to specify left or right deck, and cannot be assumed from the side the action was executed from
thank you I am learning from the Masters, thanks again!
invert_deck & unload & invert_deck & select
produces the same action as
invert_deck & unload & invert_deck
which leaves deck 2 the lower deck and unloaded and deck 4 is upper deck with track loaded
seems maybe one needs to specify left or right deck, and cannot be assumed from the side the action was executed from
thank you I am learning from the Masters, thanks again!
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 12:59 pm
this may depend on many situations
device side, mixer order, mixer side, default deck, action deck...
prepend with "deck n" to debug the exact physical location and position in mix of the specified deck
device side, mixer order, mixer side, default deck, action deck...
device_side 'left' ? debug "Left device" & leftdeck ? debug "Left deck" : rightdeck ? debug "Right deck" : debug "unselected deck"& leftcross ? debug leftcross : rightcross ? debug rightcross : debug thru : device_side 'right' ? debug "Right device" & leftdeck ? debug "Left deck" : rightdeck ? debug "Right deck" : debug "unselected deck"& leftcross ? debug leftcross : rightcross ? debug rightcross : debug thru : debug "Single device" & leftdeck ? debug "Left deck" : rightdeck ? debug "Right deck" : debug "unselected deck" & leftcross ? debug leftcross : rightcross ? debug rightcross : debug thrucode to know exactly where from the command comes from
prepend with "deck n" to debug the exact physical location and position in mix of the specified deck
Mensajes Mon 11 Oct 21 @ 1:54 pm