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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Tema: Playlists not showing up on my profile here
Well, the topic title sorta says it all. Last playlist I have on the site is from February. I'm sure it's a simple fix, but I can't seem to figure it out. Perhaps just a box i ticked or unticked somewhere. Thanks in advance

Mensajes Wed 21 Jun 23 @ 5:50 am
check if you have the setting: sendHistory set to Yes

think that is what you are asking about.

Mensajes Wed 21 Jun 23 @ 6:42 am
Damn. I was super excited when I saw your reply! I was hoping for something simple like that. Unfortunately, it was already set to yes. Thank you very much though. You'd think that would fix it. I appreciate your time

Mensajes Wed 21 Jun 23 @ 8:24 am
I'm in no way an expert on this, since I always forget that my sets are being uploaded to the VDJ site

But it seems like you have to play a rather long time for it to be considered at set
Maybe 20-30 min?

Looking at my recent sets, it's only when I actually DJed that I have gotten a set
- so either at a gig or when recording a mix

So sets are certainly not the same as local history/history playlists where tracks get registered when audible playtime has reached the value in the historyDelay setting

Mensajes Wed 21 Jun 23 @ 1:23 pm
I definitely play long enough. I play 10 hour long shifts. But thank you immensely for taking the time. I appreciate it!

quote=klausmogensen]I'm in no way an expert on this, since I always forget that my sets are being uploaded to the VDJ site

But it seems like you have to play a rather long time for it to be considered at set
Maybe 20-30 min?

Looking at my recent sets, it's only when I actually DJed that I have gotten a set
- so either at a gig or when recording a mix

So sets are certainly not the same as local history/history playlists where tracks get registered when audible playtime has reached the value in the historyDelay setting[/quote]


Mensajes Thu 22 Jun 23 @ 1:23 am