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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Tópico: Virtual DJ folder in AppData (Windows)
Hi guys
How do I force Virtual DJ to put the 'VirtualDJ' folder in 'My Documents' and NOT in %appData% on my SSD.
I have tried completely removing Virtual DJ and making sure my 'VirtualDJ' folder is present in 'MyDocuments' but the program ignores it and creates one in AppData no matter what I do.

Mensajes Thu 14 Mar 24 @ 1:30 pm
Change the location in registry. Run this as a .reg file (with VDJ closed) and change the "home folder" to what you want it to be.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"RunFolder"="C:\\Program Files\\VirtualDJ\\"

Once you've ran this move the existing VDJ folder over to the new location


kradcliffe wrote :
Change the location in registry. Run this as a .reg file (with VDJ closed) and change the "home folder" to what you want it to be.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"RunFolder"="C:\\Program Files\\VirtualDJ\\"

Once you've ran this move the existing VDJ folder over to the new location

wouldn't one want to set the HomeFolder to, something like (if one wants Virtual DJ in Documents):


where "USER-NAME" is your username

(or are there other reasons ?)

on Win 10
double backslash syntax ?
I only see single "\" in the registry addressing (maybe double also works)

And good practice to do a full registry export.. before making changes, as a fall back, if something goes wrong during the registry edit ..
(if one does not have a full computer backup)