I am a retired software engineer. I have have functional and reliable self-written PlugIn. I want it to capture as much of the search results window as possible to perform some AI-ish post processing. What getStringInfo() command should I use or is there another method or controller API that's more appropriate ?
I am running in the "pro" environment for development but would prefer the plugIn doesn't require that environment in the long run... --Jody
I am running in the "pro" environment for development but would prefer the plugIn doesn't require that environment in the long run... --Jody
Mensajes Thu 07 Nov 24 @ 5:05 pm
I'd say a vector of structures of strings,
SendCommand browser_scroll top
then getStringInfo get_browsed_song X "FIELD"
get all the fields you want then increment X, do all that in a loop while X < file_count.
or you could just SendCommand browser_export
send a VK to press return and then you have a .cvs file to scrape, but that's only the fields visible.
I'm only a hobbyist with C++, but most api work is calling script and I really know script.
SendCommand browser_scroll top
then getStringInfo get_browsed_song X "FIELD"
get all the fields you want then increment X, do all that in a loop while X < file_count.
or you could just SendCommand browser_export
send a VK to press return and then you have a .cvs file to scrape, but that's only the fields visible.
I'm only a hobbyist with C++, but most api work is calling script and I really know script.
Mensajes Thu 07 Nov 24 @ 5:27 pm