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Forum: Wishes and new features

Tema: Search Improvements
1. Search on the background
Sometimes when automating some tasks I need to query the search engine and do some other task if the output is true.
Eg get_text "`get_title` - Instrumental" & param_cast & search
So if there is an instrumental I may do a couple of things. So maybe an action like
search_query should be added which will either return 1 or 0 for true and false respectively.
For this case I could be able to
get_text "`get_title` - Instrumental" & param_cast & search_query ? get_text "C:\Users\Userx\Music\`get_title` - Instrumental.mp3" & param_cast & load : nothing
Also that would help alot with visual cues like
get_text "`get_title` - Instrumental" & param_cast & search_query ? on : off

2. Search by columns
When searching I need to be able to specify the column name together with its value. Sometimes you need to
be more specific than doing a blind search and expect to get the perfect results. Doing something like
search "Bpm=105; Key=08A; Bitrate=160; Artist=Konshens; Rating=5"
Currently you may confuse and collide the search results in that if you search for just "160" you may get both the Bpm and Bitrate that are 160 so
how do you specify which one you want?

Mensajes yesterday @ 8:00 am
"Search" is meant as a quick way to search and find tracks to play next.

For presision cutting search such as
user27777039 wrote :
Doing something like
search "Bpm=105; Key=08A; Bitrate=160; Artist=Konshens; Rating=5"
you can use filters


Mensajes yesterday @ 8:18 am
Thanks @phantomdeejay, I had seen something like that in the past where a syntax like BPM >= 100 and some other condition but I couldn't remember where it was used. All along I was trying to use that syntax on the search box and failed each time.

Mensajes 24 hours ago