
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Tópico: 2 Builds of Virtual DJ on MacOS
Is there a way to have 2 different builds of VirtualDJ on MacOS at the same time? I know with Serato you just rename the one installed and then can install any version you want. When I tried that with VDJ, it went through the whole install process and said successful, but there is not a new app in the applications folder or the desktop.

Mensajes 3 days ago @ 6:12 pm
In theory the rename should work, if you rename what is in /Applications before running the install (did you check the verdion in the lower left of the Settings window)?

The real question here is, why do you want two versions at the same time?

If it is stability of a newer version you are worried about, you can easily go back to an older version by deleting/backing up what is in /Applications and installing the older version (I keep installer versions in my own cloud folder of installers because the Downloads page normally keeps only the most recent builds + the Early Access), provided no major database/structural changes occured between the two (only case I can remember of recently is the MyLists merged Playlists and Lists into one, but I'm a relatively young user and @devs others may have other instances).
Always make backups before - you can do that directly through the database backup mechanism (I think it's done automatically on update but @devs can correct me on this), and you can backup the VirtualDJ folder in Application Support externally just to be safe too.