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Forum: General Discussion

Tema: Shortcuts

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

fareyeHome userMember since 2002
hi, i'm a newbie to atomix, but i'm quite familiar with PCDJ, i was wondering if anyone had any custom shortcuts that would be easy for a PCDJ user

Mensajes Thu 05 Sep 02 @ 5:01 pm
HomeboyPRO InfinitySupport ManagerMember since 2003
In the full version this is virtually every funtion available under the shortcuts. I believe you can take a look at this it is in the options menu under shortcuts.

.:DJ Homeboy:.

Mensajes Fri 06 Sep 02 @ 12:59 am
criderHome userMember since 2002
Are there more shortcuts available in the registered version ?
I just thought of buying Atomix but my main complain was that there is no cue/play for both decks

Thanks for your answer

Mensajes Sun 29 Dec 02 @ 12:32 am
HomeboyPRO InfinitySupport ManagerMember since 2003
Cue and play are both available...

Mensajes Sun 29 Dec 02 @ 1:31 am

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