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DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003

Mensajes Fri 23 Sep 05 @ 10:03 pm
Excellent :) Happy...happy...happy..

Gonna try it now :)

Thanks guys.

Mensajes Sun 25 Sep 05 @ 11:00 am
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Will the Dac-3 be mappable like the XP-10?.

Mensajes Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 3:23 pm

Mensajes Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 4:54 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
This is good news. I saw the xml file. Are you able to scratch like the XP-10's?.

If so, EKS is in trouble. A plastic product compared to a pro player is a big difference. And I just bought 2 xp-10's. great.

Mensajes Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 6:32 pm
Yes, you can scratch on it, and it's very similar to the XP10 with the exception of the jog wheels being a bit smaller and not being touch sensitive (In my shortcuts, CP can be used to hold the disc while scratching.)

Also, the DAC-3 jog wheels are free-spinning, which allows you to do realistic spinbacks (Near impossible on the XP10 without using the spinback effect), so this will free up an FX slot for me.

Mensajes Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 7:05 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
I just got my Dac-3 yesterday and wow everything I wanted. However, I still feel the XP-10 scratching is better due to the fact that we need to hold the CB button to hold the song and scratch. This makes it nearly impossible to use the fader and cut scratch. I tweaked your file a little bit for my custom specifications. Rather then setting cue points when you press shift and the cue buttons I mapped it back to my samples so I can use the dac-3 to play them back over my music. It works real well. I also changed the cue button from stop_cue to stop. With Stop_cue I always end up creating a new cue point which I don't want to do with stop it allows me to go to every cue point in my music.

I've listed my XP10's on EBAY. The auction ends today. The XP10's are still a very good product but for my needs the DAC-3 fit's perfectly.

Mensajes Wed 05 Oct 05 @ 2:38 pm
does dac-3 have a alphanumeric display (is it capable of displaying the songtitle) ??
I cannot recognise it on the photos.

(and I know since there's only midi support it's not currently possible thru VDJ but hoping for full support of it in next version)

I'm considering not to wait for DAC-2 (which they don't have at stock currently) nbext 3 weeks
but maybe to upgrade my order to DAC-3...

Any very good reason to upgrade ?

Mensajes Wed 05 Oct 05 @ 4:50 pm

>I just got my Dac-3 yesterday and wow everything I wanted.

I'm very pleased with mine too - Very professional, solid build and looks great in a rack-mount system.

>However, I still feel the XP-10 scratching is better due to the fact
>that we need to hold the CB button to hold the song and scratch.

This is the downside of not having touch-sensitive jog wheels. However, the free spinning allows for great spinbacks, which is near impossible on the XP10 without using FX.

>I tweaked your file a little bit for my custom specifications.

Hopefully the native support when it's added will allow full customisation too (Similar to the XP10.)

>Rather then setting cue points when you press shift and the cue buttons I mapped
>it back to my samples so I can use the dac-3 to play them back over my music.

I have an Evolution UC16 that I used for this, plus video crossfading, but this is out of action until a native DAC-3 driver comes along (It's a MIDI device, so it conflicts with the DAC-3.) I'm not a heavy user of samples, so for now, I'm using keyboard shortcuts again.

For video, I've added shortcuts such as shift+play, which will play and switch video at the same time (Shame there's not a shortcut to do a quick video-only fade automatically.)

It would be nice if multi-action shortcuts like this can be created when the native driver comes along - This is one of the downsides of the XP10 mapper.

>I've listed my XP10's on EBAY. The auction ends today.

I doubt I'll be able to sell mine because the stop button is broken on one of them :(


>does dac-3 have a alphanumeric display (is it capable of displaying the songtitle) ??

Unfortunately it doesn't, which is a shame.

>I'm considering not to wait for DAC-2 (which they don't have at stock currently) nbext 3 weeks
>but maybe to upgrade my order to DAC-3...

I don't think the DAC-2 has an alphanumeric display either. From screenshots, it has a numerical display similar to the DAC-3, but smaller.

>Any very good reason to upgrade ?


* Rubber buttons that are very responsive (Not sure how the buttons on the DAC-2 compare.)
* USB 2 and powered by USB (No power supply required - I think the DAC-2 requires one.)
* More buttons, so more directly assignable shortcuts in VDJ (10 cue point, 3 loop, 3 FX, etc.)
* Free spinning jog wheels.
* Blue backlit displays.


* No native support yet, but hopefully that will change in the near future. Works well via MIDI for the time being though, with the exception of reversed pitch sliders (Up = Speed up rather than slow down), which is a little confusing.
* Bigger than DAC-2 (3u instad of 2u)

Mensajes Wed 05 Oct 05 @ 6:28 pm
Thanks for fast reply, i was just curious about display, I know the feeling of DAC-2
I had exactly the same controller for my cd-player. Even the display jog&cue wheels...

Since I don't really need so much buttons I'll stay with DAC-2 till something better comes.

Btw I saw at my own eyes the behringer BCM-2000 (the one bith guitar input) and it's brother with many sliders. And I assume BCD2000 will be the same size. If so it's much cooler than old HDJC. It look more pro.

Mensajes Wed 05 Oct 05 @ 6:32 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Does anyone know the timeline for Native Support for the DAC-3?.

The midi fix works great but I can't wait to see this controller light up like a christmas tree with full functionality.

Mensajes Thu 06 Oct 05 @ 3:39 pm
If I could get hold of the SDK, I'd have a go at writing a plugin for the DAC-3. Although I've not written any VDJ plugins before, I've done quite a bit of programming and learn fast (Especially when example code is available.)

Mensajes Thu 06 Oct 05 @ 5:01 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005

That would be great. I hope someone from the VDJ staff reads this and provides you the information you need. Maybe sending an e-mail to support could move the process along.

Mensajes Thu 06 Oct 05 @ 5:14 pm
@jpboggis -

I had a play with your preset file and swapped the 'non shifted' settings with the 'shifted' settings for the jog wheel, as I wanted to pitch bend without the shift and scratch with the shift.

I find the pitch bend is very subtle, and takes a bit of getting used to, you have to really spin the wheel to get the slightest pitch bend. Although this does allow for very accurate and subtle adjustments for good beat mixing. Is it possible to adjust the sensitivity at all by changing those numbers in the settings do you know. Also did you ever get anywhere unreversing the pitch sliders ?

Mensajes Fri 07 Oct 05 @ 1:17 pm

I'm considering swapping these around myself too - I use pitch bend far more often than scratch, so pressing SHIFT can be a bit of a pain for this. Also, if you accidentally hit the jog wheel, a pitch bend will be far less noticable!

Ideally when the native driver comes along, the jogs will scratch when paused or pressing CP, and will pitch bend while the music is playing. Holding SHIFT could be used to quickly scroll through tunes in the browser.

When setting up the scratch and pitch bend, I've tried to get them close to the XP10, which allows very fine pitch bending. The sensitivity can be changed simply by increasing the values - Higher values will give a greater pitch bend.

I've not had any luck fixing the reverse pitch yet - I was hoping that the up/down movements could be set to send different MIDI commands (Based on MIDI presets for the Kontrol DJ, which has on_increment and on_decrement instead of on_change.) This could have been mapped to pitch +(N) and pitch -(N), but it looks like it's hardcoded to send a value on change only.

I've also not got very far with getting hold of the SDK yet, so that I can have a go at writing a plug in for the DAC-3. I wonder whether I couild get it directly from PCDJ?

Mensajes Fri 07 Oct 05 @ 2:26 pm
TileTomPRO InfinityMember since 2017
It can't hurt to try. I know that Visiosonic is encouraging it. Email Andrew or David Oak over there.

Mensajes Fri 07 Oct 05 @ 3:22 pm

What's their E-mail addresses?

Mensajes Fri 07 Oct 05 @ 4:10 pm
AndrewPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Hi Guys,

It's great to read all the very positive feedback of the DAC-3!

I did send an sdk and a DAC-3 to the guys at VDJ. They only received the DAC-3 last week. These guys are fast, I'd imagine you'll be seeing an update in the near future.



Mensajes Tue 11 Oct 05 @ 5:19 pm
bmac16PRO InfinityMember since 2005

That's great news. Please make sure they give the community the ability to map back just like the XP10 for customization for each individual user. I hope they don't come back with a Plugin like the DAC-2.

Mensajes Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 9:19 pm
i noticed some are saying the XP10 can't do backspins. i wanted to point out that this is because of the way VDJ works. it assumes the wheel has stopped spinning as soon as you take your hand off the touch-sensitive part, and you will have this problem with any touch-sensitive MIDI controller. backspins in Bison (the native XP10 software) sound really good, in case anyone was wondering.

also, as a working pro DJ who uses xp10s, i was taken aback by bmac16's comment that "a plastic product compared to a pro player is a big difference." the fact that the XP10 has a plastic housing means only that it is lightweight; this says nothing about durability or the quality inside. after a year dragging them around in my laptop bag, i can tell you they are extremely roadworthy.

the main difference i see is that the dac-3 is modeled after your traditional dual cd player, and xp10 after the tabletop (though you could rack them up if you want). the tabletop design was inspired by turntables and is meant for performance, so if you're into MIXING, that's what you want. a dual player console with small jogwheel and short fader, is just not as fun. or accurate. and you won't look as cool using it, ouch!

(sorry for that last one..)

Mensajes Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 10:19 pm