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Tópico: Will VJs replace DJs in the future? - Page: 1

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Mensajes Tue 15 Nov 05 @ 11:53 pm
Only if you sit on your ass, and let it. I think you will have to do both. It's the next phase. Everybody and their mother is a DJ. What sets you apart from the rest? I have been using DVD's for a year. I have been mixing videos since August. I have gotten a great response from customers and dancers. I have 800 videos ripped so far, and it will not stop. As far as I am concerned, I am ahead of the game. That's where I like to be.

I started introducing Music video's into my karaoke nights two years ago now i have to blend them on my dj nights too it's an added bonus for everyone beside it isnt any diffrent from blending music unless u get those video's with an ungodly amount of talking i have a little over 1200 right now but they take up alot of room i guess thats the trade off

i think the seperate dedicated DJ and VJ makes the best settup. at the end of the day i find it hard to belive that people dancing want to look at the same video thats on mtv with a little tansition to bring it into the next one. people go to clubs to experience the thrill of a live performance (or get wasted and have a fucking mental time :D but stil) they want to see somethign new and creative not something they can get watching the idiot box. you can argue that you would put your own creative twist on it mabey use effects to change it slightly but i dont think theres much in it. there is definately novelty in it i dont think mixing videos is common but at the end of the day if its all about the music, not about looking flash and mainstream, a VJ (and im talking about VJ as in the separate roll not the combined one) will kick the arse outa a dj just mixing videos. dont get me wrong tho a songs vid can make up a large proportion of material a true VJ has to work with but playing the video versions of songs with all the stupid extra noises, pauses, dialouge, effects and intros dont make for dancing. never mixed video to an audience tho mabey they bomb on it, who knows

Xeo, if you've never done it, don't knock it. Sounds like you are knocking Video mixing.

Regarding the topic in general, I defer to my motto. "There are 3 kinds of ppl in this world. Those that lead, those that follow and those that have no idea which way is up."

Although I'm not against the idea of VJ'ing I'd say Xeo had some good points ;).

I think that video mixing is something that although is the future(since I don't believe that it has reached it's peak yet), I don't feel that it will last no more than a decade or so. Something like the roller rinks of the 70's and early 80's. Or if it does last it will evolve into something else. Maybe special half time entertainment at a sports game or intermission at a concert. Could also catch on in a coffee shop or gaming/bar atmosphere. While I don't want to knock something that I myself have not seen live, I don't think that clubbers want to watch videos at a club.

So do I think that VJs will replace DJs...not hardly, but we do have to stay on our toes with our creativity and originality.


Yea I agree MS, It's great to see in a coffe shop/Ice cream bar, clothing shop, maybe a trendy bar.., it's really the new thing, I think it will become standard, it is becoming standard, certain places without screens wouldn't see a penny a day.

In clubs though, I've seen clubs with a huge screen showing the videos, the dancefloor ignores it, and those watching the dancefloor tend to glance at it, no ones really looking in truth, people are looking at the opposite sex, dancing facing each other, talking to their mates, standing at the bar.., can't say I've noticed many people putting on their glasses for a night of 'viewing' the screens. I think they are good for advertising the club/promos.., and displaying pictures of people from around the club, I like visual effects, like on the pioneer VJ unit, stuff like that is funky, to have visual delights synced to the music is something to enhance any club, the videos do seem a bit cheesy though, and for me they take away from the dancefloor rather than add to it.

For mobile DJ'ing video is a different thing, it's an edge, and provides for people who aren't likely to dance.

as i say ive never done it. just saying what i look at, care about, pay attention too when im out on a bender. and i have to say having visualisations about the place...........hold on i jsut thaught, its blatently different in places that cater to the hip hop lot. u know more about posing and bing n whatnot so i guess its more open to having a video play back in its entirity. only a quick thaught..........anyway yer where was i, you dont realy llok at a video you just go with the whole audio visual sensual expeiriance. at the end of the day most decent music(my decent, im not trying to dictate tase here) doesnt have a video version, videos are for pop songs so i guess im not ever realy gonna get into mixing videos cause i hate the songs they're based on

Dj Xeo, I am laughing my ass off, because all the points you made, were made 37 years ago when I started DJing. They said the exact same thing, and look at me now. Still making money to the point that all I do is DJ, for the past 18 years. You forget, most of our clients are "idiots", that have to be stimulated by visuals. When was the last time you went to a club, that "didn't" have lights? Well I remember when you did not need lights. Music was all you needed. Then, somebody said, what about a strobe light? The rest is history, which I have a lot of. I remember when CD's first hit the market. They said, "it won't work". I haven't touched vinyl since 1990. Do I need to remind you what they said about mp3's? Pioneer did not invent the first DVD turntable, because they thought they could only sell a few thousand. Most of the dance videos, do not make it to MTV, and the only time you see them, is in a club. You can't look at it from a DJ's stand point, because we are different. We are the pied pipers, not the lemmings jumping over the cliff. When I stop playing videos, someone always ask when am I going to play more. No one has ever said, stop playing them.

Dj xeo,

You've missed the boat completely if you don't think house,dance,trance, latin, hh etc. music has any videos, all the major players are offerning these reels, and the videos are as high energy as the music itself. Since vdj has added video 90% of my mobile gigs and 100% of my club shows demand it not request it. Its something else going on besides moving lights, in fact its the best light show ever.

wel there we go man and his music hit the nail on the head. most of you do this professionaly but i do it for myself and my friends and erm, to be honest i can gaurantee you the music i play doesnt have videos that go with them. there are plenty of videos for popular originals but for every one original there are atleast 10 remakes and guess what they dont have videos. im not saying noone should play video, im just explaining its not one of the things i look for when im on the town. infact if a club only palyed the standard video to all the songs it palyed instead of some live VJing over the remixes i would concider that a dissadvantage. at the end of the day its all a small part of a bigger picture and not having to look at it from the prespective of having people demand video of me, i hold the opinion i have allready expressed. im not a pro dj and i dont have the rescources like a subscription to any of the internet or mail companies that offer video so at the end of the day all i know is available is what i see on mtv etc. if there is a video for every song made since the advent of TV and i just dont know about it then i appologise for my ignorance

by the way im into hardstyle, hard-house etc, and alot of the popular songs do have a video, and i like the videos :) i just cant say id give a monkeys if it was palying on a screen. lights add to the atmosphere because they are ambient but to watch a video requires attention, especialy to notice the skill with which it is mixed etc. my local pub has a video jukebox and i love it, so do most people, but thats when your playing a game of pool or having a chin wag not when your out an about on the town.

to sumarise (god ive rambled there^^) im sure video is good but all im saying is delegate it to a good VJ and the effect, ambiance, atmosphere etc etc will be better than just playing out the video

tell u what tho id love it if VDJ could get a music television webcast going like they do with the radio. if anyone has a good enough connection to stream decent video to the server that is

Yo DJ Xeo, WTF is a chin wag? I am laughing my ass off, and don't even know what it is. Where are you from?

There is room for everything :)

There are still venues that have live musicians, because they dont want djs!

There are still venues that only have vinyl DJs, because they dont want cd-jockeys!

There are still venues that only have cd/vinyl-jockeys, because they dont wany PC-djs!

There are now venues that allow software djs, as a new cool thing....
There are now venues that have screens for video-djs.....

And the future will bring more clubs that have video... As said, Pioneer did not make DVD dj-players
just for fun :)

But that just add an aspect to the diversity! :) there will still be those places, that nice lounge bar, where they want to have a vinyl jockey only.... that jazz joint where only live music goes! :)

So its not the end of anything, its just a new beginning... to a broader spectrum of djing :)


At the end of the day, there will aways be a huge variation of different venues and clubs, like to day, also in the future... :)

- some places have karaoke nites, some places would never ever allow that
- some places have cd jockeys, other places will never have anything else than vinyl dj
- some places have video mixing, some will never :)

So you are all correct really :) depending on what kinda place you are reffering too, and coming from...
both Xeo and Man and his music, are absolutely correct...

the only truth, is that its not the end of anything.... its just the beginning of a new way of djing, for the places that this goes well down :)

thats all folks.. ! Let the future come...hehe

I'm not sure if I would call it the future, if one is already doing it :) I agree with norway, many clubs have formats, some of those include video some do not. I still get the call every once in awhile to do an audio only show, but most are video as of late.

As far as content, yes I personally spend a lot of time inside vegas making a special re-mix video or something with the standard 32.break,32, 32 format which seems to be over looked by the mainstream content providers. Also sometimes its fun to make your own video to a song, by using stock footage movie clips and even tv spots (I love car commercials) There is no rule that says you need to play the video that came with the song :) Its as creative as you want it to be.

I'm Sure, VideoDJing is here now and is going to stay. When you dance you listen and feel, but when you not dance you have another option.

We have MORE OPTIONS with the Video. You can use it or maybe you don't want to, but sure is going to get more people at your place when combine good sound, good music and with good video.

Hi Everybody,

As a mobile dj since 1974 I've got a a few things which might be of interest.

Back in 1982 I did a lot of demo work for Philips using a pile of 6 inch televisions fed by Laservision players. (we didn't have big screens then). There was a good reaction, but it sometimes resulted in people facing the screen rather than dancing and chatting each other up.

I think people are right when they way that VJing is a good way to be different to all those people who will find it easy to call themselves a DJ by buying a laptop and downloading some MP3s. It gives some people the chance to spend more money on screens and offer a different service.

I personally, though have not even done karaoke (even though I have also been a cabaret singer too) because I was busy enough without. Similarly, I'm not planning on buying any big screens because i don't think the investment will bring me in enough extra cash or extra bookings.

There has always been the potential for some to call themselves DJs by spending a modest amount on some equipment. We've all been hassled by them when we've been working. They usually shuffle up and say 'I'm a dj too and I've got better decks than you' When hassled too much by them I sometimes suggest that if they're a dj why aren't they working tonight.' They usually disappear then.

The thing a good DJ does is to build an atmosphere, create excitement, calm the atmosphere down when it's needee and send everyone away feeling that they've had a great night. That is what we are selling and that is something that does not come from spending a lot of money on equipment, but from an instinctive love and knowledge of music. Of course sound equipment has to be good to give the musicality to the event.

I am turning to using a Computer based system because I'm getting lazy and don't want to carry all the vinyl and cds I used to. I'm still not sure that this satisfies the visual aspect, though, because customers like to see turntables spinning. (even if the music is actually being played on a computer.) I might have to take decks with me too and a few vinyls to satisfy the customers.

Anyway must go and do some work now.



im technology driven. i think once u have a comp as ur platform ur supposed to embrase anything new that comes on the computer dj community.
the only reason im not a video dj is coz my pc just cant handle it (and im a broke.).

videos will help djs a lot. look at it this way... some djs are scared to drop new ish coz they'r afraid of how ppl could receive it (or dance to it). but if the video is hot at least they have something to watch. some songs r hot just coz of their videos. especially the hip-hop videos with near naked chicks and blinged out artists.
sometimes one'd have a hot Exclusive but cant drop it coz they'r just not sure. but if they had the vid the place would be stunned! like me im always almost 3-4 months ahead of the [audio] game. if someone had a vid of what i have i'd be amazed.
i have almost 400G of music and dont really know what their vids look like. all video djs in my area are wack so at least i can watch the videos.
one of the reasons vinyl djs had against computer djing is coz they had to buy or learn how to handle a computer. that was a turn off. its the same with audio only djs. they dont know where to get videos [without the mtv logo] or have money upgrade their 'puters. i spoke to a little video mixmeister dj and he has 3x300G hdds. good thing with transition from audio to video djs is that its smooth and one can add videos slowly.
the audio dudes maybe arent happy with the use of the word REPLACED used in the subject. coz the strict vinyl dudes havent been replaced by the mp3 djs. infact the strict vinyl dudes Have Been replaced or rather surpassed by the mp3 ones. audio-only djs will be surpassed too by the video ones.
audio-only dudes watch out. youll be forced into their basements. saying how video djs arent real. remember what vinyl dudes used to say about cds?
