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Tema: Using vinyl for control - how? (how many in/out, etc?)

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Hi there

I´m just about to change to this new shit, but before converting, I want to check the basics on this excellent forum.

Each turntable goes into seperate inputs on the soundcard, throws timecode to the program and the the song playing is sent via seperate stereo outputs to the inputs on the dj-mixer, right?

The whole thing is bullet-proof, right?

Is it possible to use three decks via three seperate inputs/outputs?

Do I need a RIAA step-up between the decks and the soundcard?

Thanx in advance!


Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 05 @ 12:56 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
yes thats exactly rite as you describe it. its not bulletproof by any means, you will hav dropouts unless you have your system configure the ASIO drivers as the highest process priority and configure your motherboard to never override the soundcards IRQ, and also if your needel skips, duh its gonna skip but its as bullet proof as a normal vinyl if you have it set up properly. VDJ can only use 2 decks as standard but if you use 2 instances and 2 audio interfaces (no idea if you can do that) then you can have 4 and so on and so on. you will get a better quality of timecode if you use a RIAA preamp before the soundcard (unless this has a high quality RIAA preamp option built in like some high quality DJ interfaces but VDJ has software versions built in.

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 05 @ 2:16 am
first and formost, welcome to this fantastic forum, but moreimportantly please watch your language this is a male and female community and a little self control and curiosity go's a long way to making friends here.

now to answer your questions you will first and formost need a full licienced version of VDJ which can be done via .
then you will need to get some TCV - (time coded vinyl's) best to get 4 shipped to you because of the high shipping cost but whether you get one or 10 it remains the same price, once hooked up and licienced we can give u tips on keeping them TCV in good nick ! next you will need a ASIO sound card with 4 input 4 out the standard and best buy is the maya44 ! and yes the config is done if its a licienced copy and tweaks and hints would be shared via the community ! and finally yes u could use 3 vinyl's at once with a plud in that can be downloaded if u have the licensed copy !
that addie again for ur copy is
lookin forward to seeing a professional edition user under your name soon
ciao ciao
spin spin spider

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 05 @ 2:26 am
Ok, thanks. So it´s safe for me to bring it to a club and play? I wont be standing there like a complete jerk after ½ hour?

How do I confige my laptop to never override soundcard IRQ? Does this apply to the external USB or FireWire system that Im going to by?

Can I use VST plugins for it?

Anyone here who uses it to go out and play serious house/techno/electro/hiphop?

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 05 @ 2:27 am
Nice to see people up and running at these late hours. Thanks for all the fish and lets wait and see if Im going for this or choose the pricier hardware solutions (Final Scratch / Serato) instead.

I must say the design looks pretty cheap, but then again, if it´s solid, then to hell with looks.

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 05 @ 2:32 am
@ junker - everything u will need to know and so much more u will get when u join up my friend !

but searh the forum for TCV SCRATCH DEMO and down load the file and decied for ur self as to the amazing capabilities you can have with Vdj and TCV

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 05 @ 2:32 am
@ junker - wher about are u ? because if u really lookin into TCV purhase 1 vinyl and test it with th 20 day free trial and decied ?
the only hick up with F/Scratch is all the wiring and converter junction box etc etc not to mention having to analise all ur mp3 before being able to play them so if you have a cd you can just pop it into ur lappie and drag n spin, and there is also the TCCD (time coded cd) option so if there aint any decks only CDJ's u will still be able to use yourmusic and lappie !
hope I have sold u on this software because the support from this community is worth the subsction alone !
spin spin

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 05 @ 2:40 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
yup its definatley useable in a professional setting. dont be fooled by the looks, you can make it look like a cartoon if you want to. there are lots of minimalistic pro skins to choose from. the problems i mention are only slight, not like horendous. no more than 1 pop or glitch every half hour, and thats only if you havnt fine tuned it to the extent that you mite want to.

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 05 @ 2:50 am
looks are not always everything ! its ur choice really ?! u could have the best looking software but what good is that if the actual program is below average !? I would rather have a crappy looking screen that delivers what I want when I want it ! after all 9/10 u the only one looking at the monitor the clubber's by rights should be on the dance floor ripping it up !

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 05 @ 2:59 am

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