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Tema: Why such crappy programming on the DVD services?

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Can anybody explain to me why the DVD services such as PromoOnly and TM Century (ScreenPlay) and others have such crappy programming? I have tried to ask them (even talked directly with the head programmers) and they don't want to hear anything negative about their service because they as "program directers" and know what my customers want better then my customers do.

What I am talking about specifically is their "Hit" discs. The videos are usually 2-3 months behind the radio anyway (sometimes up to 6 months and by the time they get the video out it is a dead song or at best a recurrent) so it would be logical that EVERY song on the disc should be a solid hit since they already know what they are because they are so far behind, but yet there is only 4 or 5 on each disc that are danceable club hits (dance, hip hop, dance rock, etc.) and only another 3 or 4 that are even top40 radio "listening" or rock hits. To add insult to injury a song that may be "hip hop" or "rap" will only come out on their urban series even though it is a solid top 40 hit on the charts so they make us buy 2 crappy series and spend twice the money and get twice the crappy songs just to get 1 or 2 additional hits we need............then they wonder why they can't put a dent in piracy.

If anybody knows of a GOOD, efficient, up to date service for HITS please post a link for all of our benefit.

I don't think any exist, but if there is a video download service avaiable I would be eternally greatful to know of it.

Since most people (especially dj's) have broadband available I think a digital download service for videos could now be a viable service even if we had to pay $2 a video, at least for my $80 a month I would get 40 songs I can use instead of a dozen.

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 2:27 am
I support the idea of a downloadable music video subscription service. That would work out great if you are wanting to buy older videos that you need to fill up your collection and of course getting the cross-over hits that are only on the thier specific series disc. It work great for what we do with software controlled video DJ systems. I think they are not hip to that yet. Promo Only and Pioneer seem to be working hand in hand with the Video DJ thing. And we all know that Pioneer has the $3000 DVD players they are pushing like crazy to help with the Video DJ trend. So I am guessing that Promo Only probably wouldn't be very likely to convert thier library to digital form and have it avaible. Pioneer wouldn't like that either.... just a guess.

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 3:35 am
E-lec-trek, did you ever think of subscribing to Promo Only's "Express Videos" service? Those videos come out in a more timely manner. That service was created especially for DJs like yourself who need the 'Hot' track right now!

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 4:35 am
SupaconPRO InfinityMember since 2005
It'd be nice to have that service in Canada.

I hear you, dj-e-lectric. I'm forced to download the hot, new videos because PromoOnly (whom I subscribe to) takes an extra month longer to get their DVDs out because of some licensing crap. (Or that's the excuse, at least.). Too bad...

A download service would be great... then you can quickly and easily download high quality tracks. Trying the P2P route is a frustrating pain in the ass, and it'd be well worth a couple bucks a track to download it. I just hate DRM though.... any service like this would be chock full of it, no doubt.

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 9:29 am
Djderricke, maybe I did not express (no pun intended) myself well enough. It is not so much I mind that they are behind, I can accept that for most songs (Supacon the licensing crap is real not just an excuse), but the point is since they are behind shouldn't EVERYTHING on a "Hit" disc series be a hit? They have had several months to know whether it made it or not so why are only a few selections on a disc of 40 actual hits? IF I am paying for a hit disc I want damn near 40 hits, or at least 20. If I wanted a DVD full of crap the record/video companies couldn't get the public to buy or listen to with their massive marketing and promotions department what makes them think I will be able to "break" these horrible reject tracks and somehow make them miraculously popular from my humble Dj positions in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona..........all I want are "Hits" on my "Hit" disc, they can do it with their cd services. I get 2 cd's each week from TM Century (Prime Cuts & Prime Cuts Dance) and of the approximately 30 songs per week I get at least a dozen are legit Billboard Hot 100 hits plus 8-10 legit dance and club hits. Why can they not do this with 40 songs per month on DVD?

Right now as they have the series laid out if you combined all the "hits" (radio and club) from the Dance/Club/urban/Hot (Hit) series you could fill one good dvd each month of with hits instead of making us buy all 4 to get the only 30 songs. As an example (not counting radio rock songs not playable in the vast majority of clubs and Robin Thicke which is just about 10 months old ..........10 months!) TM Century "May Hits" had 7, June had 8, July was a gem by their usual standards with 11 while "August Hit" had only 5........that's 31 club playable hits in 4 months, I get that in two weeks on their cd's!

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 12:31 pm
DjGazUKPRO InfinityMember since 2005

Mensajes Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 2:48 am

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