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PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hi guys...:o)

I'm due to get a DAC 3 tonight. (Wahey!!! Jump for joy!!! At last!!!) I can't wait for it, but I'm a bit concerned about getting to know it. I know it's just a case of trial and error and see what you come up with, so I'll just go with that.

I think it'd be a good idea to have a sticky post based on just the DAC 3 for all questions and advice about the unit. If you do a search on the hardware forum for DAC 3, you get like 10 pages of threads that you need to read through, each one (ok, MOST of them) highlights a different issue. That's only in the hardware forum!!! (i didn't even try the software one or general one either). If they were all under one thread, it would be alot easier to find an answer to the issue.

This may even be a good idea for all other types of VDJ hardware, including DAC 2, HDJC, XP10, TCCD, TCV, hell, even mixers and stuff too!

What do you think? Is this possible?

If so, I'd like to start off the DAC 3 thread with a DAC 3 Manual that I found. Hope it's useful!

Cheers...and keep spinnin'...(",)


Mensajes Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 3:23 pm
Don't forget to download my DAC-3 mapper from Download -> Plugins -> External Tools - This will increase the capabilities of your DAC-3 considerably. Please see the DAC3Mapper text file included with the mapper for full instructions on how to use it.

A new version (v1.3) will be released very soon that has been optimised for VDJ 4.0 and will allow you take advantage of many of the new features.

NOTE: The manual link posted above is mainly aimed at PCDJ users - A lot of the functions of the DAC-3 are different when used with VDJ.

Mensajes Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 6:22 pm
I am waiting for the new mapper.. hopefully it comes out soon :)

Mensajes Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 8:05 pm
i'm anxiously awating the mapper as well, would love to have scratch lock back so i can actually practice with it....any tips on how to scratch well with the dac-3? i know it's pretty limited but i've always stuck with the basic fundamentals of beat matching and cue points, would love to learn how to do a scratch transition with the dac-3...

Mensajes Sat 23 Sep 06 @ 3:28 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I'm still pretty happy with the original version actually, but I have other midi options also.
You guys do know there is a user guide included with the install file.....
Because there IS a scratch mode that works pretty well.

Mensajes Sat 23 Sep 06 @ 3:55 pm
Holding [CP]+jogwheel will scratch in the current mapper, but [CP]+[MATCH] (Scratchlock) that makes the jogweel always scratch doesn't work in the v1.2 mapper. This has been fixed in v1.3

The new mapper v1.3 has separate modes for FX, video and samples, making these easier and more powerful to use (Without lots of combinations of buttons), but can optionally be set to work similar to the current mapper.

Mensajes Sat 23 Sep 06 @ 6:49 pm
A new DAC-3 mapper optimised for use with VirtualDJ 4.0 has now been released and can be donwnloaded from Download -> Plugins -> External Tools.

Unleash the full potential of your DAC-3 controller with this custom mapper DLL updated to take advantage of the new features of VirtualDJ v4.0 (Also still works with VDJ v3.2 - v3.4) All the features of the v1.2 mapper, plus the following:

  • Full support for VirtualDJ 4.x and Numark Cue.

  • Separate cue, effects, video and sample modes, which make it easier to trigger effects, video effects/transitions and samples without complicated combinations of multiple buttons.

  • Key lock and song Key adjustment using {SHIFT}+{-}/{+}.

  • Safe pitch adjust feature.

  • Temporary key lock while pitch bending (Can be disabled via user parameters.)

  • Hotcue for buttons {1} - {10} (Sets cue point if not currently set, jumps to the cue point.)

  • {FOLDER}+{LOAD} clones the song playing on the other deck.

  • Automatic selection of correct deck in VDJ when buttons are pressed or the jogwheels/pitch sliders are moved (Can be disabled via user parameters.)

  • Better detection of next song load (To automatically reset loop points and current cue point number.)

  • Loop mode 2: Implements Numark CD player-style loop in/out and reloop with stutter effect.

  • {PLAY} repeat time added - Helps prevents double presses of {PLAY} which can potentially ruin your mix.

  • {CP}+{MATCH} now works again to activate/deactivate scratchlock.

  • {CP}+{DOWN}/{UP} now halfs/doubles loop length.

  • Various settings are saved such as effect/video/sample slot assignments, video transition and sample volumes are saved when changed, so that their values are remembered by the DAC-3 when VDJ is next loaded.

Coming soon:

Custom button mapper - Re-map the DAC-3 to suit your preferences using the powerful and easy to use mapper GUI form.

Mensajes Mon 02 Oct 06 @ 12:21 am
Nice one Jonathan, will be playing with this next Friday. Can't wait for the new mapper. Don't wanna pester or anything but have you got a ballpark figure for release?

Mensajes Mon 02 Oct 06 @ 2:08 am
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
TopHouse, you can find the new mapper here

Keep spinnin'...(",)


Mensajes Mon 02 Oct 06 @ 10:59 am
Pionara wrote :
TopHouse, you can find the new mapper here

Keep spinnin'...(",)


Oo, somebody hasn't read the post properly, Pionara, read the last paragraph in Boggis's post. Under where it says "coming soon"

Mensajes Mon 02 Oct 06 @ 12:21 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Oops, sorry...:o|

As a matter of interest, however, how are you finding the mapper TopHouse?

Not that I want to offend the extensive work that JPBoggis has put into the mapper (not by any means) but I have found some problems with it just this morning.

I downloaded the mapper and replaced version 1.2 with the new one - and found a few issues with it. I was working my way through the mapper txt file that comes along with the install and trying to get used to the new one, but noticed the following:

  • Boggis doesn't show when loading
  • Scratchlock can't disable
  • Jogwheel can't scroll through recordcase using shift & jog
  • Sample mode isn't activated when you press auto on the dac3
  • Different led's don't light up when different modes are selected
  • Cannot seem to select different modes
  • Loop values not showing on dac3 screen
  • Pressing shuffle activates automix
  • Shift and waitlist doesn't do anything

These are just a few things I noticed. Like I say, I'm not trying to dis JPBoggis, especially considering the amount of work he has put into the mapper (for which we are eternally grateful), and perhaps I've somewhere caught the wrong end of the stick, but there seems to be some problems with it.

Maybe I'm reading the file wrong or pressing the wrong buttons, but only some of what's on the file actually seems to work.

JPBoggis, if you're around (or if anyone else can help) do you know about these problems?

Has anyone else noticed these kind of things happening?

Again, not trying to piss anyone off with this...just some observations I've made. For the time being I've switched back to mapper version 1.2.

Thanks guys...(",)


Mensajes Mon 02 Oct 06 @ 1:32 pm
Pionara wrote :

Boggis doesn't show when loading

If Boggis is not shown at startup, the mapper DLL has not loaded and you are using the standard DAC-3 support built into VDJ!

  • Which version of Windows are you using, and do you have the latest service pack installed (SP 2 for Windows XP)?

  • Do you have the Microsoft .NET framework installed (This may be required for the new mapper becasue the custom mapper GUI (Not currently enabled because it's not finished yet) uses this.)

Out of interest, how many people have the new mapper working, and how many people don't?

Mensajes Mon 02 Oct 06 @ 1:45 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hi JPBoggis - sorry about this!!!

I'm using XP professional with SP2. I don't think I have .net framework installed (although need to check this - how can i check?)

Some of the functions were ok. I espeically liked the 'MT' beatlock function and 'R' to reset bpm. Makes it alot easier...:o)


Mensajes Mon 02 Oct 06 @ 1:50 pm
Microsoft .NET Framework should be listed under the Add/Remove Programs list if it's installed. If not, you should be able to download it from Microsoft (I think it's also downloadable via Windows Update.)

The 'R' pitch reset also works in my DAC-3 mapper. CP+SHIFT+MATCH permanently toggles beatlock on (MATCH on its own does a temporary beatlock (Will match BPM with other deck.)) - MT toggles master tempo/keylock as it's supposed to! (Not sure why MT is not master tempo in the default built-in VDJ DAC-3 mappings.)

Mensajes Mon 02 Oct 06 @ 2:13 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004

I first of all tried the new mapper on my home machine which does have .net framework installed alongside xp home sp2 - and i noticed that i was having similair issues with the controller.

Sorry man.


Mensajes Tue 03 Oct 06 @ 12:27 am
Which version of the .NET framework is installed? Is it 1.1 or 2.0? A user in another thread was having an issue with getting the new mapper to load and this was solved by installing .NET framework.

NOTE: The version of .NET framework will be shown in the control panel add/remove prorgams list.

Mensajes Tue 03 Oct 06 @ 12:12 pm
djnutzPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Worked fine for me. I did find that when you enter the "program mode" on the controller you have to quit and restart VDJ to get the changes to take effect. I had a problem with getting the different effect buttons to work, but I figured out I had to tell the controller what version of VDJ I was using. All in all, big thumbs up, I can't wait to use it live.

Mensajes Tue 03 Oct 06 @ 2:13 pm
The mapper should pick up the VDJ version from the Windows registry, but if more than one version is installed (Or you installed 4.0 and then went back to 3.4), it may pick up the wrong version unless set manually as you have done.

Most settings should take effect immediately, but the VDJ version settinug may only be applied at startup.

Mensajes Tue 03 Oct 06 @ 7:45 pm
Tried to install the new mapper last night, but had a few problems.

Didn't get the jpboggis name in the readout, so probably not properly working for me.

VDJ can't be using the old .dll file cos I deleted it.

Couldn't enter program mode.

I didn't use it too much, but it was strange, with the jogwheel very very sensitive and wouldn't fine pitch adjust to achieve beat match, when a file was playing.

I'll watch this thread this afternoon and look at the net framework issue in my laptop tonight. I know I'm on SP2 but don't know what version of NEt framework if any.



Mensajes Wed 04 Oct 06 @ 3:08 pm
If Boggis is not shown in the display at startup, the mapper hasn't loaded and you are using the built-in VDJ mappings. The default mappings are quite basic and the jogwheel always scratches, which is why you can't pitchbend using it.

You can check whether you have Microsoft .NET framework installed by looking in Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs - It will be listed in the installed programs list.

I'm currently working on an update to the mapper that should exclude the components that need .NET (Mainly the unfinished mapper user interface) - I.e: So the mapper will work without needing .NET installed.

Mensajes Wed 04 Oct 06 @ 7:06 pm