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Tema: Has this ever happened to you (using video)? - Page: 1

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HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006
You are using a laptop and playing video and audio...

Your video is playing out to the crows, and when you load another one on the other deck (or change the transition or change the effect to like flange), there is a slight pause/hesitation in the video that people are seeing.

The audio stays the same. It isn't the worse thing as everything else functions fine, but was wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if you fixed it easily.

Thanks for sharing/helping.


Mensajes Sat 28 Oct 06 @ 6:45 pm

What kind of video file format?

"decode while hidden" on?

Keylock on ?

I have a pretty slow-ish pc, and that problem you have dont happen here

Mensajes Sat 28 Oct 06 @ 6:54 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hoffman - you send me a private msg - I responded - then you post the same stuff - what gives? Answer DJ-in-Norway's post and my PM to you in here.


Mensajes Sat 28 Oct 06 @ 7:11 pm
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006

Here's my reasoning...

Actually the reason I went to tmain board too is because I'd like to know from A VDJ user on the board that who has had this happen as opposed to one who might offer a possible solution (which is still very nice).

I have seen that when I just change possible settings to try and fix something, for me it can cause more trouble and frustration, but having somene say "oh yeah, that happened to me and here's what to do..." is a different story.

I hope you understand.


Mensajes Sat 28 Oct 06 @ 9:02 pm
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006

What kind of video file format? .VOB

"decode while hidden" on? YES

Keylock on ? YES ON VDJ (off on the pioneers as recomended)

does this help at all?


Mensajes Sat 28 Oct 06 @ 9:03 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
My reply to the PM you sent -

OK -- What is your VDJ Performance settings at?
-- 2nd from the left (all defualt)
** OK, lets start with moving it far left.

What format are the videos - AVI, MPG?
-- .VOB
What are you using as the decoder - VDJ [Video Decoder] or Windows Media Player?
-- not sure ( i believe VDJ)
** OK, going to answer these 2 together. Since it looks like you are starting with the defaults; then you are using the Video Decoder (VDJ Internal)

What version of directX are you using? Aug06 or Oct06 release?
-- not sure
** In Windows, go to Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Information
** Click on the Tools menu and choose DirectX Diagnostics.
** What is the DirectX version the whole line --

Are your video drivers up-to-date?
-- new XPS laptop (not sure)
** I would check to see if there a new drivers available. Sometimes things don't come the first time correct.

What resolution do you have the output [to the club] set at?
What is the Colors setting for that output?
-- [no answer]
** From a clean spot on the desktop, right click and choose Properties.
** Go to the Settings tab and click on the #2 monitor
** What is the 'Screen Resolution:' and 'Color Quality:' settings.

Lets start here and see what happens.


Mensajes Sun 29 Oct 06 @ 2:17 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
We need some information about your video card too ;-)

Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 11:57 am
docPRO InfinityMember since 2020
Mine does the same thing. A split second freeze with any video extension. vob, mpeg1, mpeg2. I have a dell laptop.

Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 12:09 pm
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Ok, let's fix this....

using all .vob's

Dell XPS 1710 (new)

NVideo 7900GTX 512 Mb video card.

slight freeze on outputting videos when
-a new video is loaded into other deck
- I change a video transition getting it ready to transition later

When I load a music track, this problem does not exist.
- when I uncheck "Activate on Load" it does not happen (of coarse no video is then seen).

Thanks for help.

Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 12:47 pm
jaakkoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
My videoscreen and graphical ui freezes when I open a favourite folder with a lot of stuff. Freezing moment lasts even few seconds depending how long it takes to open the folder. I Have to use virtual folders to prevent this.

I have Nvidia GeForce Go 7600 and a brand new powerful laptop (2,23Ghz dual core, 4 Gb memory).

Also, if I scratch very fast or spin forward, everything (video, sound) goes wobbly and cpu goes to 100%. But That's ok because I don't scratch.

i had esiU46 but it cracks and pops a lot with big VOB files and takes 10% more CPU than my old hercules MK1 even when i dont use asio mode, so Im using hercules now.


Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 2:14 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
just curious are these vob scanned or not?

Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 2:15 pm

You mentioned above Direct X Aug or Oct release. Do you know if there is a preference?

Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 3:34 pm
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006

ever hear of this problem? seems to not be a popular problem among users. Could it be the video card? thought the Nvidea 7900GTX was superior.

What do you mean by .VOB's scanned? do you mean analyzed? (if so yes)

seems like this can be fixed; only happens when loading a video while a video is playing.

Thanks for trying

Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 4:52 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Well first off

1. make sure you have the latest drivers for the card directly from nvidia

2. make sure you boot with both displays connected

3. make sure you have the latest chip set and motherboard drivers for your computer

4. try a clean os install

5. disable things you don't use a gigs

6. set performace tab to fastest

8. try to uncheck and check decode while hidden

9. set output resoultion to 800x600


Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 5:00 pm
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006
@ Cyder,

I just found this from someone who posted Oct 10th

What do you think???

"Dev, please have a look at this:

If you have enabled the AutoCUE option in the general settings, the playing video may pause while vDJ locates and sets itself to the Cue position of a LOADING track. Pause delay is directly proportional to how far the Cue point is from the start of the loading track. So if the cue point is far away from the beginning, the playing video will pause longer.

Additionally, in ver 3.x, with the AutoCUE disabled, vDJ would always position itself to the last Cue point when the track last played. This was sort of useful since sometimes you could have 2 or 3 favorite cue points, but is no longer the behavior in 4.x."

Cy, this is the closest post I have found from somome experiencing the same problem.


Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 5:02 pm
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006

1. make sure you have the latest drivers for the card directly from nvidia

Please tell me how to check on my laptop what the driver # is for my video card.

2. make sure you boot with both displays connected

Not sure what you mean- please explain.

3. make sure you have the latest chip set and motherboard drivers for your computer

seems complicated here.

4. try a clean os install

last resort

5. disable things you don't use a gigs

Always do.

6. set performace tab to fastest

did it. no change.

8. try to uncheck and check decode while hidden

did it, no change.

9. set output resoultion to 800x600

will do.

by the way, this is happening even before I hook up to lcd and while I am just using VDJ as my main output screen. In other words it is not something that only happens after displaying to crowd. it happens right on the screen in VDJ's main output window.

Thanks for the assistance- hopefully we can fix this.

Mensajes Mon 30 Oct 06 @ 5:07 pm
DjGazUKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Ha ha. Someone with the same problem as me. I've even bought a new graphics card to fix it but no joy yet, it still does the same.

So far I think it's my .avi files it doesn't like. They have all been encoded with 3ivX. However saying that they all used to play much better on my laptop (which was lower spec than this PC), and was using Virtual Dj 3.2 then.

Mensajes Wed 01 Nov 06 @ 4:30 pm
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Here is some important observations that I have noticed. I think the answer is hidden here somewhere I just can't find it yet...

problem: ->>>> When video is playing out, and I load another video onto other deck, (very) slight pause in main video out. Also if I hit an effetct (like shaker square), slight pause on video that is outputted.


1) *** The slight pause I am seeing in the main window on my laptop (using VMIX skin) that slightly pauses, DOESN"T necesaarily do it alwys on the display out from the LCD projector. In other words, I just assumed the slight pause in the VDJ main output winodw on my lappy was happening exactly to the output to the club.

It is hard to look in 2 places at once but it seems that what I see on the laptop screen (the slight pause) might be lappy screen related and not output related.

2) I have also noticed that when I load a 2nd video and there is a slight pause, if I keep loading new videoes over it there is no pause. Also no pause when loading music.

One guy said he had this problem and it was related to

"DECODE WHILE HIDDEN." He uncheked it. I tried it and am trying to see if better. Don't think so.

Also somone else mentioned "AUTO cue" should maybe be off.

I am chekcing this.

This is a toughy, but I think the biggest part of this is beig aware that the pause on my lappy screen might not be exactly the same as output. But when I dod look at the wall where the LCD is projecting I see pauses from time to time.

Thanks for any input. This is a difficult one.

p.s. I would never buy a new card (have the Nvidia 7900GTX) and I tried to get latest video driver and directX. This just caused more problems and I went back.

I had a feeling this "hesitation" in video display was not because of the card or driver.

Sounds like a setting?


Mensajes Wed 01 Nov 06 @ 5:00 pm

Well the "delay" in the SKIN is not really any problem. As long as the output works fine.

But try these settings to see if things run smoother:
- OVERCLOCK in VDJ settings OFF (try ON too, makes a huge difference on some laptops)
- Speedload in vdj registry (use dj cel's tool) ON
- Set master tempo in VDJ performance tab to FAST.

In your Graphic Card setting, set things to MAX PERFORMANCE, or PROGRAM CONTROLLED.
( not sure what they are called in Nvidia, but something like above)

Tweak a bit, and I'm sure you'll find the optimal settings for your pc.


Mensajes Wed 01 Nov 06 @ 5:09 pm
I too have this problem and think it's setting related, not video card/driver related. The experimenting continues:)

Mensajes Wed 01 Nov 06 @ 5:40 pm