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Tema: Long Session Problem - Page: 3

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ve2fgsHome userMember since 2005
Oh, I forgot something.

Here is the list of people ON THIS THREAD ONLY that have had this EXACT same "loud White Noise" issue:

- Niems
- Rotrex
- ve2fgs
- mest42085
- cgariss
- a6walter1
- Pionara

Mensajes Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 7:10 pm
ve2fgsHome userMember since 2005
skyfxl, YES YES YES everything has been tried to solve it. Can you tell me something ? What "Autolatency" has to do with this ? VDJ is not even playing !

It is not an ASIO error because while VDJ generates that White Noise, I can still use other softwares through the SAME M-Audio sound card and still hear them behind the loud white noise. That noise dissapears as soon as I shut down VDJ. Moreover, it really seems internal to VDJ because the VU meters shows the actual White noise output when it happens. Where are the VU meters "connected" in VDJ ? Are they behind the players or directly on the sound card outputs ?

Mensajes Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 7:15 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
incorrect latency will lead to bizzare and horrible noises aprearing in your sound

Mensajes Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 7:18 pm
ve2fgsHome userMember since 2005
What sound ? There is nothing playing ! I just open VDJ and let it sleep there, NOTHING LOADED. After 4-5 hours, SSSHHHHHHHHHHHH. That's what's happening.

It's really a *PERFECT* white noise, no clicks, pops or whatever, only a 0dB white noise.

Mensajes Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 7:21 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Anytime I've had the spooky 'white noise', is when I've loaded up a track and pressed play after not using VDJ for a while. My system is more than comfortable for audio mixing...and I just tried video for the first time live the other night (Can I just say I love it!!!) and that was fine too. When playing video my cpu was hitting 20%-30% and there were no clicks, pops, etc (although admittedly I've used Sky's very useful xp tweaking tips.

Sky, I think the problem here is that the guys have tried everything you've offered - to no avail. So, while your system seems to be running just fine, which is great, it's not the same for them. No matter what they try, the same issues are occurring, which is somewhat disheartening for them. Then there's the fact that every time we ask for help on this, all we hear is the same answer from anyone who doesn't have this problem: Performance Tab/Autolatency/XP Tweaks/Overclock checked or unchecked, etc etc etc. Again, these appear to be working for some users, but not for all.

As I said in my previous post. I'm too paranoid through habit to leave VDJ running any longer than even 2-3 hours, but that's just me, so I've never experienced the white noise live, but I would like to be in a position where I defenitely wouldn't have to worry about it happening if I did happen to leave my software running for just a minute too long.

On the same note, however, this isn't a dissing session. Sky, we all appreciate your views on these forums. I'd go as far as to say you're a highly respected member of the team and we DO take heed of your suggestions, but at the end of the day, these don't seem to be working for everyone.

Long story short: Sky - you rock, so keep it cool...(",)

Whoever it is that's in charge: This seems to be a widespread problem. Couldn't you just check and see if there's ANYTHING at all causing this? It might (and probably will) be the smallest of issues...but there are users out there who aren't all technical computer geniuses able to fix it.

Set up a few differently configured machines with VDJ on but don't load anything. Go to work for the day and come back 6 or so hours later, and check your findings. Post us back the findings. If you truly don't get these issues with a variety of setups, we'll consider that it might be our gear.

In any case, this IS an issue for some users. I'm going to keep rebooting for the time being as I'm sure something will be out that remedies the problem.

For now, my VDJ rocks. I still love the program and always have done and would never look to even try any other software.

Long post I know, but like I say, this isn't a dissing session, we just want to know that it's at least being looked into.

Cheers...and everyone...keep spinnin!!!! (",)


Mensajes Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 9:04 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
i shall purposefuly currupt 2 idetical pcs and see how they proform against 2 of the same spec but tweaked ones

i will leave them on for 10 or so hours and report back i would like to hear from the master teamers , they seem remarkably quiet on this

Mensajes Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 9:22 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Thanks Sky for trying. Don't do anything to them...leave them 'sleeping' but with VDJ open...then either try and load a track and press play.

Cheers again...(",)


Mensajes Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 9:54 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
alright tests over

on the two tweaked pcs , nothing has yet happened there still running ok

however on the messed up machines one exibited the problems you describe

i think the problem stems with the memory becoming filled or not being able to refresh correctly

which means when the next song is loaded there is a crash because there is no spare memory left

the tweaks i outlined would to stop this from happening as fast , i still recommend you use them i will do more research

i would recommend closing vdj when you do not plan to use it for a while and i would recomend that you always reboot before a event if it has been on for a long time any way to hardware reset the ram :)

will let you know what i find :)

Mensajes Thu 15 Feb 07 @ 12:56 am
@ve2fgs: I Had 0db whitenoise. On 2 different PCs but it was Numark cue (4.1 version), and it was instant when master in vdj was at max and xfader not in center. Both Pc were optimised.
Using VDJ solved the problem. Cannot remember of the levelmeter status.

So lowering the master level did not help and it looks like you play whitenoise mp3 on the deck ?

Mensajes Thu 15 Feb 07 @ 11:23 am
cgarissPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks for sticking with it sky, we can get to the bottom of this.

About your tweaking advice. Let's go through it with my setup to see if we can narrow in on a likely cause.

(>[your previous posing])

>The minimum requirement to run Virtual DJ is:
>PIII 850 MhZ computer
>1024x768 SVGA video
>DirectX compatible soundcard
>512 MB RAM
>20 MB free on the hard-drive

I'm running a Dual Core Athlon x2 4200,
GeForce 7800GTX 256Mb
280Gb free on the 7200rpm SATA drive

I'd say that more than meets the spec.

>1. On Options Go to proformances --> choose fastest --> Autolatency , and untick Safemode and overclock ,

Already done. Audio device is a Hercules Mk2.

>3. Scan Every last one of your files your going to dj with , when a non analized file is loaded it takes longer to load and the cpu is majorly taxed. once complete , close virtual dj allow it to save your database , and leave your pc to cool for a while.

Done. CPU never goes over 50% during analysis (it's a dual core - one processor thread analysing, obviously)

>4. Run A Full system defragmentation , a pc with contigous files will proform alot better than a non contiguous drive (fragmented) , even a fresh install of xp or vista is fragmented , i recommend you use diskeeper , because the disk defragmenter free in windows is utterly crap , it leaves some drives in a worse state than it began

Done. (But I disagree about Diskeeper - it's a resource hog and is constantly churning your disks)

>5. Tweak your Os ,

It's a very recent fresh install and it's tweaked to strip redundant background processes. Again, this is a far-from underpowered PC.

>6. Check that your virtual memory is correct

It is.

>7. is your video card slowing you down?

It's one of the fastest cards available. It is factory overclocked by ASUS because they bought fast-fast cores from the wafer for this model.

>8. is your harddrive to slow?

It's one of the fastest available and has a 16Mb cache

>9. Do no use any programs in the back round while using vdj , using msn , yahoo , any program even word as well as vdj is a massive resource hog , the new msn eats up 80 mb of your ram!! alone per instance when not signed in , when its signed in a massive 140!mb!


>10. now its time to check for any device conflicts or bad drivers and latency issues

The USB controller for the Mk2 Herc shares an IRQ with the SATA device, but then the laptop that shares the problem doesn't even have a SATA interface, so this is almost certainly not the cause. I get the same white noise problem on both machines with two very different USB controllers, and a different PCI-E sound card. Same white noise symptoms on two completely different computers.

>11. you may aslo want to make a fresh seprate install of your os just for vdj to ensure no unwanted programs interfear

Somewhat extreme measure to get an audio program working though, isn't it? Would you accept this if Microsoft Office suggested a dual boot before installing Excel?) I'll stick with using task manager to stop applications for testing.

>12. you should aslo check the air flow to your pc if it is working for hour and hours and getting hot it will slow down processors dont like to be hot check your airflow and cooling

It's a desktop with 120mm fans - the processor runs Half-Life 2 at 41 degrees Celsius - if I say so myself - it's a cool running PC (In a soundproofed Nexus case BTW - I strongly recommend them for audio work - FYI the mobo is an Asus SLI deluxe with north and southbridge plus voltage regulators on a heatpipe system with huge radiators under the 120mm processor fan - coolest running mobo I've yet assembled. Very good work Asus!)


Mensajes Thu 15 Feb 07 @ 11:33 am
cgarissPRO InfinityMember since 2007

I've got a question that I'd really like an Atomix programmer to answer.

Why do Virtual DJ's VU meters max-out when theis noise is present? Surely, the skin's vu reading is calculated within V DJ for display on screen before that audio data is streamed to the audio driver and hence your audio hardware. It does not make sense that the VU reading is read from an register in Windows mixer, for instance. Or some other register outside of V DJ.

Does this not point to V DJ sending junk to the audio device? Perhaps a corrupt pointer to memory that does not contain MP3 data?

Mensajes Thu 15 Feb 07 @ 11:37 am
ve2fgsHome userMember since 2005
lopez453: Here is a screenshop of the software when this White noise occurs:

As you can see, nothing has been loaded into the decks, but both VU meters are all the way up, generating that White Noise. VDJ has been at idle for about 5 hours before doing this.

As a complement, I can tell you that this is EXACTLY if I was playing a MP3 file with a White noise, except that the deck doesn't have to play. If I play with any control (Crossfaders, Volumes, EQ, Master Volume), it HAS an effect on the output.

As Niems stated in the very first post of this thread, it is INDEPENDANT of every setting in VDJ and every possible tweak posted by skyfxl.

Mensajes Fri 16 Feb 07 @ 3:01 pm
cgarissPRO InfinityMember since 2007
There's an interesting thing ve2; Are you using ASIO drivers (which bypass Microsoft's mixer?)

and BTW: Are you still thinking of paying for V DJ?

Mensajes Fri 16 Feb 07 @ 5:38 pm
ve2fgsHome userMember since 2005
Yes, the screenshot has been done using ASIO on a M-Audio Delta 1010 soundcard.

BTW: I have used VDJ for the 20 days trial period (last month) and I always has this issue. That's when I began writing on this forum. My trial is expired since about three weeks... I really like VDJ but want a solid solution. I am a Pro DJ working in a 2000+ people club. I am currently using a DJM-1000, two CDJ-1000, two DN-S1000, two SL-1200MKII and a BPM Studio solution that never gave me any problem. Am I thinking of buying VDJ ? If I can get rid of this major bug, Yes.

Mensajes Fri 16 Feb 07 @ 5:52 pm
I've written about this problem as well before. It's bizarre - and it happens on three different computers with the software installed. I will literally have the computer be doing NOTHING, and this white noise will occur.

I've run every memory tip, every analysis, every little thing.... nothing.

Mensajes Sat 17 Feb 07 @ 5:54 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
software development is a lengthy process so bare with us , and it is most likey to be resolved in the next update :)

Mensajes Sat 17 Feb 07 @ 12:15 pm
cgarissPRO InfinityMember since 2007

Yeah - when it works it's great software, but.... bugs, bugs, bugs.

(Oh and TCVs are worth a go. Mine arrived today and it's great fun.)


What was different about the PC you set up? What did you change on the one that showed the problem?

Mensajes Sat 17 Feb 07 @ 8:45 pm
peiloHome userMember since 2006
I get the same thing when I run it and fall a sleep to something playing by the time I wake up, its frozen and hissing loudly. I believe its a ram issue as well

Mensajes Mon 07 Jan 08 @ 5:11 pm

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