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Forum: Old versions

Tópico: This bug almost got me fired!!!! [Not VDJ Related]

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

ok , i have worked in the bar forever... this new program is killing me.. Its too easy .. I was so hammered because of auto pilot that i forgot and went to the off sales across the street to get more booze... Then I came back and hell had broken loose. I dont remember leaving the club at 11pm and realized that when i made it back across the street it was 1 am.. Has anyone else ever had this problem?? I want to know how to fix it ... But let me tell you i still dont know how i got the pantys in my pocket and my now ex is still pissed. any help would be great Michael from Canada..

Mensajes Mon 18 Dec 06 @ 1:33 am

I think a fix has been posted here for that!

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