Hi, i wanna buy DJ Lab 3 (with 2x Stanton 80, 2 channel Mixer) and Maya44 (internal) Soundcard and of course 2 Timecode vinyls. I red a lot in this forum about possible problems and so on ... i just want to know if i can use the timecode vinyls on a professional high level? I mean can i use it in low latency mode without lagging?! My PC has enough power. In the Advanced ASIO configuration (TimeCoded Vinyls + samples)-manual is a 3-channel mixer required. And will i need other programs like Asio4all for having no laggs? Specialy this Topic (http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/61935/Hardware_Technical_Support/Timecode_problem.html?page=1) makes me scared.
thx 4 answer
thx 4 answer
Mensajes Mon 01 Jan 07 @ 6:48 pm
those thould be fine
it wont lagg
you will need to choose
inputs :
maya 44
output external mixer
you hook the decks into the inputs
and the mixer to the ouputs
choose on proformance "autolatency"
and then press autoconfig
now should have 100%
singal and good to go :-)
they had problems because they used the wrong settings/drivers
hope that helps
it wont lagg
you will need to choose
inputs :
maya 44
output external mixer
you hook the decks into the inputs
and the mixer to the ouputs
choose on proformance "autolatency"
and then press autoconfig
now should have 100%
singal and good to go :-)
they had problems because they used the wrong settings/drivers
hope that helps
Mensajes Mon 01 Jan 07 @ 7:00 pm
thx skyfxl
Mensajes Mon 01 Jan 07 @ 7:46 pm
any time
Mensajes Mon 01 Jan 07 @ 7:54 pm