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Tema: How To Deal With Telemarketers

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mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003

Mensajes Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 8:11 pm

Mensajes Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 8:16 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004

personaly i just try and sell them my products and techncal services back

gets rid of them sharpish ;)

Mensajes Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 8:18 pm
wasting there time back is both fair and fun...

Mensajes Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 8:20 pm
freind of mine sent that to me Via Email last week - I Damn near cryed I was laughing so hard.

Mensajes Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 8:47 pm
best prank of the year (so far) lol

Mensajes Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 9:03 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
my dad once got a call from our phone company ,

offeriing to provide water

to which my dad replied , thats clever how do u get down the line , and they then hung up which i think is very rude as they suggested it =)

Mensajes Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 9:07 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Almost as much fun as sending business return mail envelopes back empty just to waste their postage.
I also used to send expired coupons to them, wife is a coupon freak and always had dead ones.

Another trick is at first be polite stating that you'd be happy to call them back on their supper break.
Or, to just lay the phone down and let them talk to themselves till they run out of breath and they realize nobody is there.

The crime here is that I pay huge yellow pages costs and multi line support for my customers to have access to me and telemarketers steal it tying up the lines to peddle their shit.
Pisses me off big time, so this was particularly funny.

Mensajes Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 9:11 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Mensajes Tue 09 Jan 07 @ 9:16 pm

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