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Tópico: A quick clarification about DJ Battles at ALL levels. - Page: 1

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

It seems that some don't quite "get it" in regards to battles.

If you know anything about Hip-Hop culture, then you know that there have ALWAYS been battles between B-Boys (break dancers), MC's and DJ's, and Graffiti Artists (I'm not talking about "tagging" which is an unfortunate reality).

They started out as a non-violent way to setlle differences between people for whatever reason they were at odds and to give each side a chance to raise their level of expertise in their field of choice and to show pride and honor in having the courage to exhibit their skills publicly.

This phenomenon caught the eye of Hollywood and the general public in the early 80's, which is when there was a flurry of movies released showcasing these battles like Beat Street and the Breakin' series. It was during this time that the Hollywood studios innapropriately re-named the art of B-Boying to "Break Dancing" because it sounded better and was more "marketable."

A few years later the spotlight was put on the turntablist/dj and has remained there ever since with international competitions taking place to this day like DMC and ITF

Like that classic intro song says on that last link I provided, "What is a DJ if he can't scratch?"

That long standing tradition still stands regardless of whether or not some choose to believe it or not, possibly for age, demographic, "maturity" (the classic excuse to cover up for lack of skills), etc. reasons.

So for anyone on these DJ forums that thinks that battling is "school yard bullying" or a "poor representation" of a DJ or his tools of the trade (SSL, FS, VDJ), you might want to check the history books and the current state of battling, because it's alive and kicking harder every year with REAL turntablists and dj's raising the bar internationally and consistently.

The "company I keep" as some might put it, not only do go represent internationally at battles for showcase AND personal reasons, but just as importantly, respect those that do. That's why I've got the respect of those high profile, renowned artists. It's not about winning or losing, it's about having the courage to play the game.

There is NO dishonor in standing up for yourself, only in not doing so.

- VT ConQuest
(Visual Turntablist)

Mensajes Mon 05 Mar 07 @ 7:28 pm
I'll support you on that ConQuest...

Dj battles, DMC championships and the whole movement of turntablism, hiphop and breaks have evolved very much around the "battle of djs"...

Its a huge part of the culture.. ;) All should run out and rent the BeatStreet movie.. hehe

Regarding the other thread though, Mike didnt seem to be that kind of dj, so he said that it was pointless doing such a battle. And gotta respect that too.

Most club djs are not the "dmc type" of djs (turtablism djs), but rather beatmixers..
And most guest find over-done scratching annoying at a club.. But its a genre well suited for dj battles and DMC championships.. Its like a trickster show-off art, and not really part of regular club play.

So think Mike just is a different type of dj.. ;)


this is the arena for DMC stuff.... ;)

And yes, before ConQuest posts, thats Icy Ice, ConQuest friend and partner dj ;)

dj-in-norway wrote :
I'll support you on that ConQuest...

Regarding the other thread though, Mike didn't seem to be that kind of dj, so he said that it was pointless doing such a battle. And gotta respect that too.

So will I CQ, but that isn't what this was about.
The guy apologized, and you called him out.

I know what battles are about btw, but when you call out a DJ in NJ because he resented something you posted it's a bit off the hook and out reach, it's a show.


dj-in-norway wrote :
this is the arena for DMC stuff.... ;)

The stage is set for honorable battle ANYWHERE among REAL turntablists and dj's. ;)

Like I said in that other thread, joerocket IS a turntablist, in the simplest form of the definiton, and I respect him for that... and that alone.

I've got issue with him STEALING my idea for V2O, regardless of the fact that it has NO impact on the bigger picture that me and Ice have already painted for our Visual Turntablism movement and VisuALL, and I was willing to resolve it through traditional "DJ" means on my behalf.

It's pointless to battle joerocket now though because he's already shown his true colors, and they're all fake and dull.

Heck, I even told Ice to go ahead and do V2O despite the fact that I'm the one who did all the work in terms of getting VDJ in there. I'm not mad at him one bit if he does, because again, it's for the greater good of what WE are doing.

Make NO mistake about it. I (me, myself, and I) got VDJ into V2O because we confided in someone (Mark) that we entrusted with information about mine and Ice's VT movement, and then a "nobody knows who the hell he is" resident "cried wolf" unnecessarily.

However, Ice knows what went down (of course, we had to make sure that we were talking about the same guy because again, no one knows who the hell he is) and we have been crew since '91 (spinning with him even before that when we were under a recording contract together). Even if he puts on his industry smile to keep things cool at V2O, what is thought and said about certain people outside of there and throughout the industry is for him to know, and he's a truthful guy with a voice that gets heard internationally. =)

Since joerocket has declined my civil invitation though, he'll have to find out the hard way the effects of getting a bad reputation as a thief and a joke dj in our industry, especially in our area where we've been consistently promoting in clubs for over 15 years and through radio for over 10.

Shouldn't have messed with me and our efforts, because now he'll be branded as "that guy at V20" FAR beyond that venue and in the music industry in general.

It's all about KARMA baby. =)

dj-in-norway wrote :
And yes, before ConQuest posts, thats Icy Ice, ConQuest friend and partner dj ;)

Oh yeah, and if it ever comes down to a crew battle, I might be able to get some back up for that too. ;)

- VT ConQuest
(Visual Turntablist)

 God I hate the sound of scratching. It sucks quite big-time.

DJ battles are homoerotic. Best left in the '80s, like shoulder pads and big-hairstyles


$0.02 = Battles are little more than My dick is bigger than yours contests that most MEN left in Highscool with the rest of the BOYS

mp3jrick wrote :
So will I CQ, but that isn't what this was about.
The guy apologized, and you called him out.

With all do respect Rick, he NEVER apologized to me. Even when I saw him in person on Saturday night, I was the one to say "what's up" to him, and he grudgingly responded.

He apologized about having started a thread that may have started a war between the SSL and VDJ communities, not to me, and THAT makes this a personal issue between us that HE has made public. He even said in that post that you are considering an apology Rick, that he "still has reservations about what transpired", meaning he still believes his own BS.

Like I said, I told Ice about all this last night and he was less than amused considering that joerocket's BS has affected OUR efforts for VisuALL, which includes our promotional efforts for Atomix/Numark and VDJ/VV. We are more than happy to continue our efforts because running into someone as (expletives removed) joerocket is rare.

No big deal though in terms of our overall Visual Turntablism efforts. Believe me. I've got another VDJ demo in an hour and a half at 3pm this afternoon. Remember, i THRIVE off competition and that area of Long Beach is VERY competitive. ;)

Afterall, I said last month that I'd get VDJ into V2O, and I did. =P

I handled this situation loosesly only because of the GM, Mark, whom I trusted and used it as a trial demo. My further negotiations will be MUCH more professionally and securely. =)

mp3jrick wrote :
I know what battles are about btw, but when you call out a DJ in NJ because he resented something you posted...

I called him out because he falsely accused me of trying to steal something from him, when HE is the thief.

Do you really not see that?!

Ait, although at times quite entertaining, this thread contains close to threats..

So no disrespect, but I'll close the thread if it takes that kinda direction

VDJ forum is not the arena for personal fights ...

hope all understands :)

Quite right Norway. Music is about bringing people together and discovering common ground.


cgariss wrote :
 God I hate the sound of scratching. It sucks quite big-time.

If you're the one doing it, I would have to agree.

cgariss wrote :
DJ battles are homoerotic.

You're user name is homoerotic.

DJ_Marce_1 wrote :
$0.02 = Battles are little more than My dick is bigger than yours contests that most MEN left in Highscool with the rest of the BOYS

I hate a lot of professional athletes, but in reality it's because I'll never be as good as them or have their opportunities.

Transparent jeoulosy is fun, isn't it? =P

The art of turntablism, scratching and tricks on ANY equipment, and the exhibitions for them are only getting better and more frequent, amateurs.

Like I said in the other thread, the old "I'm too mature" excuse is the oldest excuse used to cover for lack of skills.

dj-in-norway wrote :

Ait, although at times quite entertaining, this thread contains close to threats..

So no disrespect, but I'll close the thread if it takes that kinda direction

VDJ forum is not the arena for personal fights ...

hope all understands :)

Norway- I said in the very first sentence of this thread that battles are a non-violent way to settle differences.

The stuff about what will happen to joerockets repution and his lack of skills is just industry business. He played his industry hand by using false accusations and his position at V2O to steal my idea.

Now I'll play my industry hand and we'll see who's hand is bigger.

For the people who came out to accuse me of stealing and then changed their view once I came out and told the truth, why don't you call joerocket the thief that he is?

Remember, HE started this public altercation.

Also, if calling someone a thief is offensive and constitutes a threat, then the original thread should have been locked when "maczach" WRONGLY accused me of being one.

My friend there's a lot of your name-dropped buddies around the web doing all kinds of stuff, but you just seem to be the hanger-on. 20 years spinning discs and you still don't seem to have left an impression. Just the guy at the back of the photograph. After 20 years of trying I'd give up.

Congratulations though, you convinced V20 to get video mixing in! That's something positive to come out of all this.

Isnt Mike the resident DJ there though ? And him starting to video mix is nothing new, djs do it all over the place... And a resident dj stepping it up to keep his position is kinda understandable.

But there are lots of other places to play at though, so you shouldnt take it hard, after all Mike has probably been there for a long time, and "his place" .... No need to go on some personal vendetta for that, I'd probably do the same if you and Ice came to my club. No offence ;) hehe.. But of course I'd try to defend my work, if that included adapting to video mixing (I'm currently in the danger of being challenged just like Mike, as I havent really embraced video mixing yet... )

That aside, here is a good discussion for you:


I bet you can make a good passionate post ;) hehe

Yawn!!!! All those that really give a shit, raise your hand. Norway, please pull the trigger.

oh cant we all just get along :) and just forgive

solve world provery , global warming

i dont want to take a side or suggest one side is better in this because i was not at any of these locations or at any of these times so it would be unfair of me to pass judgment


cgariss wrote :
My friend there's a lot of your name-dropped buddies around the web doing all kinds of stuff, but you just seem to be the hanger-on.

I'm a headliner on those flyers right alongside world famous turntablists, so your blind ignorance is showing.

I made it clear that I've pretty much taken the past year off. Just waiting on the Mac version to bust back out on the scene.

cgariss wrote :
Congratulations though, you convinced V20 to get video mixing in! That's something positive to come out of all this.

HA! You got me! ... oh wait, I already posted that joke a few posts up.

Are your mixes as original as your jokes? Yeah, they're both pretty bad.

Norway, I'm surprised that you talk about "a code of conduct" and don't see the blatant theft that has taken place here.

Oh well, lock it up norway.

Well, not taking sides, but as a resident dj myself, some djs comming into my club with something, I'd defend my work too :) thats all

And with your enthusiasm and head-strong will, I bet you'll be in some other club in no time

Welcome Mike to the VDJ family. If you ever need any help, this is the place to come. You will find nothing but professional help here.

ConQuest wrote :
cgariss wrote :
 God I hate the sound of scratching. It sucks quite big-time.

If you're the one doing it, I would have to agree.

cgariss wrote :
DJ battles are homoerotic.

You're user name is homoerotic.

DJ_Marce_1 wrote :
$0.02 = Battles are little more than My dick is bigger than yours contests that most MEN left in Highscool with the rest of the BOYS

I hate a lot of professional athletes, but in reality it's because I'll never be as good as them or have their opportunities.

Transparent jeoulosy is fun, isn't it? =P

The art of turntablism, scratching and tricks on ANY equipment, and the exhibitions for them are only getting better and more frequent, amateurs.

Like I said in the other thread, the old "I'm too mature" excuse is the oldest excuse used to cover for lack of skills.

OKay here we go:

DJ battles are as lame as a battle of the bands.

The only people who give a rats ass about them are competators and someone selling something.
No I'm not in the least bit jealous of someone who can do something I cannot - If it's a skill I wish to learn I learn it

I wanted to travel and learn combat skills - I joined the Army
I wanted to play guitar and play in a band - I took lessons and played in a Stevie Ray Vaughn cover band, (can show you old press material)
I wanted to learn to fix vehicles - I went to trade school and learned

Do I care about the ability to make an irritating noise on a peice of pressed plastic?

No ****ing way.

It's not an art - its showmanship. Thats it.

People don't go to a club to listen to it, they go to a some DJ Gear store or DMC to listen to it.
People go to a club to dance, and get laid.

Transparent Jealousy?

I notice that the club you tried to get into said no thank-you to the salesman - That would be you ConQuest- and yes to his product.

Those of us that hold down Club Gigs for long periods of time learn to play the game.

I'm willing to bet a case of Beer (I'll even pay the shipping to California, you need good beer there anyway) that you went in much like your posts - Cocky and full of yourself, and that's what cost you the Gig. Not your DJ skills.

Yo Norway
Don't close this thread yet.. Allow ConQuest some more rope to hang himself
