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Tema: AMERICANS....VOTE - Page: 2

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djpr1PRO InfinityMember since 2008
Thank You America, Bout time!!


Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 7:05 am
I agree with what Bagpuss said. This is a president elect that is for the PEOPLE. Someone who the people can relate to and identify with and vice versa. As an african american and a person with mixed raced children, I am happy to see that finally they can see that there is really nothing that they cannot accomplish! I'm looking forward to a better future for our country, even if it will take a while to fix the mess the Bush administration has created for us.

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 7:12 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I think this is a great thing for foreign policy and international relations, the WORLD is truly celebrating and it is clear that this election is far bigger than America.

America is more respected today than it was yesterday.

The danger here is that we get too carried away..

Obama still has voices in his ear, just as George Bush did.
The Iraqi war can not be swepT under the carpet.

America is still in trouble, less trouble for having Obama but how much less we'll see in 2009.

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 7:18 am
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007
tayla wrote :
well done america, but i feel for that mans safety...

I agree mate!!!!


Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 7:40 am
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
I am pleased to announce my latest money make venture. The Don't Blame me...I voted for McCain bumper sticker,t-shirt, hats and, my personal favorite, adult diaper line of products. I take cash only, I do not want my traceable income crossing the 250K mark, I can't afford the taxes that are going to accompany that.

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 7:56 am
TearEmUp wrote :
I am pleased to announce my latest money make venture. The Don't Blame me...I voted for McCain bumper sticker,t-shirt, hats and, my personal favorite, adult diaper line of products. I take cash only, I do not want my traceable income crossing the 250K mark, I can't afford the taxes that are going to accompany that.

Comon Terry, give the guy some credit. He is your president for 4 years, you'll have to take it or move to France. (Bahahahaha, imagine living in the same country as the developers of VDJ... What a life! Probably all French users have v7.2 now.)

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 8:31 am
TearEmUp wrote :
I am pleased to announce my latest money make venture. The Don't Blame me...I voted for McCain bumper sticker,t-shirt, hats and, my personal favorite, adult diaper line of products. I take cash only, I do not want my traceable income crossing the 250K mark, I can't afford the taxes that are going to accompany that.

i'll take the shirts.

and of course the rest of the world is celebrating - we just put someone (and his party) in office who has no proven leadership skills, no real experience with foreign policy, and who is probably gonna castrate this country in public.

give me a good old-fashioned president the world knows has a set of balls and is afraid of any day.

and no, i didn't vote for McCain... you can still put in your own write-in.

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 8:41 am
djderricke wrote :
I agree with what Bagpuss said. This is a president elect that is for the PEOPLE. Someone who the people can relate to and identify with and vice versa. As an african american and a person with mixed raced children, I am happy to see that finally they can see that there is really nothing that they cannot accomplish! I'm looking forward to a better future for our country, even if it will take a while to fix the mess the Bush administration has created for us.

My feelings exactly, this is a President that will represent the Nation and the its Citizens, not a President that is only representing his political party. After the failed policies of the previous administration Obama will bring change that this nations desperately needs.

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 9:29 am
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
I believe President Obama will have an extremely short honey moon. The American media loves one thing more then building someone up, and that is ripping them down.

He won the election so has my support if I am called on I will do as he asks, because he is the President. I believe in supporting the office, no matter which man is sitting in it. In four years we shall see how he has done...but I am reminded of the words of Glen Beck..."we had to go through jimmy Carter, in order to reach Ronald Reagan."

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 1:30 pm
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
I hate politics, that's why I am a DJ, not a politician. You? >:-/

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 2:45 pm
great post.really hope obama does a good job as i always say make love not war.i hope theese people who want wars realise what they are doin to OUR YES OUR WORLD.future is for our kids lets make it a good and safe world so go vote for what you belive in

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 2:59 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Hate politics with a passion

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 2:59 pm
well done USA can we start working

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 4:48 pm
My cousin is a HUGE Republican from Ohio and is going nuts right now. ;) I also heard from her of how Obamanaion was going to raise our taxes, support terrorists, run us into the ground...blah blah blah. Hey, I tell her, for the past 8 years I earn more an hour but take less of it home every year. Gas prices are soaring while the oil companies rack in record profits? Two wars that are costing us billions a month but yet we can't afford to serve our own people and each state has huge deficits and can't afford some basic services? Folks who make more than 250k a year upset over tax hikes yet I had to bail them out with 700 billion of my hard earned tax dollars?
My boss tells me that he doesn't understand why so many people are whining about the economy? Yeah right. He makes more than 250k a year and is worried about his taxes. He doesn't worry about the high gas prices. No big deal he has plenty of Gold cards to charge them on. Cost of medical insurance? Please no problems for him. But...for some of my workers that make $11.00 an hour? The cost of gas and medical bills are killing them.
No give me Obama any day of the week!


Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 7:06 pm
SupaconPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Personally I'm glad to see the Democrats in power down south. Bush fucked things up so bad, I can hardly see how things can get much worse no matter who is in power though. If they do, it'll be like one of those futurisitc dystopian scenarios you see in the movies... ugh...

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 7:23 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
Lets be fair about this Supacon. The only thing the President does is pass bills or veto them. He has no power to create laws out of wholesale cloth. He is not a king nor dictator. To lay the blame on just Bush is wrong. The Congress gave him either permission, or not, depending on how they voted. I find it odd that a lot of the members of Congress were sticking their foot out to trip Bush...then laughing at him for falling. To lay all of the blame upon one man is wrong, this government was set up to be lead from three we need to be fair..and not point at one man.

Did he act as fast as I would have liked on several topics? No, but to turn around and lay all the blame for everything at his feet is just as wrong as you are claiming he is. If we are to be fair, the blame needs to be levied on congress as well as the Presidency (BTW for the last two years {which oddly enough is when Bush's troubles began} Congress has been controlled by the Democratic party). This Congress has hands down the lowest approval rating in history.

This morning, because he is the President Elect, Barak Obama was given his his first official security briefing. I am willing to bet a years salary his stance, on several topics, has changed dramatically already. There are so many things going on we do not know about, that he was told for the first time today, its not funny.

I love how people who do not live here talk about how great things are going to be, simply because we have a new President. Get back to me in four years, lets see if you feel the same way. I would never be so bold as to tell a Frenchman how much better the world is because they have a new leader. I would never be so bold as to tell a citizen of Great Briton how much better the world is because they have a new Prime Minister. Yet, everyone seems to think the US is a better place overnight because of one election? The man is not even officially in office yet, hence the title President Elect.

No one can live up to this hype. It is not fair for everyone to lay all this at Barak Obama's feet. It is akin to setting him up for failure. Let's all give him a chance, and take a deep breath. I will support him, yes, but, it is not right and it is not just to claim everything is going to be better just because he was elected. Last time I looked he was still mortal, just like George Bush.

Mensajes Wed 05 Nov 08 @ 10:45 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I have to say before this gets too far along or heated, that politics is a tender "hot spot" on this forum because we are such a mix of left, right liberal conservatives all speaking different languages and coming from different influences.

And its that last word that I wish to bring attention to, influence.

Obama didn't win the election, McCain lost it.
McCains whole style of campaigning was lame and he knows it cost him.

People, this is where the feelings start, no matter if it is coming from a friend, family member, home location, media such as radio and tv news, talk shows, or partisanship. God knows that last one has a huge role in this "influence" that seperates us this way.

Anyway, my reasons were based on what will best and speedily make things better for this country but more importantly the world.
Obviously as we all can see, the world economy is based on the US economy and that is only one issue.
As far as world friction is concerned, racism plays a major role in how well we all get along worldwide.

I think the world has every right to be interested in US politics as our "influence" in/on the world has such a role in the good and bad that can happen.
This gets way too deep to define, but lets just say if we could wipe out aggression, and recession the whole world would be a peacefull prosperous place where all we humans cared about was getting laid.

We vote OUT the worse of two evils in most cases, or chose based on our alignment with the issues and resolutions, but never all of them do we agree with. So we settle for a %.

There were/are so many issues of influence in this election, for me it came down to these things in this order.
1) McCain is in his later years, Palin not ready to run this shit period.
2) Obama being a man of color and of Muslim background is going to scream to the world that we are not a prejudice counrty nor do we hate Muslims as the middle east has stuck in the back of their heads as they take our money for their oil.
Its a business relationship and it should be treated as such, friendly not aggressive.

Other than that, it comes down to religious aggression, and that imo is a lesser threat than with McCain in there.
Our first priority should be to mend ways with the rest of the world imo.
Its not working the way it is.
He gets my vote based on that alone, the rest of the economic issues we will deal with.
We are the only one in a position to do anything about all of this, and its in our best interest to do so.

We spent decades fighting a cold war with Russia who finally ran out of money which turned the heat down.
What a fortunate thing that was because it was only getting worse the way it was back then.
But with "aggressive" thinking, we initiate new "cough" "defensive" missle system talk, and now Russia and the rest of the world starts to arm themselves. And for what?

And you know what else?
The reports of the billions we spend monthly on a "war" that isn't even a war.
We are not fighting anybody, no bombs, no front line, no nothing.
Where in hell is all of this money going?
Sure initially we moved all th is shit over to Iraq, bombed the hell out of them and it was basically over.
So now we have basically room and board for expenses, so why is it costing us billions each month.
Can you imagine how fast a full blown war would bankrupt this country?
Do we really want to flirt with that?
And these aren't even regular troops for the most part, they are National Guard who don't cost nearly what regular military costs us.
We watched the cold war end as Russia bankrupted itself causing undue pain and suffering on its people TO THIS DAY, and we are doing the same damn thing in the US RIGHT NOW.
Everybody is so concerned about the economy and health care, but can you imagine if we focussed what we spend on our military instead on these problems?

This middle east thing is never going to settle down with us there showing aggressive posture, and it spreads like cancer in the region.

We didn't learn anything from Vietnam.

The world would be such a better place without aggression and defensive posture.
Thats where it starts and that is where it has to stop.
We do this over and over again decade by decade century by century going back to the beginning of time, and every single time, its aggression that starts it casting us into this stalemate/showdown seeing who will blink first.

Sure the US could step up and into it being the world police, but it always leads to the same showdowns time and time again.

I swear it starts on the playground as kids who bully kids by the need to dominate others demonstrating strength.
Then look where it leads as those kids grow up.

So we need a peacfull approach, or we will most certainly get caught up and get sucked into these messy situations again and again.
We need to get the fk out of the worlds harbors and off their lands with our military.
Do that and you send a message.
The message is don't confuse being weak with desiring peace, and watch how much more respect we get from the world.
Wars are too easy to start and too difficult to end, nobody wants the shame of surrender, but pride is just another one of those "influences" that dictate what and how we act.
One over the other, looking at things that way, Obama got my vote.

I wish him the best in solving all of these issues and I think his head is in the right place for this to stand a chance at this critical time in the world.

"The bulbs may be different, but the light is the same" - Madonna 2008

Sorry for the rant


Mensajes Thu 06 Nov 08 @ 8:12 am
Reading this post up to this point I think nobody in the "US of A" knows anything about the new vice president... do you even know his name?? Funny how the media takes advantage of making fun of a woman but hasn't said or made fun of "what's his name"(VP elect). Is he even qualified for the job? I think Palin should be the next President of the US of A. We've learnt a lot about here through the media, etc and if I was an American I'd give her my vote! "Go Palin Go"

Mensajes Thu 06 Nov 08 @ 10:34 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Do YOU know what his name is?

Mensajes Thu 06 Nov 08 @ 10:59 am
arealz whois The VP??

Mensajes Thu 06 Nov 08 @ 11:00 am