Radius 3000

American Audio - Radius 3000 - Disposición


  1. IN. Press this button to set a Loop In (Entry point).
    Hold TAP(S) down and then press this button to set the Jogwheel to Loop In mode and (fine) adjust the Loop In point using the jog (6) when a loop is enabled. The Led of the button will blink to indicate the Loop In Wheel mode. Press again to return the Jogwheel to Jog mode.

  2. OUT. Press this button to set a Loop Out (Exit point).
    Hold TAP(S) down and then press this button to set the Jogwheel to Loop Out mode and (fine) adjust the Loop Out point using the jog (6) when a loop is enabled. The Led of the button will blink to indicate the Loop Out Wheel mode. Press again to return the Jogwheel to Jog mode.

  3. RELOOP. Press this button to exit a Loop if enabled or trigger the last used/saved loop if not (reloop).

    Hold TAP(S) down and then press this button down to set the the Jogwheel to Loop Movemode and (fine) adjust the size of the loop using the jog (6) when a loop is enabled. The Leds of both the IN (18) and OUT (19) buttons will blink to indicate the Loop Out Wheel mode. Press again to return the Jogwheel to Jog mode.

  4. BEAT <. Press this button to half the size (in beats) of the Loop.

  5. BEAT >. Press this button to double the size (in beats) of the Loop.

  6. SMART. Use this button to enable/disable the Smart Loop mode. If enabled, VirtualDJ will automatically adjust the length of the manual loop (using IN and OUT) to the nearest size in order a seamless (on beat) loop to be offered.

    Hold TAP(S) down and then use this button to enable/disable the Loop Roll mode. If this mode is enabled the led right above this button will blink as an indication and the IN, OUT and RELOOP buttons will now offer temporary Loop Roll actions.

  7. LOOP LEDS. These leds will indicate the size of the triggered loop in beats. Starting from left the leds will show sizes of ¼, 1/2, 1, 2 and 4 beats (the 3rd led ¾ is not used)
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