Pioneer DJ - XDJ-RX2 - Disposición


  1. QUANTIZE: Use this button to enable/disable Quantize mode. When enabled, Hotcues and Loops will snap to the nearest beat (or other value, depending on the Quantize step value)

  2. TIME MODE: Use this button to toggle between the Remain and Elapsed Time view on the Display for the Decks.
    Hold the same button down for more than 1 second to enable/disable Auto-Cue. When enabled (A.CUE indication on the Display), tracks will load on the 1st available Hot Cue or (First beat if not available)

  3. USB 1: Press this button to read and browse the content of the USB Flash Drive connected to the USB Source 1 socket.

  4. USB 2: Press this button to read and browse the content of the USB Flash Drive connected to the USB Source 2 socket.

  5. MIDI: Press this button to read and browse tracks and folders from VirtualDJ

  6. RECORDBOX: Press this button to read and browse tracks from Rekordbox. Mode is not available when VirtualDJ is running

  7. BROWSE: Press this button to display the Browser view on the Display. Press again to return to the Waves/Decks view

  8. TAG LIST: Press this button to display the Tag List of a USB Source. Not available when VirtualDJ is running

  9. INFO: Press this button to display a view on the Display with Information for the loaded Tracks (such as Title, Artist, Album, BPM, Genre, Key etc). Press again to return to the Waves/Decks view.

  10. MENU: Hold this button down for more than 2 seconds to access the Utilities menu of the unit and adjust several settings.
    While the BROWSE view is enabled, press this button to get the Video mode view and select a Video Transition, enable Title, Slideshow and Camera plugins and other Video functions.

  11. BACK: Press this button to set focus to the Folders list of VirtualDJ Browser and get the Folders view on the Display. If focus is on Folders, use this button to expand/collapse sub-folders

  12. TAG TRACK: Press this button to open the File Info window on the Browser of the VirtualDJ GUI and view additional track information.

  13. BROWSE/ZOOM: When in Waves/Decks view, use this rotary to zoom waves in/out. When in Browser view, use this rotary to scroll through folders and tracks. Push the rotary to set focus to the Songs list (if not already) and view the content of the folder on the Display
    Hold SHIFT down and then push the rotary to select the Sideview and view its content on the Display. Hold SHIFT down and then use the rotary to cycle through the available lists of Sideview (Automix, Sidelist, Sampler , Karaoke and Shortcuts)

  14. TRACK FILTER: This button is not used in VirtualDJ.

  15. SHORTCUT: Use this button to show some additional settings Display view to adjust the Quantize step value, Lock/Unlock the Needle on the Decks/Wave view, assign unit to Decks 3,4 etc.

  16. LOAD: Use these buttons to load the selected track to either left or right deck.

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