

 Skin SDK Visual

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Skin SDK: The <visual> element

A visual is a zone with static graphics or dynamically change its display to reflect various things.

Syntax : <visual source="" type="" orientation="" direction="" granularity="" visibility="" os="" panel="" deck="">.

Inherited Attributes :
visibility="" os="" panel="" deck=""
See Global Element Attributes

Other Properties :
  • source : possible values:
  • "beat" : The beat intensity
  • "rotation" : The angle of the disc (depends on the position and the RPM speed)
  • "arm" : The position of the turntable's arm (moves on PLAY and PAUSE)
  • "volume" : The volume (depends on the crossfader and the level values)
  • "position" : The position in the song
  • Any of the "get ..." VDJ Script actions that return a numeric value

  • type : possible values:
    • "onoff" : Display the up graphic if source>=2048, or the down graphic if source<2048
    • "transparent" : Fade smoothly between up and down graphics
    • "linear" : Display a portion from the down graphic then a portion from the up graphic
    • "custom" : Display a specific graphic depending on the source value
    • "color" : Display a specific color depending on the source value
    • vumeter: To create a vu-meter style visual with <led>s.
  • orientation="" : (defined for type="linear" only) possible values: "horizontal" or "vertical"
  • direction="" : (defined for type="linear" only) possible values: "left", "right", "up" or "down"
  • granularity="" : (for type=linear) Divide your visual graphics to sections and get section by section representation instead of smooth. (useful for VU-meters)
    Children :
    • <pos x="" y=""/> : Give the position of the visual on the screen. Read further details in Skin Element Position
    • <size width="" height=""/> : Give the width and height of the visual
    • <clipmask x="" y=""/> (optional) : Give the coordinate of the B&W graphic that should be used as a clip mask when drawing the visual
    • <off x="" y=""/> : (all types except "custom") Give the coordinate of the graphic to use when the visual is low. Vector graphics can be used as well (see button)
    • <on x="" y=""/> : (all types except "custom") Give the coordinate of the graphic to use when the visual is high. Vector graphics can be used as well (see button)
    • <up x="" y="" nb="" nbx=""/> : (type="custom" only) Give the coordinate of the graphics to use with the custom type (works like for a "round" slider). Vector graphics can be used as well (see button)
    • <led x="" y="" width="" height=""/> (for type="visual") : to define the leds of the vu-meter with the following children for each: [list]
    • <off color="" radius="" border="" border_size=""/>
    • <on color="" radius="" border="" border_size=""/>


    Example 1: A linear horizontal visual displaying loop position on a bar, using vector graphics.
    <visual source="loop_position" type="linear" orientation="horizontal">
    <pos x="19" y="285"/>
    <size width="99" height="7"/>
    <off shape="square" color="jogringoff" radius="3"/>
    <on shape="square" color="jogringon" radius="3"/>

    Example 2 : A simple colored area with vector graphics.
    <pos x="125-10" y="252-10"/>
    <size width="12+20" height="12+20"/>
    <off color="#404040" border="#808080" border_size="1"/>

    Example 3 : A simple colored area using color-type visual and a graphics mask.
    <visual source="loop_roll_mode ? constant '#427db4' : constant '#00000000'" type="color">
    <pos x="125" y="252"/>
    <size width="12" height="12"/>
    <mask x="195" y="1085"/>

    Example 4 : A jog-rotation visual pointing to the graphics that need to rotate (e.g. logo + needle)
    <visual type="rotation" source="get_rotation" visibility="loaded">
    <pos x="+19+61" y="+26+60"/>
    <size width="64" height="64"/>
    <on x="993" y="86" width="64" height="64"/>

    Example 5: A VU-meter visual pointing to the on image graphics using 23 "leds".
    <visual source="get level" type="linear" orientation="vertical" granularity="23" direction="up" >
    <pos x="+3" y="+3"/>
    <size width="15" height="299"/>
    <on x="1098" y="2393"/>

    Example 6 : A vector VU-meter type visual with <led>.
    <visual type="vumeter" x="200" y="250" width="16" height="100" source="get_level" smooth="true" >
    <led x="+0" y="+80" width="16" height="18">
    <off color="gray" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>
    <on color="green" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>
    <led x="+0" y="+60"width="16" height="18">
    <off color="gray" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>
    <on color="green" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>
    <led x="+0" y="+40" width="16" height="18">
    <off color="gray" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>
    <on color="green" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>
    <led x="+0" y="+20" width="16" height="18">
    <off color="gray" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>
    <on color="orange" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>
    <led x="+0" y="+0" width="16" height="18">
    <off color="gray" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>
    <on color="red" radius="2" border="black" border_size="1"/>

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