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Tema: NEW BPM Detection Software - Page: 7

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Not ALL files are scanned. All files in the specified text file have been proccessed (im trying to process only a subdirectory of my collection). Thanks for your quick responses by the way.

Mensajes Sat 10 Jul 04 @ 4:29 pm
Okay, but are the files you want to update scanned with BOTH the MixMeister app and VDJ? Because if you didn't scan them with VDJ and the MixMeister app, it won't work: scanning with VDJ will add the proper entries to the database (it has to be an EXTENTED ANALYSIS (full analysis of each file) to work because the simple hard drive scan does not create the entries in the database, and my program can't create the ones that are not present (it can only update, thus the name)).

(Concerning the quick responses, that's because I happened to be on the forum ;) )


Mensajes Sat 10 Jul 04 @ 4:37 pm
Yes, the files in question have been scanned/analyzed by both programs. It appears that none of the files in the filder have been updated. Im guessing the update routine dosent start, but thats a wild guess.

Mensajes Sat 10 Jul 04 @ 4:39 pm
Uh... that's really weird... It works fine for most people. Maybe (I'm guessing) VDJ had the right BPM's at first?

I can't look at the code this weekend, as I'm away from home, but I'll have a look as soon as I can (but I don't think there's a problem with the routines... over 300 downloads, and very few problems (most of them solved anyway :) ))


Mensajes Sat 10 Jul 04 @ 4:43 pm
Nah, the bpms are dead wrong. But thanks for all the help.

Mensajes Sat 10 Jul 04 @ 4:54 pm
"It appears that none of the files in the filder have been updated."

Sounds like your .mp3 files are set to READ-ONLY so their ID Tags are not being updated. Check permissions on your files. You may be having an overall permissions problem as well.

Mensajes Sat 10 Jul 04 @ 5:05 pm
Permissions are set correctly. Im still confused. Does anyone know how the bpm setting in vdj's xml file is related to the actuall number? For instance, 23012 somehow equals 115 bpm. Any Ideas?

Mensajes Mon 12 Jul 04 @ 5:43 am
djzeroPRO InfinityMember since 2003
i had a problem on about 5 out of 15000 songs like this but without the doubling. easy way to fix is to ,ove the decimal place 2 places to hte left and divide by 2. that way the file will be 115.01.

i'm not sure why this happens but only ouucred in a few files for me any songs with a bpm 5 numbers long need the decimal changed. example. 15654 would be 156.54 (or for r&b or similar you would need to divide by 2 probably)

Mensajes Mon 12 Jul 04 @ 10:44 am
The number represents the number of samples between each beat. The BPM is calculated like this: 60 * 44100 / [number] where [number] is the number you find in the XML database. That way, if the number is "22050", 60 * 44100 / 22050 = 120.00 BPM :)


Mensajes Mon 12 Jul 04 @ 11:51 am
Thank you guys. Tell me, any of you familiar with how the hercules djconsole performs in virtualdj 2? Im thinking about getting one.

Mensajes Mon 12 Jul 04 @ 1:48 pm
phillydjPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
i notice what might be a problem when ur updating with the txt file it lets you choose comma or - for the bpm but when i open the text file itself to see how mixmiester wrote it theres niether seperating the bpm from the rest of the song so thers no way of the updater finding it

Mensajes Tue 13 Jul 04 @ 9:53 pm
phillydjPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
nevermind i stand corrected i see that is uses tabs not -

Mensajes Tue 13 Jul 04 @ 10:47 pm
If you want to use the MixMeister file, use the default values; they were chosen to work with it :)


Mensajes Tue 13 Jul 04 @ 11:07 pm
phillydjPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
i love the bpm feature on vdj but im wondering why is everyone so anxious to get it perfect i dont know about the rest of you guys but i started on vinyl years ago... there was no bpm counter then and as a pro dj u should not need it.... so it's a great addon but for any other pro dj's in here if u guys feel that it's that the counter is that much of a problem than i think u might need to check out the mixing forum. Iam not putting anyone down but lets be real Pro Dj shouldnt care what the bpm counter says long as your headphones work you should be fine thats why we get the big gigs and not the newbies lets not get lazy ...........
remember our roots ....'s a great job on the pluggin keep up the good work on all your pluggins

Mensajes Wed 14 Jul 04 @ 6:38 pm
Thanks :)

Mensajes Wed 14 Jul 04 @ 7:59 pm
Can the VDJ Dev Team write its own version of this NEW BPM Detection Software and incorporate it into VDJ so this is done automatically?



Mensajes Tue 03 Aug 04 @ 7:00 pm
I am certain that the team is working to fix the small problem there is in the beat detection algorithm, but meanwhile this program, along with the addon "VDJ Database Updater" do a good job at fixing the BPM's in VirtualDJ.

The only problem when using this is that you have to manually adjust the CBG's after updating your database, but at least you have good BPM's :)


Mensajes Tue 03 Aug 04 @ 7:05 pm
Thanks for the reply macourteau and your contributions to this very informative thread. I would like to see the VDJ DEV Team develop something like Acid Pro's "Beatmapper." Are you familiar with it? If so, what do you think about it?


Mensajes Tue 03 Aug 04 @ 7:16 pm
Sorry, I never heard of it...

You should ask for this in the 'New Features' section of this forum. :)


Mensajes Tue 03 Aug 04 @ 7:21 pm

Mensajes Tue 03 Aug 04 @ 7:38 pm

(Los tópicos y foros antiguos son automáticamente cerrados)